《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》****REALLY BIG WARNING DON'T SKIP****


Hello there lovely people,

Things will be very steamy from here on out. This, however will not be a good lemon scene. It contains abuse, rape and violence.

As Wattpad allows lemon chapters, i'm going to be posting the chapter on here.

Now I know there are some people who are not comfortable reading a (rape) scene like this so you can choose yourself whether you want to read it. The rest of this chapter is only the lemon and thus of no effect for understanding the story.

However, you need to be a 120% sure that you want to read this chapter, it is NOT a lovey dovey scene, so be prepared!

I never made you read anything, it's your decision but if you really do want to read it...

Enjoy :)

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