《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 18: Another reason



Wow, I already have so many followers. You guys are incredibly amazing!

This chapter contains vulgar language, Be prepared!


It was then realization had dawned up on you. It felt as if all the pieces of a puzzle were finally complete, as if the gears on your head finnaly began to turn at their full rate. All this information overload was being collected and turned into one big but clear picture. You had been lied to, you had been deceived for all this time.

But you did get the answer you wanted. The answer of the question which had haunted you for several weeks, the main cause of your pondering, of your headaches.

You finnaly knew why you had been taken.

Lola's father.


He was the one causing all this demise onto you, onto your friends and even onto his own daughter. You now knew what they meant by this Creepypasta project. It was that project they had been working on. Another thought sneered through your head when they mentioned that 'thing'.

They couldn't be looking for that blueprint? That supposedly 'failed' blueprint Lola hid? If they were then Lola would've already told them right? Unless she really didn't want them to find it. However even though you weren't really tortured yet you knew that the pain would be much stronger than your morals.

You felt a harsh slap across your face, your head swinging to the side while your cheek began to sting. You snapped your head back towards the two killers standing there, the masked one with a raised hand while the hooded guy had retreated back to his place against the wall.

"You're still following, sunshine?" You quickly nodded, showing that you understood what he had said and that there was no need for him to hit you more. Of course, there was no guarantee he would even need a reason to hit you.

"They're calling it the 'Creepypasta project', and it is supposed to be completely secret."He huffed at the word secret, before turning to you. "But I'm sure that you know more about it." He had placed the cold material of the hammer under your chin, lifting it up so that you could take a good look at his mask.

You swallowed slowly, not daring to take your eyes off of the dark eyes on his mask as you opened your mouth to speak. You had no idea why Lola hadn't told them about the blueprint yet, but you valued your life. They would find it somehow. This way you could stretch your chances of survival.

"T-T-The-" You were cut off by that masked guy slamming the hammer onto the table roughly, before turning his body towards you.

"Stop fucking stuttering, you sound like Toby." He leaned closer towards you and if he wouldn't wear that mask you were sure you could feel his breath lingering on your skin.

"And I hate Toby." Your breath got stuck in your windpipe as you felt him being so close, his dangerous aura engulfing you within seconds as he didn't retreat.

"They are planning to create a weapon against you!" You quickly yelled, hoping that this answer would satisfy him enough to leave you alone. Of course, it wouldn't. Luck wasn't on your side this time.


"A weapon? So they did continue on with it? That's just great." The masked man slowly took a few steps back as he seemed to ponder over something. Your chest was heaving up and down in a rapid pace as your eyes followed his every movement.

"Any idea of where the blueprint of this 'weapon' is?" You now bit your lip, staring holes into the back of the masked man's head as you thought about it. Would you tell them? You didn't really have a choice.

Gathering all the information you have heard until now you realized they only kept you here because you supposedly held important information regarding that project. However you knew nothing of it, except for the fact that there was small possibility the blueprint was at your house.

It was still strange, though. Why didn't Lola think of it? Or Rayne for that matter? Did they really believe it was nothing? Or did they want to protect Lola's father? How harsh it may sound, screw him. He was the cause of all this, thanks to him you were sitting here, bound to a chair while two psychopaths are at the brink of killing you.

"It may be at my house." You dared to speak up, still looking at the masked man as he turned around, slowly walking over to you.

"No shit, Sherlock. But where exactly?" Your eyes shifted from this guy towards the hooded man still standing hidden in the shadows at the back of the room. You didn't like that Masky guy standing so close, but you were more anxious about the one being silent.

"In the basement. H-hidden behind boxes." You quickly added, hoping that this was the right answer. Masky hummed in approval as he again stepped away from you, walking around the room as if thinking.

"If you know where it is then you are coming along with us, tomorrow." A low, menacing voice grumbled. You knew it was that hooded man who spoke. Coming with them? No, you couldn't do that. First of all you were returning to that damned place and second... Together with murderers.

"Heh, that's a good idea Hoodie."

You didn't want to go back there again.

But you had no choice.

You were afraid. Once they had found the small vault there was a high possibility that they could kill you right after. No, they would kill you right after.

"Ah, what's wrong? You're scared? That's understandable." The masked man once again turned back towards you, letting out a horrendous laugh while mocking you. It was as if he could feel your fear, as if he could sense your unease.

"Stop fooling around and let's go. We have more to do, Masky" Hoodie spoke, pushing himself off of the wall before walking towards the door. They were going to leave you like this?! Masky's head snapped towards his partner.

"Ahh, but I wanted to play for a while." He fake whined, pointing towards you with his hammer. You were scared to find out what this playing meant. You had a hunch though.

"This is exactly why Toby is the master second in command now." The attention of Masky was now completely on Hoodie as he turned his whole body to face him. He must've hit a sensitive string because the aura around the guy changed from fooling around dangerous to straight up monstrous.


"What did you just say? I think I've misheard you. Why don't you say it again?" He had gripped the hammer tighter into his hand, the anger radiating off of him. The hooded man only stood there calm and collected before speaking:

"Toby took your place, deal with it." You wanted to shove your chair away, to hide in a corner or under the table. The whole room had filled itself with a tension so bad, it felt as if someone had been rolling on tons of balloons in order to charge himself and his finger being only an inch away from you.

A serious fight was about to happen and you had the luck to be in the middle of it.

Right at that moment, when Masky was about to charge at Hoodie, the door swung open, revealing your knight in shiny armor.

Or not.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Jeffrey." The masked guy immediately regained his mocking composure as he turned towards the smiley killer. You saw Jeff standing there, the still with blood covered knife clenched tightly into his white hands.

"Are you and Velma here done with the fucking tea party? Because it's my turn to have some fun." Jeff snorted, his lidless orbs fixed on you. His staring gave you the utter chills and you prayed that Masky and Hoodie still had more questions to ask you.

"What's wrong? Is it that time of the month again?" Masky let out a stiff laughter as the hammer still dangled in between his hands. Jeff's eyes now turned towards the masked man as he straightened his back, his towering height making him seem even more dangerous.

"Is that a challenge, Tim?" He growled, gripping the knife tighter in his hand while waiting for the sign to start cutting at the guy. Masky only stood there in silence, before shaking his head, chuckling.

"I'm afraid I have more useful things to do, but I guess you don't know what useful means. I'm off." Then he left the room, nearly smashing the door behind him. The hooded guy walked over to the door easily, his hand reaching out for the knob and opening it.

"Make sure she can walk tomorrow, we have more things to do than to satisfy your needs. She needs to take us to the blueprints." Jeff only let out a small chuckle, shaking his head before turning towards Hoody.

"Oh don't worry, I'm coming along. You don't think I'd be that stupid to leave my pet alone with you and that idiot?" Hoodie now turned around, facing Jeff while crossing his arms again. Pet? He called you his pet? What kind of sick people are they?

"If you insist then I welcome you. Just DON'T get in my way. Why do you need a pet anyway?" Jeff only snorted, glancing over to you before his eyes turned back towards Hoodie.

"I have my reasons." The hooded man sighed, turning around and leaving the building in a whim.

"So, where were we?"

You only glared at this killer with all your hatred, you never forgot what he did to you, how he made you feel. Not to mention the fact that he had purposely hurt you for his own satisfaction. You watched as he stepped closer to you, the small pieces of rock and glass scrunching underneath his combat boots.

Your eyes then were fixed on his with fresh blood stained hoody and above all the red, glistening knife in between his fingers.

"What do you want?" You dared to speak, hoping that he was somehow a little more calm than before. You were expecting him to become enraged, slamming your head once again into the table out of anger. But he only chuckled darkly, shaking his head as if mocking you for even asking a question that stupid. Well, to you it wasn't.

"I just want to have a nice talk with you, isn't that obvious?" He began to laugh at his own words, showing just how sarcastic it was. You couldn't help but to feel very offended by this, as if it was so obvious what he wanted. It isn't obvious!

"I already told them everything I know about the project." You decided to reply, hoping that your guess was correct. But you had this gut feeling it wasn't. Those disturbing e-mails and texts you got weren't just to scare you, and you knew it.

"You're not very sharp, are you?" He smirked, stopping right in front of you. His leathery white hand then suddenly gripped your chin tightly, his head moving closer to your face until all you could do was stare into his lidless orbs.

"I want to stand right next to you when you go through this all, when you see how 'monstrous' we really are. I want to see you cower in fear, in pain, to crush your once so pitifully beautiful life until death is the only good prospect about it."

Your breathing became heavier with each word he spoke, your body filling itself with fear and desperation. That is what he wanted? You couldn't believe it. Not because you thought he wouldn't be up for it, oh no, you never doubted that.

It was just that you knew there was another reason why he wanted you.


Notice that I secretly stole some of David Near's texts from his video. It just fits perfectly with the situation!

I thank you all for reading, commenting and giving this story a heart! You people really are fabulous!

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