《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 10: To the door



This chapter contains vulgar language, violent themes and slight gore. Be prepared!

In the last chapter (Chapter 9, another attack!?) You could choose whether to run to the door or to run to the panic button. If you didn't choose just yet then go back to chapter 9 and choose.

If you did pick your decision then consider all of the above not written and go on with the story!


You wanted to run towards the door when something stopped you. From the corner of your eye you saw something, no... Someone, coming out of the TV. Your breath hitched as you slowly turned towards the TV, nailed to the ground as you were the spectator of something so unusual.

There was a person crawling out of the TV.

There was a fucking person crawling out of a fucking TV.

Once the person stood on his feet you could take a good look at him. He looked like... Link! However when he raised his head there was one big difference between him and the hero of your childhood games. This Link had black eyes with blood seeping from what seemed his pupils. His grin screamed of malice and danger, and you didn't need to look at him twice before knowing you had to run.

You immediately opened the door and shot into the hallway. You didn't have time to look back because you could hear his rushed footsteps behind you. However from the corner of your eyes you could see the two deformed bodies of the guards lying there, a wire tightened around their necks.

"Come back here, beautiful. I just want to play."

You screamed for help again, hoping to gain some attention. You nearly tripped over another body of a guard, no... It wasn't a guard or FBI agent anymore. It was a bloody mess of bones and intestines sprawled across the white, marble floor.

You had to use all your willpower to prevent you from puking, but there wasn't any room or time for throwing up anyway. Your mind was occupied with running away from this creep. You saw the big, black doors in front of you and you knew you were fucked.


Those doors were always closed out of safety.

You decided to make a sharp turn and head into the bathroom. You immediately gripped the handle of the door to stop yourself from sliding further because of your speed, before you wanted to slam the door shut. However even though you used all your power to close the door, a small foot was preventing your safety.

You gave a yelp of frustration as you pushed your whole body against the door but it didn't work. Instead, the door slammed open with such force that it knocked you backwards, the back of your knees hitting the edge of the tub as you fell backwards with a harsh smack.

The pain of the crash made you believe your spine was broken, but you were desperate to get away. You tried to crawl out of the tub but a weight on top of you made it impossible. You felt someone gripping your pulses tightly before you dared to open your eyes.

"My, my, you look even more beautiful up close. Those clothes look damn good on you." You saw the green elf grinning at you and you struggled even harder. This didn't seem to impress him, because he still kept your arms in a steady grip. You stopped struggling and only looked at him with anger, nearly hissing at the boy.

"Oh where are my manners? I haven't even introduced myself properly. My name is BEN Drowned, but you, sunshine, can call me BEN." You wiggled again, trying to make him move even a little bit.

But he was too strong.

"Wow, I can see why you're Jeff's favorite. It isn't fair that he already called you his property now, is it?" The tight space in the tub made you feel even more uncomfortable as this elf was on top of you. You growled at him, and then did something you never even dreamed you would do.

You spat in his face.

His expression went from shocked to realization to pure horror.


You felt your head swing to the right as he had struck you. Hard. You only turned your face back to him, preparing for another round of defiance until you saw his expression. His eyes were resting on certain parts of your body and his grin seemed to widen by every second.


"That was one stupid move to make, beautiful." You began to struggle again, but he only kept his tight grip, slamming your arms next to your body as his face came closer and closer. You were paralyzed by fear as his mouth stopped right next to your ear, his rushed and with lust filled breaths roaming over your cheek.

"You know, Jeff calling you his property doesn't mean shit if I claimed you first. Why not make it official now, huh? Not the best place I suppose, but we can make something out of it." Your eyes widened as his words repeated in your head. What was he planning? Oh you knew damn well what he was planning but you didn't want to believe it.

His head moved lower to your neck, goose bumps were raising on your flesh as you felt his hot breath tickling your tender skin. You heard him sniff loudly, as if inhaling your scent. Because his head went lower, his whole body moved along. You began to trash again with all your might, screaming loudly and this time using your legs.

He seemed not to have expected that action because he immediately sat up straight, moving slightly so that your left leg was free. You began to kick around, he swiftly avoiding the out of control limb as he only smirked at your attempts to break free.

"That won't do you any good now, honey." You only began to trash your leg even more at this, trying to hit him with all you got. However instead of hitting him, your foot made contact with something entirely different. The tap. Your foot collided with the lever, making it shoot upwards.

You immediately were greeted with a fair amount of cold water splashing on top of BEN before it would get to you, leaving you drenched and wet. But it was far worse for BEN. He seemed to screech, the same robotic scream you heard when you had cut the wire.

His whole body began to... Glitch? His hands shot up to his head, gripping it tightly before he would flash like a broken hologram. After a few seconds of hearing that awful sound it stopped, together with the full disappearance of BEN.

You didn't feel his body weight on top of you as the sprinkles were now fully directed at you. You shot up, carefully searching around for any sign of BEN.

But he was gone.

You gave a loud sigh of relief but realized it wasn't over yet. Oh no. You tried to stand up straight but the pain in your lower back made it nearly impossible. The determination of getting to safety took control and you stumbled out of the bathtub, completely wet and wounded.

You faltered your way over to the still open door, nearly crawling through the door opening before you saw the thing you wanted.

The red button.

You gathered all of your energy to make one last sprint towards the button, reaching your hand out to touch it. You were only 10 centimeters away from safety.

Your hand made contact with the button, pushing it in slightly and you were immediately greeted by the whole hallway flashing a bright red and loud alarms. You collapsed against the wall, the pain spreading through your whole body was nearly unbearable.

It didn't take long before the big, black doors at the end of the hallway busted open, revealing tons of men in army clothing and bullet proof vests. You saw them coming towards you, yelling at others for medics. One kneeled down in front of you, asking you things you didn't understand.

You couldn't hear him.

Your eyes kept closing by themselves, you were unable to fight against your own lids who were in desperate need of relaxation. You could only think of the past event and how you had AGAIN escaped from a killer.

Luck was definitely at your side.


Congratulations, you chose the right thing to do!

I want to thank all those lovely comments and hearts, they make my day!

Hope you enjoyed and don't hesitate to leave a comment or feedback. Ideas are also welcome!

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