《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 11: To the button



This chapter contains vulgar language and violent themes. Be prepared!

In chapter 9 (Another attack!?) You could choose whether to run to the door or to run to the panic button. If you didn't choose just yet then go back to chapter 9 and choose.

If you did pick your decision then consider all of the above not written and go on with the story!


You wanted to run towards the panic button when something stopped you. From the corner of your eye you saw something, no... Someone, coming out of the TV. Your breath hitched as you slowly turned towards the TV, nailed to the ground as you were the spectator of something so unusual.

There was a person crawling out of the TV.

There was a fucking person crawling out of a fucking TV.

Once the person stood on his feet you could take a good look at him. He looked like... Link! However when he raised his head there was one big difference between him and the hero of your childhood games. This Link had black eyes with blood seeping from what seemed his pupils. His grin screamed of malice and danger, and you didn't need to look at him twice before knowing you had to run.

Even though he was near the panic button, you took your chance and sprinted towards the big, red knob on the wall. He didn't seem to expect this action, because his face showed signs of confusion. But you had no time to think about it.

You nearly tripped over the wires, carefully avoiding them and reaching out your hand to touch the way to freedom. When your hand finally collided with the small burgeon you felt relieved, but it wasn't over yet. The whole room began to lit up in a bright red light.

The sound of an alarm was screeching through the small chamber and you could only be glad that it had worked. However your moment of joy was short lived once you saw that this guy was lunging forward to you, cursing under his breath.


Probably because you had just touched the panic button without him interfering.

You quickly jumped backwards, out of the way before stumbling over the table. He missed you by an inch, but your back collided roughly with the floor. You had no idea of how fast you had to get up before this sicko could get his hands on you.

"You bitch, and I thought we could do this the easy way." He hissed at you, his blood dripping eyes boring into yours, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up straight. You only gulped as he slowly came closer towards you, taking one step at a time.

You searched around the room, trying to find something which can be used as a weapon. But there was nothing which could stand up against a link lookalike crawling out of a TV. It was then you began to scream loudly for help, the panic button was pressed so what took those guys so long?

"No one is going to save you now, (Y/N)." The elf growled at you, smirking once he felt the fear radiating off your body. He loved to see the horror on people's faces once he was coming to get them. You wanted to tell him that they would come, that they would shoot him through that fake head of his.

But you weren't so sure.

You only took a few steps backwards until you felt something cold pressed against your back. The wall. Fuck. There was no escape now as the killer walked towards you with such malice, throwing aside the table and chair which were getting in his way.

You then raised your arms, holding them in front of your face protectively as the elf boy stood a few inches away.

"Aw, what's the matter? Scared?" His hand then reached for your face, finding its way through your raised limb as he held your chin in a tight grip. He forced you to look at him, grinning when you had shut your eyes tightly, not daring to look at his deranged face.


"You're quite fun to play with, I hope you can keep up the attitude once I'm done with you." Your eyes now shot open, looking at him with abhorrence.

A firm knock on the door interrupted your little moment together. No, it sounded more like a smash.

"(Y/N)! Are you alright?! We're opening the door immediately!" The hopes of escaping this creep grew by the second as you heard loud stumps on the door. However the guy in front of you only chuckled as he shook his head, muttering something like: 'stupid humans.'

But because of his distraction you soon saw a chance of escaping. You were so close to safety, you were willing to risk it. With one harsh swing you had dug your knee nearly inside his private parts, making him groan loudly before clutching his area.

You took the opportunity to run away and jumped to the side.

You wished you hadn't done that.

You didn't see the small puddle of water on the floor and stepped right into it. This wouldn't be such a problem... If the electrical wire you had cut before wasn't connected to it. Once the skin on your big toe collided with the water you felt an extremely high voltage rummaging through your body.

It felt as if hundreds of tiny needles were struck right at every spot on your body again and again. You heard a scream, a horrible, terrifying scream. But the pain never stopped. It continued nonetheless. You could feel the lightening jumping from organ to organ, destroying every cell on the way.

It was creating total chaos inside your body, before it would search for a way out. It didn't find it, so it went right through your skin, breaking it open and causing blisters to appear. These blisters would soon turn into dark, rough and dead skin.

You saw light flashing before your eyes, but you could not see clearly. It was as if the lightening was inside your head, as if the light came from behind your sockets. Your eyes desperately trying to maintain in their place as the pressure was nearly too much.

Then suddenly... freedom.

The pain stopped, leaving you to stand there. You saw smoke, but you didn't feel anything anymore. You didn't even feel your legs, which was soon followed by the room spinning before your eyes as you crashed down onto the ground.

You smelled something but you had no idea what it was. A few strands of your once (H/C) hair fell in front of your face, showing that it was either completely burned off or a darker color. Then it had hit you, you had been electrocuted.

You gasped for air once you felt the pressure risen in your chest, but somehow you couldn't suck in any oxygen. You struggled and started to panic, but you could not move your body. Your mind became fuzzy but you could hear this:

"Fuck, fuck, fuck! Slender is going to kill me! He told me to take 'them' alive! Shit... Might as well go now, before they see me. I'll find some excuse." You wanted to turn your head towards the guy, but again moving was impossible.

It felt as if you were fused with the carpet on the ground. Right at that moment the door finally shot open, but it was too late. You heard footsteps coming your way, you heard men shouting but it was all futile.

Your heart was touched by the lightening and you could almost feel it defibrillating, letting you know that your body was done for. You tried to suck in air one more time before your eyesight turned black.

Your scarred soul finally coming to a rest.


Oh no! You chose wrong! Go back to chapter 9 and choose Run to the door.

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