《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 6: Not again!


Already over 30 hearts?! My, thank you all!


You woke up from the sound of your alarm clock. It was screaming for you to touch it and put it out of its misery. You obeyed and then sat up straight in bed. Seeing the small strands of light shining through your curtains.

You slowly rubbed your eyes while you yawned, stretching your limbs and getting used to the early morning wake up. You kicked off the sheets before you shuffled over to your closet. You opened it, took some clothes out of it and then went over to the bathroom.

Once you were fully done there and all prepared to go to school you walked downstairs, greeting your dad who sat at the table, reading the newspaper.

"Hey honey, did you sleep well?" He asked while glancing over the paper. "Yes, I did." You lied, quickly grabbing some toast and shoved it into your mouth, along with something to drink. He didn't need to know the truth, it'll only make him worry. You then grabbed your backpack as you said goodbye to your dad.

Your mom was already waiting in the car, your school was far from your hometown remember? That is why you had to get up extra early. Your mother wanted to bring you and pick you up until you were ready to go back to that godforsaken house.

When you had closed the door behind you, you remembered.

You forgot your phone on the nightstand. You mentally slapped yourself because of your stupidity. You never forgot your phone like that, but since this whole week wasn't normal, you blamed it on the accident.

Because you were already a tad late you decided against going back in and grabbing the phone. It wasn't really of importance right now.

You jumped into the car and your mom drove off.

Once you arrived at the school you couldn't help but to feel the tension filling your body. You knew you were about to get tons and tons of questions fired your way. There was bound to be someone who watched the news. Then again it wasn't that hard to know about it, the story of the 'three missing girls together with three survivors' was all over the newspapers and television.

You gave your mom a quick kiss on her cheek and then left the car, tumbling into the hellhole known as 'school'. You walked over to the front door and then nearly sprinted inside, noticing the concerned glares and eyes of the students on you.

You only rolled your own eyes before walking over to your locker and opening it. However it was then someone tapped you on the shoulder and you turned.

"Hey, I saw it on the news, what happened?" It was Kaitlynn, waiting for a reply while her hands rested on her hips. Even though you had no arguments with this girl, or didn't hate her with all you've got, you were still reluctant to tell her. She's probably asking you just because she wants to know and tell it to other people.

"If you saw it on the news then you already know everything. I don't really want to talk about it." You replied, trying to be as nice as possible. Kaitlynn only nodded and then crossed her arms.


"I didn't want to be rude. I am sorry for the loss." You flinched when she said that. The thought of Farah, Mandy and Lola was flowing through your head. The screams slowly started to come up again. You quickly slammed your locker shut to set your focus on something else.

"Thank you." You said while brushing past her, quickly walking over to your classroom. There you saw Rayne, talking to a group of people. When you came into her sight she stopped talking and only smiled.

"Give the girls a break guys, they have enough going on." One of the guys said before giving Rayne a gentle and friendly hit on her shoulder. Then the group walked away leaving only you and Rayne.

"They were questioning you also?" You asked, knowing what her answer would be. You knew this was something really exciting, but they had no idea how tiring and painful it was for you to constantly be reminded of that night.

Rayne only nodded whilst having her book clenched in between her arms. Her gaze traveled down before she asked:

"Have you seen Sandy already? She said she didn't know whether she came to school today." She asked. You knew Sandy was always late, even at times like this she could not be on time. This thought almost made you snicker and you answered:

"She's probably late, or she won't come at all. I am betting on the latter." Rayne smiled and then looked up, saying that you were right. Then you were surrounded by another group of people again, all wanting to know what happened.

This was going to be a rough, very very rough day.

Once the last lesson was over you felt relieved. The whole day you were being questioned by people, most of the teachers butting in and telling them to stop... But you knew they were also very curious. Who wouldn't be? Only you, Rayne and Sandy know what exactly happened on the night which is described in every paper.

"You're driving home with me, right?" Rayne asked while you were walking towards the parking lot. You nodded before she unlocked her car and you stepped inside. The trip was going a lot faster than you had expected. Maybe it was because you were going home? Once you were at your house you stepped out of the car, waving goodbye to Rayne who drove off.

You then turned towards the house but you saw something out of the ordinary.

On the driveway stood a black car, one expensive black car. You raised your eyebrow and could only think that your father had some business man over. You walked over to the front door, unconsciously being more careful than other times.

You opened the door with your key, listening whether you heard any kind of sound. You heard voices, and they were from your mother and father. It was then you yelled:

"I am home!" The voices immediately stopped and you saw your mother rushing out of the kitchen, towards you with high speed.

"Oh honey!" She said as she wrapped you into a tight hug. You only stood there shocked. What in the world was going on? You opened your mouth to ask but before you could say anything your mother pulled you with her.


"There is someone for you, (Y/N)." You didn't get it. Who would visit you and make your mother this upset? You arrived into the kitchen and saw your father sitting at the kitchen table. Across of him sat a man.

Not just a man.

A man in a tight, black suit and he wore sunglasses. The man stood up, extending a hand from over the table towards you.

You hesitantly shook his firm hand and your mother guided you to sit down.

"Good that you are here, (Y/N)." You turned to your mother, silently asking what was going on and who this man was.

"I am here to tell you some bad news." Your gaze immediately turned back to this guy. He reached into one of the pockets of his blazer, then he held out a small badge tied to a card. It read FBI.

Oh god.

"I am from the FBI and I've come to help you. Your friend, Sandy, has been taken." At this your whole world crashed into thousands of pieces. He might as well take your heart and stomp on it until nothing but a flat surface is left of it.

"W-what?!" You nearly yelled, panic taking over as you had no idea how this could've happened. You never had any idea how all of this could happen! Was it the fault of those two killers? Did they come back for her?

You began to feel sick at the thought and you heard your stomach groan in protest as you recalled what that guy had said: 'Sandy has been taken.' You felt two warm hands rubbing up and down your back, as if trying to comfort you. But nothing could comfort you now. You just couldn't handle this right now...

Not again!

"Those two killers who had threatened you before and took your other friends took Sandy as well. At least that is what we suspect. We no longer think this is a coincidence... But before I can give you more information, we have to get you somewhere safe."

His words went straight through you. You didn't, no, couldn't listen to him anymore. All that you had heard was that Sandy was gone and that you had to leave.


"I-I don't understand! How did this happen?" You yelled at him, trying to maintain your cool and calm act. But it was god damn hard. The man only sat there, looking at you before he continued.

"I will explain everything to you once we get there. Your parents are coming along, don't worry." You now eyed your father, who only looked down at the table. You knew that he was scared. Scared for your own safety, scared that you might be taken one day too.

"Go pack. Take only the stuff you really want to have with you." The man said and you only stared at him with big eyes, your mind trying to process this overload of information.

"Honey..." Your mother whispered while continuing to rub your back.

"Come, let's go." You slowly stood up and from that moment on everything you did was in auto-pilot mode. You had no idea what to think, but thinking wasn't going to get you any further. You had to trust this man and you knew you were getting answers soon.

You slowly walked up the stairs and into your room, grabbing the small suitcase you used to move back in this house after that night. And now you had to move out again. You packed your clothes, stuff from your bathroom, your laptop and anything else you wanted to bring along. Let's not forget the picture of you and your friends, together with a picture of you and your family.

You wanted to pack your undergarments when you remembered one important thing: your phone. You quickly hurried over to the nightstand an grabbed the phone. You unlocked it, seeing that you had several messages. You saw a few of classmates, asking if you were okay. Other than that one from Sandy, saying:

"I am not coming to school today, not feeling pretty well. Have fun :)" You wanted to burst out in tears while reading this message, knowing that this was probably the last message she would ever sent.

Then you noticed another message. It was from that unknown number. You quickly opened the message and saw what he had sent you. Sweet dreams?! How did he know you were asleep? Just a guess? Was this really a joke? You felt a cold sweat forming onto your body, as these two words printed themselves inside your head.

However there was another message from this unknown number:

"Oh what a blast, you forgot your phone! Now you can't read the sweet messages I sent to you. Don't be sad, sugartits, there will be plenty of time to tell you just how lovely you are. That is if you'll survive long enough."

Your breath hitched as you read the message over and over again. How did he know?! You turned around and glanced outside the window. This was the first time you didn't feel safe inside your own room. Inside the house you grew up in.

Another loud beep was heard when you had focus your eyes on the small window in your room. You didn't dare to look at your screen, afraid of what this message contained. Your worst fears became true once you saw it was again from the unknown number.

"Scared, sweetcheeks?"

"Mom? Mom?! MOM!" You yelled in panic, still searching around before you heard heavy footsteps running up the stairs. You saw the man in the suit running inside the room, gun ready. Your parents were following close behind him.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)." She asked when she saw no one. You only stared at them before handing over the phone, still unlocked and that message still open.

"This is bad."


As promised, a new chapter! This one doesn't have much action or much interaction with any of the creepypastas but we're getting there soon enough, just you wait ;)

Thank you for reading and don't hesitate to give me feedback or suggestions on this story!

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