《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 5: The Aftershock


First of all I want to thank all those lovely people who left those nice comments on this story! Thanks to you I will continue to update this until it is finished.

Anyway, onward with the story.


"Alright... let's just take it easy now. How are you?" You turned from the small coffee cup in your hands towards the two uniformed men sitting across your bed. Your gaze shifted to the window next to the hospital bed you were lying in.

After the police found you, you were immediately sent to the hospital, to treat your wound. You remembered how you had hugged the police men when they freed you, you kept clinging on to one of the buff guys until your own mother pried you off.

Your wound was not that bad, however in order to prevent probable infections you needed to stay in the hospital for three days.

"I'm fine, thank you." You now turned back towards the police men. They took this case very seriously, especially because 3 of your friends were missing, vanished.

Lola, Farah and Mandy.

You knew how you cried when you first heard this. They never found their bodies inside the house. It was all terrible. You had no idea what happened to them. Are they still alive? Were they taken and then killed? Were they killed and the bodies were disposed somewhere else?

You had no idea.

But you knew this was deadly wrong. The police officers from yesterday told you that this killer you described always killed his victims and deformed them, leaving one bloody mess.

But now there was none.

They never saw the killers, they had found every single phone neatly placed in the room of its owners. Everything except for a few things seemed normal and that just made your blood boil. It was as if they had time to clean up, as if they did all that in just a few minutes.

"Good to hear... Now to talk about yesterday night..." You flinched a little when you recalled that night. That damned night which changed your life forever.

"What happened?" You only sighed as your mind played the whole evening over again. They had asked you this several times yesterday, but you were too upset to even talk properly.

"My friends, Sandy and Lola went out for the night. I decided to go to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night from a loud crash downstairs. I went to check it out and I saw that..." You stopped, images flashing in your head from that time the smiley killer threatened to kill Lola.

"Take your time." The older police man said as he continued to stare at you, the other writing down whatever was important.

"He had a knife pointed towards Lola's neck, threatening to kill her. In order to save her I attacked him with a poke, resulting in this wound." You pointed to the bandages which were covering your lower belly. The older man only nodded and the younger glanced up and then his eyes went back to the paper.

"What happened next?"

"The rest of the girls woke up and he... called another killer." You knew how very strange that sounded, but it was the truth. However they didn't know that.

"He called?" The older one asked and you turned your gaze to the side.

"He yelled his name... and then he appeared." He didn't believe you, you knew he didn't.

"Where did he come from?" Out of a puff of smoke. Of course you could not tell him that! He might as well throw you in an asylum!


"I-I don't know..." You replied. This wasn't entirely false, for you had no idea where this man came from.

"I see, he might've been in the house already." Your eyes widened and they focused on the police officers. They did believe you!

"Continue." The man gently spoke, not like giving you an order, but more a suggestion.

"They said they wanted to play a game... and they took all our cell phones..Then we got 5 minutes to hide or run... But there was nowhere to run! They locked the doors and windows!" You felt the tears beginning to sting in your eyes, the man only looked at you. His silence told you to continue.

"Then... Then I remembered that Farah had two phones and I found the other one, which wasn't taken... I called 911 while I hid... And then... I- They-" You started to sob loudly, burying your head in your hands as those deadly screams echoed through your mind again and again.

"(Y/N)... We want to show you some photos which were made at the crime scene." You looked up, your eyes watery as the police officers were now only two blue blurs. You quickly wiped them away with the back of your hand and nodded. Regaining your tough composure.

The man stood up and handed you some pictures.

The first one was of the broken window where the killer came in.

The second one was of the bloody kitchen floor, where you fell and was stabbed.

But the last one..

That one was horrible.

It was inside your room, your normally lively room. The wall where your pictures were hanging stood on this photo... But it wasn't like it should.


Instead, on every picture, there was a heart around your face. The heart was made of blood.

That was not all.

In every picture together with your friends there was a cross. Not on your face, no, on the faces of Farah, Mandy and Lola. The faces of Rayne and Sandy were untouched.

The rest of the once white wall was stained with blood, some of those stains were words like: Run or hide.

Your eyes widened and you covered your eyes with your hands, dropping the picture. It was too much to handle.

"Do you have any idea what it means?" The police officer asked you, denoting the hearts.

"H-h-he said that he had a score to settle with me, because I had hit him on the head with a poke... Maybe because of that?" You looked at them hopefully, mentally praying that you would never see this creeper again.

You wiped your tears away but they continued to come, staining your cheeks and the bed. You didn't want to look like a crybaby in front of these men, but soon came to a realization that it was only human for you to cry. You had just heard your best friends being taken away while you had to hide for your life. Any weak person would have a mental breakdown. A strong person would cry.

"It's enough, (Y/N). Thank you." The older police officer walked over to you and soothingly rubbed your back. The door opened and you looked up to see your mother walking in with a tray of food. She immediately placed it down on the small table when she saw your face and rushed over to you to comfort you.

The two police officers said their goodbyes before they left, leaving you there sobbing in the arms of your mother.

A week has passed after that unfortunate incident. The police was still after those guys, but there was not much they could do. They had no leads.


This made you extremely angry. You knew you could not blame the police and you now knew how ignorant you were before. Of course these killers were hard to catch, they weren't even human! A normal human would NOT come out of a puff of smoke. A normal human would not have giant cuts in the corners of his mouth without treating it.

They were complete psychopaths!

In a few minutes Rayne and Sandy would arrive. After you were excused from the hospital you lived with your parents in your old home. The other house was still treated like a crime scene and even if you could return, you would not want that.

It held too much memories.

You heard the familiar sound of tires against stone and you turned to look out of the window. You saw the car of Rayne pulling up and you sighed. This was the first time you saw them again. They did call you once, but the constant questioning made them very tired and there was just too much going on to visit you in the hospital.

You forgave them easily.

You speeded down, nearly tripping over the steps before running to the door. You opened it and saw your best friends standing there, lifeless. Rayne looked like an empty sack of bones, she must've lost so much weight in only one week because of the stress.

Sandy looked like a ghost with her unhealthy pale skin and sacks around her eyes, showing just how tired she was from all the crying.

You only stared at each other before you jumped at them and pulled them into a tight hug. You stood there for a while, before you pulled back and led them inside.

Once inside the silence washed over you again, no one daring to speak.

"So... How is it going?" Rayne started, staring at the small cup of tea in her hands. Obviously it was going bad, but you didn't think that was what Rayne meant.

"It's just so weird..." Sandy answered, looking from you to Rayne.

"I know right... I have no idea what to say... What to think about all this." You shook your head, trying to form words for what you were about to say.

"It's just that... I don't know... What are we supposed to do? I mean they are gone, but what happened?" You knew asking this question was stupid, both girls did not know the answer. No one except for the killers and the three girls knew the answer.

"I just wished I could've done something..." Rayne said. You felt exactly the same way, you also wished you could have done something. There was one question, however, that lingered in your mind.

"Have you seen those pictures? The way they drew a cross on their faces... As if they worked off a list." You blurted out. What exactly did it mean?

"Let's not forget about the hearts." Rayne commented, now looking straight at you with concern.

"They probably didn't mean anything. That killer would constantly call me names like: princess or sweetheart, too." Sandy huffed and you could not help but to feel the hatred. As if this was some boy you talked to in the club. Well it was not! It was a serious damn killer who wanted nothing more than to see your blood spill on the floor. Probably killing you with the poke you used to hit him with too!

"On the contrary, Sandy. I think it does mean something. He is playing with us, They are playing with us. Purposely giving us the chills by doing such things." Rayne spat back, clearly not liking either Sandy's conclusion or the fact that those killers were just mentally disturbed.

"Whatever they mean by it, it isn't going to help us. Let's face it, they're gone." There was once again an eerie silence sneering right through the small living room. You wanted to say anything but every word felt uncomfortable. This whole situation was uncomfortable.

"So, who's going to school tomorrow?"

You stared outside your window as you saw the car pulling out of the driveway, waving at your friends before they were out of sight.

You had talked for a while with the girls, about school, about life, about work... You knew it was all going on. You really wanted to go back to school, since you haven't been going this whole week.

Not that that was a problem, it was just that you need to get some distraction. Also you needed to go back. You really wanted to finish your semester and the few classes you missed were of much importance too.

Life goes on.

You just hoped that no one would ask you about that unfortunate event.

You turned and walked over to your closet, grabbing the over-sized pajama shirt and undressed yourself. Then you went into the bathroom and brushed your teeth. You removed your make-up and then did whatever you needed to do to get ready for bed.

You nearly crashed on your bed as you felt the exhaustion wash over your body. There was a small knock on your door and you saw your father's head poking from the opening once the door was open.

"(Y/N) honey, do you want some tea?" You only shook your head and your father nodded.

"Alright, goodnight then." You smiled at him before also telling him goodnight. You quickly crawled under the covers and set your alarm clock. Tomorrow... Your normal life began. The small beeping sound of your phone ripped you from your thoughts as you knew you just got a text.

Probably Sandy and Rayne telling you that they had arrived home safely.

You smiled to yourself as you reached over to your nightstand and grabbed your cell phone. You got it back after a few days from the police. They said there was no valuable information on it leading to the killers. The phones of Farah, Mandy and Lola were still with the police.

You unlocked the screen and saw that you had a text message from an unknown number. When you opened it, it read:

"There is no place like home sweet home, is there?"

You instantly froze and read the text over and over again. What did it mean? And above all who was it?

You decided to gather all your courage and quickly typed back:

"Who is this?" You stared at the screen, waiting for the familiar tune which alerted you that you had received a message. But it never came. You waited for minutes, which soon turned into hours.

Eventually you decided that it was not real. That it was a prank of some sorts. That it was someone from your school who just wanted to scare you a little. You grew angry and huffed loudly before turning on your side.

You had wasted precious sleeping hours just because some idiot wanted to make fun out of a very serious situation. After a while of thinking and turning, you finally fell asleep. Too deep into wonderland to notice your phone buzzing.

"Sweet dreams, dollface."


Hope you enjoyed!

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