《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 4: Hide



In chapter 2 (an intruder?) You could choose whether to hide or to escape from the killers. If you didn't choose just yet then go back to chapter 2 and choose.

If you did pick your decision then consider all of the above not written and go on with the story!


You quickly picked it up and turned it on, whilst searching for any place to hide. The bed! Farah had a one person sized bed which stood against the wall, the bottom consisted of drawers making it impossible to hide under. However there was a tiny space in between the drawers and the wall. If you shoved the bed to the side and crawl into that space whilst pushing the bed back there was no way you could be found!

You quickly shoved the bed away and squeezed yourself through the opening and into the hole. Making sure you did not leave any blood marks on the floor or wall. You then pulled the bed towards you until it hit the wall.

You tried to control your heavy breathing for a few seconds before you heard:

"Times up, darlings. Now let's play." You could only see from a very tiny slit in between the wood. You quickly opened the old cell phone and dialed 911. You waited for someone to answer the phone, making sure it did not make any sound.

You tried your best to hear if anyone was coming up the stairs, peeking through the slit in order to see.

"911, what's your emergency?" You mentally cried out in joy and wanted to hug this woman on the phone.

"Please help, there are two killers in my house. My name is (F/N) (L/N) and I live on (S/N) (H/N)" You whispered softly into the phone, your voice barely audible. Your eyes were still focused on the doorway which was seen through the split, your ears still focusing on any kind of sound.

"Alright, a dispatch is coming. Where in the house are you now miss...?" You wanted to tell this woman to shut up but in order for the police to come as soon as possible you needed her help.

"I am hiding for them I-" You were cut off when you heard a scream.

You heard one of your friends scream.

"Found you~" Your eyes widened when you realized what was going on. Someone was found. The scream was terrible, it pierced right through your soul. A scream of desperation from someone who knows death it coming. The last scream someone can scream.


You felt the blood rushing to your face as you froze in place. Your mouth became dry and you held your breath in order to listen what was going on. But the scream made it impossible. Fear was washing all over your body, desperation filling your veins as you pleaded to god you would not be found.

You began to shiver and chills ran up your spine as you whispered: "OMG." You tried to keep in the tears, but the thought of one of your friends being brutally murdered was too much. Even thinking about the fear she was experiencing right now was horrible. The fear you feel when you are caught.

When that stupid sentence is breathed out close to you.

Found you.

"(Y/N) Listen to me, do not come out of your hiding spot whatever may happen, do not hang up on me. I need you to do exactly what I say. Do you understand?" You were roughly pulled back to reality when you heard the woman's voice coming from the phone. You wanted to help, you really did. But you had no idea how. What could you possibly do?

You just nodded, knowing this woman could not see it, but you were so afraid. Muttering a quick 'yes' was enough for the woman to shut up. The screaming stopped, leaving the whole house in utter silence. You clenched your hand over your mouth to prevent you from breathing too loudly.

Then you heard footsteps. You looked through the cracks to see black combat books slowly walking into the room. Stopping in what seemed like the middle of the room. You could only pray that the woman would not speak.

You saw the man walking over to something... You could not see it, but you guessed it was the closet because you heard the wooden doors squeak. The man opened them, expecting to see someone hiding in it. You heard him grunt in disappointment, hating the fact that he could not give another girl a heart attack, before he continued his search through the room.

You were sure your heart would shot out of your chest because of the rapid and rough beatings. Your breathing was ragged, but muffled by your own hand.

You then saw him walking over to the door before he stopped. You froze when he turned again, almost sure he had spotted you. You knew he was coming to you, you knew he would nearly throw the bed to the side and pull you out by your hair.


You knew what kind of strength this man had when he kicked you in your gut.

"Come out, dollface. We have a personal score to settle because you had to hit me in the head with a poker." You heard a stiff giggle following the raspy voice and you saw the man turning back and heading outside the door. Your eyes widened when you recalled what he had said. '

He was looking for you.

You wanted to panic, afraid that he might come back. The gruesome things he will do to you when you are found were too much to even think of. You felt your stomach twisting and turning again and you mentally fought against your own body.

The footsteps began to fade and you wanted to sigh out of relief. He left... You moment of joy was interrupted when another loud scream was heard, together with pleas an cries. You now covered your ears with your hands. You didn't want to hear this!

A pang was felt inside your chest, as if every time they found someone a part of you died. It was horrible.

"(Y/N) keep calm, the police will be there in only a few minutes." The woman spoke again, her voice not as reassuring as before. You were sure she could hear the screams as clearly as you did. Tears were streaming down your face as the scream stopped, followed by a few voices.

"Ah, look Jeffrey. This one thought she could hide in here, cute." You bit your lip in order not to burst out in more tears. Your body was filled with sorrow and anger. They were playing with them! They were playing with you!

"Please, just h-hurry up!" You hissed in the phone, your voice filled with desperation and fear. You could not take this anymore.

It was then you heard a sound. You heard that sound.

That beautiful sound. An instant feeling of joy, relief and above all happiness overwhelmed you when you heard the police sirens.

A feeling of freedom.

However this feeling was also short lived when another cry and scream were heard.

Another one was found.

Please, please, please, please, please-

You mentally prayed, begged to the police to be at your house, to storm in and kill those bastards.

The sounds of sirens came closer and closer and you knew there were more than one police car. This thought eased your fear.

"Fuck! How in the fucking world do they know? It seems we have to finish the job later LJ." You heard the raspy voice speaking followed by:

"Boss is not going to be happy with us, haha." The other laughed as if this was all just a game. As if all this was so extremely funny! You balded your fist at this, the tons of different emotions coursing through your body made being quiet a lot harder. You hated them so much!

"At least this makes it so much more interesting."

That was the last thing you heard of those two killers before there was a loud slam and you heard shouts.

The police!

"(Y/N) Are you still there?" Now was the right time to burst into tears, to finally let everything out. You only sobbed loudly, the adrenaline slowly fading away to reveal the pain. And it wasn't the pain of the wound. The pain felt when you were running from those killers, the shock. The pain felt when you knew your friends would be dead...

With every tear that fell, with every sob you made, you felt as if your life was flowing out of you. Every single emotion, the fear, the anger, the desperation... They all leaked out of you. It felt good, you felt relieved.

You heard men shouting and storming up the stairs, after a few seconds you caught a glimpse of police uniforms storming inside this room.

"H...H..." You tried to yell but the tears and the lump in your throat made talking nearly impossible. You smiled through your tears, desperate to catch their attention. Desperate to feel the strong and warms around you from a real human.

You were never this glad with the police.

"H-Here!!" You pushed against the bed, slightly moving it to reveal your arm with the phone. You had no energy left to crawl out or to push it any further, but when you heard footsteps and the phone in your hand was replaced with a warm, comforting, gloved one you knew.

You were safe, you were in good hands now.

You had just escaped from killers.


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