《Taken. Jeff The Killer X Reader. Dark Story By RoverRose》Chapter 3: Escape



In the last chapter (Chapter 2, an intruder?) You could choose whether to hide or to escape from the killers. If you didn't choose just yet then go back to chapter 2 and choose.

If you did pick your decision then consider all of the above not written and go on with the story!


However what are you going to do now? You got the cell phone so when you call the police could be here any minute...

You decided to make your escape.

You knew what you had to do. Hiding is meaningless, you are bound to be caught. They never said their time limit, so it is either hide until being caught or run and have the possibility to escape. You ran over to Farah's window, tugging at the small lever in order for it to open.

But it never opened.

You cursed as you knew this one was locked too. They had probably locked every single window in this whole house. However you realized that you weren't downstairs anymore. If you would crash the window the distance between you and your killers would buy you enough time to crawl through.

Once you are standing outside you could scream for help and call the police, whilst finding a way to survive. If there was something stuck on the roof you were always the one getting it, so you were at an advance, being more experienced on a roof than those killers are.

At least you'd hoped.

"Times up, darlings. Now let's play."

You knew you had to hurry up and you speeded over towards a small candlestick on Farah's side table. Your hands wrapped themselves around the small, metal pole and with one, swift swing you struck right through the glass, making it shatter into one thousand pieces.

You knew you had no time to lose, and without a second thought you reached out for the still lingering glass in the window frame. Your hands began to get all painful and bloody, but you knew those killers had heard the crash and were now after you.

Once you were convinced you could fit through the small frame you immediately grabbed one of the roof tiles and pulled yourself through, ignoring the screaming of your flesh when it made contact with the remaining glass and stinging like a mad bee.

You bit your lip once you were completely through, trying your best not to faint from the incredible height. You quickly opened the phone and dialed 911, making sure to stay clear from the window frame and keeping a close eye on it.


"911, what's your emergency?" You heard a woman's voice calling out to you and you could only sigh in relief. "Help me, there are two insane killers trying to kill us! I live on (S/N)!" You yelled into the phone, hoping to attract some more attention other than that of the killers.

"Alright a police dispatch is on your way. Where in the house are you now?" You had to regain your balance as you made more meters away from the shattered window. You were about to answer the woman when you heard the shattering of more glass.

The shattering of glass near you.

You immediately turned around, staring in horror at the smiley killer slowly crawling out of another window closer to you. Of course! What a stupid idea! There are more windows around! You mentally cursed at yourself as you began to scream loudly, hoping to gain some attention from neighbors.

However the killer only stared at you for a second, malice clearly shown in those icy, lidless orbs. He seemed to smirk even wider than his face would allow, gripping the handle of his knife tightly in those leathery white hands of his.

"We have a score to settle because you fucking hit me on the head with that poke, sweetcheeks." His husky voice spoke, causing goose bumps to raise on your flesh. Either that or it was the cold. You took a few steps back, careful not to slip and crash down onto the concrete tiles.

He had other plans. He came at you, with a speed which was almost inhuman. Nearly gliding over the wet and slippery tiles with no effort at all, not even breaking a sweat. You screamed louder, turning your body so that you could run away more easily.

You didn't even move 2 centimeters forward before you felt a cold hand clasping over your mouth. You let go of the phone as you immediately grabbed the arm in a desperate attempt to get the hand away from your mouth, but he was too strong.

You saw the knife glistening in the moonlight, making the small weapon look even more devious as it was pointed towards your neck. You struggled more, feeling his toned chest pressed tightly against your back, realizing that there was NO escape.

You then stomped on his feet with your heel, causing his grip to weaken and you then raised your heel straight into his manhood. You could falter your way out of his grasp, hearing him throwing vulgar curses your way. You probably fueled his anger even more.


You stumbled over the tiles, attempting to run away from this killer. But where could you go? You still didn't hear the police sirens near. You turned and saw that the killer had reestablished himself, now glaring daggers your way.

It was only a matter of time before he would get to you.

You decided to so something brave and peeked over the edge of the roof, contemplating whether to jump or to just climb down using the drainpipe. However you had no time to think about it because the killer was coming at you again.

You quickly slid over to the edge, standing on the gutter. You wanted to bend down, grabbing the drainpipe and thus sliding down it. But the gutter had a whole different surprise for you. It began to creak loudly, alerting you that it could not hold any form of weight.

It gave another loud creak before the gutter underneath your feet disappeared, breaking in two and leaving you to slide down the giant gap which was just created. You now screamed for a whole different reason, trying to clutch to anything before there was nothing around you but air.

You felt the familiar feeling of going down in a rollercoaster in your stomach but this time it wasn't pleasant. You kept falling, the wind rushing through your hair as you tumbled down like a ragdoll.

Then you crashed onto the cold, concrete tiles. Legs first before your whole body collided with the ground.

A sickening 'SNAP' was heard and the whole world was spinning before your eyes. It was only a matter of seconds before you felt the incredible pain which coursed through your body. The pain came from both of your legs. You screamed loudly but could not look, your mind still foggy as you were recovering from the harsh fall.

You tried to sit up, but the pain in your legs only became worse, nearly unbearable. You almost passed out from the pain, but you realized this killer was still near and your urge to survive was stronger than the pain. You didn't dare to open your eyes and look, but you had to.

"Oh my-" Sobs escaped your throat as you saw in what horror state your legs were in. You couldn't move them and you didn't feel your feet. But what caught your eye were the two bones sticking out from both legs with red liquid flowing from the wounds, coloring the floor.

You had just broken your legs.

You now screamed for help, desperate to get some attention from the neighbors until your throat felt hoarse. You then saw a figure standing a few feet away from you and you had a hunch on who it might be. You tried to use your hands to crawl away, but the pain of even moving your legs was too much.

He slowly stalked closer to you, you still screaming and crying. Begging for help that would most likely come too late. The killer stopped right in front of you, his cold eyes resting on your deformed legs. He chuckled, making him seem even more insane than he already was.

"What a waste, without your legs you are useless. This will be fucking hard to fix too and I won't carry you around like a sack of potatoes, I don't care what fuckface says. So, dollface, sadly it is time for you to go to sleep." He grinned wider than the Cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland could as he raised his knife into the air.,

You could feel the cold metal invading your body, sneering through the flesh with ease. You could only scream as he repeated these actions, paralyzed by the incredible amount of pain. You saw from the corner of your eye your blood flowing out of your body.

Together with your life.

Your eyes continue fluttered close, and you had trouble with gaining control over the lids. Once you couldn't fight it anymore your eyes closed and the pain slowly faded away, leaving only an empty feeling.

However you felt another thing, you felt something pressed against your lips, something soft along with rough edges. His lips?! You had no time to think about it more as you felt yourself constantly slipping away, towards the bright, white light.

The last thing you could think was:

I hope you guys are safe.


Oh no! You chose wrong! Go back to chapter 2 and choose hide.

Hope you enjoyed!

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