
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu lovelies...

Transliteration: Subhanallahi Wa Bihamdihi, Subhanallahil Azeem..

Translation: Glory be to Allah and all praise is due to him, glory be to Allah the great

I request my precious readers to pray their salah if they haven't prayed yet before reading this chappy ...

Prologue on your request =)


It's been three years since I last saw my daughter laugh wholeheartedly or even smile contently, she's never been the same after she lost her husband Daniyal in a tragic car accident, I lost my good son in law but we can't deny our fate.

We should accept and move on but it's not the same case with my aala, she lost her husband when every women needs their husband most, during their pregnancy! hearing the tragic news she had gone into early labour when there fruit of love

He became her source of inspiration and reason to live life even when she don't want to live, that cute little grandchild of mine became her refugee in pain.

My two children suffered from that fateful accident, though I'm thankful to Allah then asfa, my sweet daughter in law as she managed to make Humza realize that it was not his mistake but deep down I know, he still accuses himself for his big sisters situation!

But I can't see my children hurting more and more each passing day and aala's too young to live a soulless life for that she has to agree to my demand and should agree to marry

I just want my daughter to be happy and I exactly know who can make her happy and will be a perfect father to my handsome grandson and I just pray to Allah that all should go well! Aameen!


The darkness of the night began to fade away as the Dawn was making its way and aala was mesmerized to see the sky changing its color little by little a faint smile on her lovely lips as she closed her eyes inhaling the fresh breath of the dawn.

Many contemplate why is the air so fresh and pure at fajr time ? and the answer was simple yet complicated to understand for mankind because .

After finishing her tahajud salah she was standing on the balcony gazing at the sky because she couldn't sleep, her nightmares still haunts her, her cries of agony, pain, love, longing for the one who can never return to her in this life.

Her Daniyal!

Her late husband!

It's been three years since his demise in a tragic accident but still the pain felt raw as if it happened just yesterday, they say time heals everything but she was not healing from the pain but it was only making her miserable more and more but life has to move on.

She accepted her fate! it was her destiny! she never questioned or blamed Allah's decree for her but it hurted her and it still does! She knew she was tested with what she loves the most and she wants to be successful!

Allah took her dani from her when she was pregnant with his child, their fruit of love! whom she loved the most, he was her life! her love! her soul mate! But she dealt with his death through

The two most powerful thing in the world for a believer, and the only hope in her misery was her cute little boy Zain, her everything the apple of her eyes.

He was the one who worked as a source of motivation for her to move on everyday despite the pain she felt, he makes her life colorful by just being in it.


My chain of thoughts broke when I heard the call of fajr adhaan and I answered the adaan while listening carefully after supplicating the dua I entered my room and stood on the laid musallah ( prayer rug ) .

I tried to put my whole concentration on salah and blocked every Single thoughts which was trying to disturb my concentration and after praying two units of sunnah salah, I prayed fard ( obligatory ) salah.

I raised my hand in dua and asked for Allah's forgiveness and mercy for all the sins I committed intentionally or unintentionally and asked for maghfirah of every deceased soul especially my Dani the thought of him brought an innumerable ache in my heart as tears welled from my eyes.

After completing my prayer I put the prayer rug on the rack as I laid beside my little boy who was snuggling into the pillow, he looked so cute while sleeping peacefully my heart melted at his cuteness!

I caressed his cheeks slowly as I placed a kiss on his forehead and got up then headed downstairs as I closed the door behind me silently.

When I entered my mama's room a soft smile broke onto my face as I saw Humza giving a head massage to mama, he beat me this time in giving massage to mama in early morning, we always fight of who will take care of mama more? he was still in his tracks that means probably he's back after praying fajr with nihal and arhaan.

Mama raised her head as she saw me coming inside " aal why are you standing there, come inside baby !" she smiled at me as I smiled back and Humza had a smug look on his face wriggling his brows at me and I poked my tongue at him.

Mama laughed seeing our antics as I sat beside him " you still act like children what I'm going to do with guys! " mama shook her head while I twisted Humza's ears playfully.

" Aal my ear you're going to rip it out! " he hissed playfully.

" Don't worry my lion you're not that fragile! "

I winked at him and he pouted " how's asfas' leg now, Humza is she OK?" mama asked concerned and his face saddened " she's sleeping mama Alhamdulillah! She's fine! " he told her as I side hugged him.

My lion loves his asfa so much that he can't describe, it's clearly visible in his face and she's the best sister in law I can ever get.

Yesterdays events still shook us to core when we found asfa deep in the pool breathless and if Humza was even a minute late we would've lost her! Everyone was shocked and didn't know how she ended up in pool in the first place.

I shook my head as the wayward thoughts was disturbing our peace " shukr Allah that I reached to her on time otherwise I don't know what would've happened! " Humza's voice broke in fear and I rubbed his arms soothingly " come on Humza don't think about that smile because she's safe now and you saved her! " I smiled at him because thinking of that incident will only hurt him more.

" yes Humza just leave it and go to your wifey and give her something to eat and also don't forget that we have a wedding to attend today! " mama caressed his jaw smiling at him softly and he nodded while a small smile grazed his lips.

He kissed mama's cheek and my forehead then left to see asfa and we are currently in Canada as to attend our cousin Laiba's wedding, all our family members are present here to enjoy this blessed reunion between two families.


My Aunt seema came in, mama and aunt got busy in checking the preparations and gifts that needs to be sent to the hassan's, laibas in law family and to all the guests, I left towards my room to check on Zain as he'll be awake by now.

And I was right he was on the verge of crying " mama where were you? " he pouted trying his best to not cry, my big boy doesn't like anyone to see him crying especially me! But he can't help it.

" awe my baby I was just with your granny! " I told him as I scooped him in my arms as he wrapped his arms and legs around me, sticking like a koala and I rubbed his back.

" OK but don't lweave me alone! " he mumbled against my neck and I chuckled nodding my head then I took him to washroom as I got him ready for the day.

After getting him ready and changing myself into a dress, we went down to check on asfa, Rey was worried sick yelling at her for not taking care of herself, I hugged asfa tight as she returned the gesture happily.

" How are you feeling asfu? " I asked her softly.

" Alhamdulillah! I'm good sisto but your lion is not buying it he's always on the edge! " she told, her chocolate brown orbs showing annoyance for my little brother but I can never miss the underlying love in her eyes for his caring nature, I chuckled at how silly she sounded and their silly bickering started.

" OK.. OK don't start now Humza, let her rest and we have a wedding to attend remember! " I told them and they all nodded.

We all left her room to give them some privacy and space with a smile on our faces but Haan was in his own world of trouble because of Rey as she refused to leave the nutella jar alone, pregnancy hormones taking a toll on my brother.

Well he's Humza's best bud since childhood, he's a part of our family, my another little brother, he lost his parents in an unfortunate condition at a very small age and his family members refused to take care of him, they were just after his wealth after all he is the sole heir of the Qureshi industries but mama took him in her care, she became his guardian and he always call her mama and me big sis.

But he proved himself as the best businessman in the country which made us proud of himself and he fell in love with ruba during college, it was like love at first sight so we sent a proposal asking her hand in marriage as we wanted it to be completely halal and they accepted and boom they got married!

I made my way towards my room and Zain was with mama, she's going to get her grandson ready while I got ready for the event, I rummaged through my luggage and got hold of my evening dress and wore it.

It was a cherry brown nude evening dress, I paired it with a dusty rose hijab as I put my hip length long dark brown hair into a low bun.

I didn't do much for make up and gone with very light makeup which consisted of black kohl, compact, mascara and lip balm.

I was never a huge fan of makeup and it was no problem for me, after getting ready I descended down wearing my wedged sandal and took purse with dusty rose Niqab with me..

" Masha Allah you look very pretty aal! " mama complimented me and a small blush painted on my cheeks i wore that dress because of mamas constant persuasion.

" jazakillaah mama! " I smiled at her and Humza came inside holding asfa in her arms and I smiled at them, asfa was protesting to put her down but he was not listening to it, her leg was fractured by that incident.

She looked pretty in her white gown and grey hijab, Rey was looking pretty too in her ivory coat gown.

" it's OK asfa calm down baby girl, let him carry you !" mama told her smiling, she tried to reason but was cut off by Humza and we all settled on the limousine the two limousines took us to the selected venue.

The ball room was decorated beautifully as Laiba had wished, it was a winter themed wedding with all icy decorations, when we settled on our table the heart of the event the newly married couple entered the ball room.

Laiba and Saad looked so pretty together, I smiled looking at them as they climbed up the makeshift stage and all the businessmen, tycoons, Elites, politicians, celebrities were present to witness the Grand reception.

We all began to congratulate the couple as we hugged her tight " congrats lai I'm so happy for you! " I told her as I hugged her tight and she smiled.

" jazakillaah sissy! I'm happy too Alhamdulillah! " she looked at Saad and I smiled seeing the already blooming love between them and I mumbled Masha Allah under my breath.

As the party was progressing I was talking to mama and suddenly Zain began to run and I was shocked that where he was running then my gaze landed on him where he was kneeling on the ground with open arms and Zain rushed in his arms and hugged him tight.

My mouth went agape at the scene taking place in front of me thank Allah I was wearing my face veil otherwise I would've looked like a joker, I was shocked seeing him in the party.

" Bunny! " asfa yelled happily and that broke my trance and I looked away quickly while he hugged her and twirled her a little, happily.

I don't know why but his presence was bothering me in a different way and I couldn't erase that gut feeling that something is going to happen.

Safwa, imad hugged him tight too as he talked to Humza and took Zain from him, Zain usually never get along with anyone easily but he was an exception.

I felt someone's gaze on me and I looked up and just like that our gazes locked with each other, his electric baby blue eyes seemed to held me captive under his gaze

and my breathing quickened as tears began to form in my eyes and I looked away quickly mumbling an Astagfirullah!

What did just happened ?



An update! How was the first chapter guys?

And they met 😉

I updated prologue because I was keeping you guys waiting for too long

I will continue when once I feel better =/

Don't forget to vote and comment

See you soon sweethearts

- love Noha

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