


I looked outside the window as the clouds looked like a huge bed of cotton candies merged together with a hypnotising hue of light orange and blue slowly turning into a dark color as the night began to arrive.

I mumbled a Masha Allah under my breath looking at my Rabs splendid creations, I closed my MacBook Pro and kept it aside on the coffee table as I unbuckled myself from my seat.

We're finally landing in Canada tonight I already missed saads nikah but I'll be present in his reception thank Allah! otherwise he'll skin me alive saying I'm an useless best friend of his.

My schedule was so tight that I couldn't even had time to release a sigh of relief but my stay in Canada is just for two days as I'll be flying to Oman the next day to acquire the new airline in Oman from the government.

I poured myself a cup of hot steaming Americano without sweetner or creamer. I like my coffee's to be super rich without any sweetness or creaminess.

My secretary ayan had been passed out on his seat, I smiled as I remembered we were working non stop from the past couple of months to expand our business in overseas countries especially in the Arabs.

I sat back on my plush leather seat as I sipped from my mug and leaned my head back on the head rest and an angelic face crossed my mind with a striking light green eyes just like Jade

which always leaves me wondering how beautiful it'll be when those orbs will look at me with love in them.

A ghost of a smile was plastered on my face just remembering her, who has been haunting me day and night, no matter what I couldn't erase her face from my memory.

That's another reason why I'm so excited and nervous at the same time attending this wedding, where I'll get my answer to my proposal for asking her hand in marriage.


I wanted her to be mine!

I missed Zain too that little munchkin of hers is to die for, I'm not good when it comes to children but when it comes to him its totally different he and I get along so well like we are real father and son not someone who just met him few months ago.

And I'm going to meet all my family members there, especially my love asfa! My lovely sister!

My train of thoughts broke when the pilot announced our arrival at the tarmac of the

I unbuckled my seat belt and ayan rose from his seat taking his MacBook along with the files, we descended down the iron staircase.

I was suddenly hit by the chilly weather of canada as the snow made it a soothing scenery to the eyes. Thankfully I was wearing my guy jacket to keep me warm.

The shiny black SUV was parked on the private parking spot and ayan opened the door for me as I slid in, some habits never change he will never stop from opening my door!

Finally we arrived in my penthouse in Toronto, I can stay in saads mansion he'll be more than happy to have me there but I was restraining myself from seeing her. I don't want to get my hopes high but still my silly heart yearns only for her.

I shook my head as I headed to take a hot shower to calm my nerves and after finishing my prayer, I drifted off to sleep.


Time flew away like wind and I was getting ready for my best buds reception I tightened the navy blue tie around my neck and wore my watch.

Ayan was also ready though he's my PA but I treat him like my brother, and he sees me as his elder brother because I supported him from his early days.

He was the fresh post graduate from university with no work experience finding a job that payed well and I saw the potential in him and hired him as my PA, he was shocked but thanked me enormous times for believing in him and giving him a chance.

It was tough for him in the first initial phase but with my help and guidance he topped it really well and he doesn't need to be told twice now he understands me and gets his works done pretty fast.

I entered the grand ball room where the event was being held, the huge Crystal chandeliers glittering while the whole setup was giving the vibes of winter wedding with blue and white roses decorations making the atmosphere soothing to the eyes with its magnificent beauty.

I noticed the newly married couple on the makeshift stage looking so beautiful together. The guests were busy greeting and congratulating the couple.

I was looking around the ballroom in search of my family when I found them just in front of the stage but the first person who found me was my little Zain, his Crystal blue eyes which mirrored mine lit seeing me as he ran in my direction as I kneeled on the floor.

" Big fweind! " he yelled as he lunged himself in my arms and I wrapped my arms around his little form chuckling seeing his merry mood.

" hello there little friend! How are you? I missed you so much! " I said scooping him in my arms standing up, he pulled back and smiled at me " I'm fwine! and I mwised you sho much ! " he said extending his hands far away showing how much he missed me that made my heart thump with happiness.

I chuckled and kissed his cheeks while I began to walk towards my love asfa who was smiling at me despite her face veil I knew even though I can't see her face " Assalamu alaikum my love! " I greeted her cheerfully.

I hugged Humza and did a fist pump, he took Zain from me smiling and " Walaikum salam bunny!" she replied happily and I hugged asfa tight twirling her a little and she giggled like a child.

I put her down and she hissed in pain then I noticed her leg and she was not standing straight without humzas support " what happened my love? " I asked quizzically.

She just shrugged " it's just a small accident! " she replied coolly.

" But it didn't look like one! " I told her firmly she was about to protest when " Zaam bro! " safwa yelled and ran towards me I hugged her and twirled her too " how is my princess? " I asked her and kissed her forehead " I'm fine zaam bro Alhamdulillah! " she replied hugging me merrily.

And imad hugged me and we did a fist pump too, my twin sister and brother,

I greeted my grandpa " how are you my son? " grandpa asked me happily hugging me.

" I'm fine gran what about you?" I asked pulling back smiling at him.

" I'm fine Alhamdulillah son! " he replied patting my shoulder and I greeted Aamina aunt, my soon to be mother in law ( if Allah wills) but before that she's my aunt.


" How are you aunt and you look so beautiful ? " I hugged her and she chuckled softly.

" I'm good zaam and thank you for saying your old aunt is still beautiful !" she joked and I laughed softly, she's the cool aunt I ever got.

I moved towards the stage where my best friend was greeting the guests and as soon as his gaze landed at me, his eyes narrowed at me like I'm going to get attacked.

" Look who's here my so called best friend after ages! " he taunted me sarcastically and my newly wedded sis in law was shocked to see her husband being mad at me.

" It's OK yeah, I'm sorry for not attending your nikah, come on now Saad don't be mad at me, it's your reception dude! " I tried to persuade him and he huffed like a toddler, ask him to be dramatic and he'll give you a good show to witness.

" why it's hard for me to believe you're genuinely guilty for not attending it! " he contradicted and I kept my best innocent face that melts people like ice-cream.

" You wounded me bud, I already told you I was stuck in my work you know it dude! "

" Fine! I'll forgive you just because your sis in law asked me to otherwise I ain't gonna forgive you for ditching your best friend on his big day! " he told me glaring trying to intimidate me.

" Thank you sis in law! " I told her as I hugged my best buddy tapping on his back and congratulating him and giving best wishes to the couple and sis in law gave me a polite smile.

My gaze was searching for the only one, the girl who was haunting my soul day and night and just like that our gazes locked with each other across the ball room , those striking light green eyes which hid so many emotions behind them which I wanted to uncover and led them free.

I just wanted to take her in my arms and love her unconditionally!

Love? Well that's new..

But my heart broke when her eyes misted and she looked away first, is she crying?..

My hand was itching to wipe that stray of tears but I don't have the right! I felt frustrated and uneasiness filled in me.

I held Zain my arms the whole time because I don't want Zain to trouble her, her eyes had lost that shine which she used to have as her mama told, I wanted to bring that life back in her eyes!

I know it's wrong very much wrong of me to think about her when she's a non Mehram to me, I mumbled astagfirullah under my breath a hundred times yet I couldn't stop thinking about her.

Ya Allah! Help me!!..

" I'll let you know her answer before you leave to Oman tomorrow !" asfa told me trying to assure me and I nodded hopefully at her.

I Just wish it should be a yes! Insha Allah!..

Aala's pov :

I heard someone knocking on the door, I pulled the duvet over Zain and approached the door, mama, Humza, asfa all were changed into their comfy clothes and I was puzzled to see them together..

They entered and Zain was sleeping soundly, asfa neared him and kissed his chubby cheeks and stroked his hair while Humza stood silently and momma sat beside me...

"What is it momma? you're here to tell me about something right! stop this signalling between you guys! " I said as I can see something is up.

"Aala you know that if we tell you something that it'll be good for you right! " momma said and I nodded in yes.

"well we have received a proposal for you! " momma said and my smile dropped as the familiar ache returned to my heart hearing marriage.

"I know you already said no! for every proposal, that you can't marry another man and Zain is the only one in your life " momma continued when I didn't say anything I was numb, I couldn't say or explain anything.

" I know! you don't want to marry but don't you think that Zain needs the love of a father! " momma said and that hurt me more.

"I know baby! you try very hard to play both the roles in his life but you and Humza know the empty feeling of not having a father and you already witnessed it! do you want same for Zain too? " she asked and I looked at her with hurtful eyes, I can't let my baby suffer, am I being selfish? only thinking about myself and not my baby's happiness.

"what do you want me to do mama? " I asked, in a broken voice.

"we want you to get married! you need a partner and Zain needs a father too, Pls baby accept my request! " momma pleaded me and tears brimmed my eyes.

"can I know from whom the proposal came? " I asked in a timid voice, I wanted to know who's the person that's willing to marry me?

"it's from zaamin asfa's brother! " momma said and my eyes widened in shock, I never expected that he'll send a proposal for me!

I was dumbfounded and remained silent for a whole lot of minute because the turn of events was too much to handle for me right now.

I stood up and neared Humza who had held his head hung low, my heart constricted seeing him like this, I lifted his chin and looked at him to witness his already puffed eyes..

"what do you say about it? " I asked him softly his answer matters to me the most.

Humza looked at me, with hurt "I'll support your decision wholeheartedly I'll never force you for any decisions that you take! " he said in a tone filled with guilt ...

"what is your opinion about it asfu?" I asked her and she looked at me puzzled..

"I know bunny and he's really a good being, I'm not saying because he's my brother but because he's a gem of a person! but I'll respect whatever decision you take sistah and he'll respect it too! " she said, assuring me softly...

I sighed and neared Zain, who was sleeping on the bed and I kissed his forehead and stroked his cheeks lovingly...

"I can't do this! " I said and closed my eyes to hold back my tears because no matter what I can't love any other many like I loved dani, I just can't erase our happy memories together, I can't do this.


An update how was the chapter guys?

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See you soon sweethearts

-Love Noha

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