《Billionaire's Baby ✓》Chapter Twenty-Seven


Two months flew by with constant bickering, horrifying mood swings, a little tears here and there, some playfulness from Aditya's side, some shopping spree with Zevah and so much more.

After the kiss Sahil and Srishti had shared on the gay fiasco, Sahil was back to being cold but he wasn't that distant. He was typically the Sahil Malhotra, she once knew.

Srishti was in her last month of pregnancy and she could deliver the baby any time, so she was advised to be extra careful which Sahil, Aditya and Zevah took care of.

"Mr. Malhotra," Srishti called out sitting on the bed while a sigh was heard the next moment.

"I'm right beside you, Srishti." Sahil stated and she smiled sheepishly. Seems like it had become a habit to call out his name without acknowledging whether he was near or far.

"I just need to use your laptop." She demanded and he stared at her. When he made no movement to pass her the same, her eyebrows furrowed and lips set in a thin line.

"Why do you need it?" He questioned and it irked her more. She rather glared at him before she looked away huffing.

"I want it. Why can't you give it to me?" She retorted and he just stared at her with a questioning gaze.

"What is there so important in your laptop that you don't want to give it? Do you think I'm going to invade your privacy? Or do you think I'm going to mess up with your important files? Do you think I'm a ki─" She gasped suddenly keeping a hand on her bump and Sahil sat up straight.

"What happened? Are you fine? Should we go to the hospital?" He asked in a concerned tone and she wasn't surprised at his concern because although he didn't show any of his emotions for her, he surely did for his child.

"The baby just kicked." She sighed and caressed her belly with a smile. This was the first time that their baby had reacted to something and it was overwhelming.

"Really?" Sahil asked staring at her bump and she shook her head knowing he was keen on experiencing it but won't take a step ahead by himself. So she took his hand and kept it on her belly.

"Sahil Malhotra, you're such an arrogant person but you're going to be an amazing father." She spoke and the baby kicked. Sahil's surprised eyes met her smiling ones and he lowered his head some more towards her bump.

"I hope to be a good father." He had whispered so softly that if she wasn't listening closely then she wouldn't have known it as well. Or maybe he didn't want her to listen but she knew he pretended that she didn't hear it and moved back.


"Here," She watched as he gave her his laptop and moved out of the room after that.

As she sat there staring at his laptop, all she could think about was his words. Why didn't he believe every time she said he would become an amazing father?


Zevah sighed in exasperation and rested her head on the desk. She was tired. Tired of running away from him and his feelings. But more than that, she was running away from her own feelings.

Aditya had been nothing but good to her and she was just acting stubborn. He had ofcourse been acting distant the past few weeks but he was not to be blamed. It was her.

She rejected him.

It had been few weeks back that Aditya Singhania had proposed her without beating around the bush and it had stupefied her.

She clearly remembered his words ─

"Zevah, I know you're not that oblivious and neither are you naive to not notice my feelings towards you. Today I'm telling you this directly, I like you Zevah. I've liked you from the first moment I met you and trust me, I cannot forego my feelings because I tried, I tried to stay away but I can't."

After that she had just gaped at him with her mouth hung open. Yes, she knew that he felt something for her but wasn't prepared for a direct confession and so the reply flew out of her mouth the next second.

"Aditya, I don't know how and why you grew feelings for me but you and I can never be together for many reasons. One being you are my boss and other that I'm not looking for a relationship at this moment. I'm sorry."

The words sounded weird and harsh to her own ears but it had been done and she didn't look back after that. She didn't look back for she couldn't gather up the courage to see the expression on his face. It would add to her guilt.

The next day she got to see a complete new Aditya. He wasn't the same jovial Aditya anymore but it was only for her. Only around her, he would become a closed shell and bore a serious attitude but with others, he behaved the same.

It somehow aggravated her and hurt her at the same time, so much that she wished to march upto him and lash out for behaving so indifferent towards her. But she couldn't because he wasn't compelled to be nice to her.

"Ms. Zevah!" She sat up with a jerk and looked at her boss wide eye. Aditya gave her a stern expression and she gave him a guilty look.


"This is your workplace so please stop sleeping during working hours." He warned and she nodded looking down. She was at fault and so she wasn't going to argue.

After he left, she groaned in annoyance and sought her work with a grumpy face. She was definitely not enjoying anything around her these days like she had assumed she would after getting Aditya off of her back.


Srishti bit her lip as she glanced around quickly and sneaked in the kitchen. The monster wasn't going to catch her this time, she thought with a smirk.

As she opened the refrigerator and took out the ice-cream tub, her eyes twinkled and a grin formed on her face. Just as she opened the lid and dipped her finger in the ice-cream ─

"Here we go again." Her hand froze and so did she. Making a crying face she watched the poor ice-cream melting and dripping from her fingers.

"You are not allowed to eat that, Srishti and I've told you that for about a thousand times now." Sahil deadpanned and took away the tub from her hand. She pouted trying to make an innocent face so that he would allow her but how could she forget that he was not probe to all those emotions.

"Mr. Malhotra, please just one scoop. See your baby wants it badly." She pleaded eyeing the tub hungrily but he was adamant as he pushed it back in the refrigerator.

"The last time I allowed you to have one scoop you ended up having the whole tub after which we landed in the hospital." His tone was accusing but it wasn't plain either.

"That was just one time." She snapped and he raised his eyebrow at her.

"Okay twice but it won't happen this time. Pleaseee!" She whined and he gave her a bored expression before looking away.

"Mr. Malhotra ─" She yelled but stopped as she felt something and Sahil's head snapped in her direction. He watched her blank expression and her hand on her belly.

"What? Is it the kicking again?" He questioned and she looked at him in daze.

"My water broke." She whispered and he went blank for a second as well before her words registered his mind.

"Now?" His eyes slightly widened and she gulped nodding hurriedly.

"Now!" She breathed deeply and the next second he dashed out to arrange for the car. Srishti stood there breathing in and out even though she was close to panicking, she reminded herself to stay calm.

Sahil came back a minute later and held her hand to which she tightened her hold.

"You can walk right?" He asked carefully and she nodded as he escorted her till the car. Once inside, he ordered the driver to drive them to the hospital.


"Zevah, we need to go to the hospital now. It's Srishti." Aditya rushed out and informed Zevah while she only nodded and both of them were off to the hospital.

When they reached there, Srishti was already in labour and Sahil stood outside with a restless face. Aditya walked up to him and rested his hand on Sahil's shoulder.

Sahil looked at Aditya and found some relief to have his best friend by his side. While Zevah stared at the closed door with a nervous look on her face.

"Sahil Malhotra, you idiot! I hate you! Ugh!" Srishti's scream was heard and Aditya chortled but immediately sobered up seeing Sahil's deadly look.

Two and a half hours later, a cry of the baby was heard and both the men sighed in relief while Zevah was nearly in happy tears. Aditya hugged Sahil, congratulating him and Zevah looked on with a smile.

The doctor came out with a smile and all three went upto her.

"Congratulations it's a boy. He's all healthy and fine and don't worry the mother is fine as well." She smiled once again and walked away after they thanked her.

Aditya pushed Sahil towards the room and gestured him to go ahead. He walked inside with a blank look but his eyes were desperate this time.

Srishti watched as he stepped inside and his eyes stuck on her tired face. She smiled at him faintly before looking at the little bundle of joy beside her.

Following her gaze, Sahil's eyes landed on the tiny human and without his knowledge his eyes softened. His gaze was full of admiration and warmth and Srishti could only stare at him in astonishment.

This was the first time she was seeing any kind of emotion in his eyes apart from coldness. She didn't speak anything to break the moment but when he made no movement to pick up their baby, she sighed.

"Mr. Malhotra, it's your child. Take him in your arms." She spoke and he looked at her with a jerk.

"What if I drop him?" His gaze was so serious that she couldn't help but laugh. Holding their baby in her arms, she gestured him to step ahead and he did until he was beside them.

"Here," She said and he was still hesitant but when she placed the baby in his arms, something unexpected happened.

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