《Billionaire's Baby ✓》Chapter Thirteen


Aditya barged inside the Malhotra mansion followed by Zevah who immediately looked around for Srishti. Just then Srishti emerged in the living room and saw Aditya marching towards Sahil's study.

She tried stopping him but he was in no mood to listen. Pouting she looked away feeling dejected but then someone hugged her from behind and instantly a smile spread on her face realising who it was.

"Zevaahh," Srishti gleed happily and hugged her tightly to which Zevah laughed at her childishness but hugged her back.

"How are you? And the kids?" Srishti asked as they sat on the couch. Zevah was observing her and she looked somewhat different to her. There was a different kind of glow on her face and she looked happy.

"We all are good. You tell me, why are you glowing so much?" She asked curiously and a grin settled on Srishti's face.

"Is it visible?" Srishti asked in return with an excited grin on her face. She had unconsciously kept a hand on her stomach, a gesture Zevah had noticed.

"Yes," She answered still scrutinizing Srishti with her gaze but the latter was completely oblivious.

"I visited the doctor today and she said that all the symptoms are pointing towards pregnancy. And I don't know why but I feel this time, I am pregnant." She smiled caressing her stomach slightly and Zevah was taken aback by this sudden change in her.

"Srishti, you know right you will have no right over this child?" Zevah questioned worried about how attached she was going to be with the child because of course any mother will not want to get separated from her own child.

"I know, Zevah. I know at the end I'm going to be left with nothing and I know it will be more difficult to part with this tiny being but right now all I can feel is a child growing inside me and I can't explain this in words. You don't know how wonderful this feeling is." Srishti concluded with a warm smile having no complaints in the moment.

Zevah sighed at her explanation because it was Srishti and she would found happiness even in a room full of darkness.


Aditya yet again barged in Sahil's study but it didn't startle him the slightest. Infact he looked calm and composed as he looked at the furious one.


"What is the matter, Aditya?" Sahil asked calmly but the latter was far from being calm.

"You tell me, Sahil. What the fuck is going on? Did you tell me that the result from IVF treatment was negative?" Aditya was far from being calm and this time he refused to be the sane one because somewhere he knew it was all Sahil Malhotra's plan.

"Well, what about that? I know I didn't inform you, it slipped out of my mind." Sahil shrugged as it wasn't a big deal for him.

"Really? Slipped out of your mind? Funny Malhotra. You can spew this utter bullshit to anyone else because I don't believe you. You didn't tell me because you never wanted to." He accused and Sahil stood up walking towards him.

"Aditya listen, let's not drag this topic ─"

"The topic has already been dragged, Sahil and it is you who did it." Another accusation which irritated Sahil because it was coming from his best friend.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you so upset over such a tiny matter?" Sahil asked in a frustrated tone and heard him scoff.

"First of all, Malhotra, this isn't a tiny matter and secondly, I am getting upset over this because I know you very well to know that the IVF results didn't come out negative because of your luck." He struck the right cord because Sahil's eyes darkened and his jaw clenched.

"What did you do, Sahil?" Aditya pressured him as Sahil gave him a cold look. Now was the ruthless Malhotra infront of him and not his best friend.

"I only did what was benefiting me." He replied without any trace of remorse or guilt in his tone and Aditya said nothing.

"The process was only half way done because I sought guarantee from the doctor that she will get pregnant and he couldn't give that to me. So I ordered him to not plant the embryos inside her and just play along, which he did. Any which ways that treatment was useless and I won't accept failure." Sahil declared and Aditya could only gape at him in disbelief.

"This is abso-fucking-lutely ridiculous!" Aditya hollered throwing his hands in the air.

"You fucking tricked that innocent girl into getting what you wanted. I know your ways Sahil but it went overboard this time because it isn't a business deal. There is a person involved who has feelings but how will you understand that when you've locked your emotions years ago." The sarcastic comment was his last straw after which he stormed out of there still angry.


Sahil stared out of the window with a blank look as Aditya's words rang in his ears.

No ones words had ever affected him as much as Aditya's did because he considered only him as his family.


What a foreign word it was.

Shaking his head he walked back to his desk and resumed his pending work ignoring the voices inside his head.


Aditya came in the living room and saw a Srishti and Zevah smiling and talking. He stared long at Srishti's face which clearly showed the happiness and glow.

"When are you ever going to leave us alone?" Zevah's voice brought him out of his trance and he rolled his eyes at her before continuing in Srishti's direction who, much to his surprise frowned at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked Srishti and she looked away huffing. Aditya looked at Zevah worriedly but she only smirked at him.

"She finally realised how much of an annoying person you are." Zevah bragged and Srishti glared at her which she just ignored. Aditya ignored her comment as well and turned to Srishti.

"Srishti, did I do something? I'm sorry, please forgive me but don't ignore me." He made a puppy face which Srishti looked at from the corner of her eyes. Zevah scoffed loudly earning glares from both of them.

"You ignored me." Srishti complained, still not looking at him and Aditya looked confused.

"Rewind and remember how you entered in this mansion like a mad raging bull and straight away walked inside, without looking at her who was sitting on the couch." Zevah mocked and Aditya realised how he had walked inside Sahil's study without even looking around.

"I'm sorry. I really wasn't looking around at that moment but I swear I would never do it intentionally." He promised with a pleading face and a smile crept on Srishti's face much to Zevah's dislike.

"Am I forgiven?" He asked with hope and this time Srishti turned to him and smiled fully, giving him his answer.

"Yes! Thank you." He exclaimed happily and smirked at Zevah who just made a bad face at him.

"But why were you angry?" Srishti asked confused to which both Aditya and Zevah exchanged glances and Zevah indicated him not to say anything.

"Nothing it was just business related." He lied and Srishti nodded in understanding.

"By the way, why do you look so happy?" He changed the subject and Srishti grinned at him pointing at her stomach. He glanced down with confused face and then gave her a questioning look.

"You dumb, she thinks she's pregnant." Zevah revealed and Srishti hit her for ruining it.

"What? Really?" He asked astonished and glanced at Sahil's study thinking about his behaviour. He was nowhere near happy or even relieved now that she was pregnant.

When will he start expressing himself? Sighing, Aditya shook his head to himself.

"You're not happy?" Srishti asked seeing his sad face and he immediately nodded a no with his eyes wide.

"What? No! Of course, I'm happy. Why wouldn't I be?" He grinned and Srishti matched his expression. Zevah felt left out seeing the two but she knew that this bond was going to get stronger with time and it surely won't affect her relationship with a Srishti because she won't let it.


Sahil watched the scene from his one way mirror window, with an expressionless face. He saw the happiness and admiration on Aditya's face as he talked with Srishti and she also had no problem infact she was laughing and chatting happily.

But that wasn't his concern. His only concern was Aditya who wasn't quite happy with him at the moment and this was probably the first time he was serious about a fight between them because before this even if they had a silly fight, Aditya was the first one to reconcile.

It wasn't the same anymore. He was more than upset this time only because Srishti was involved and he didn't understand how could Aditya attach himself to her emotionally in such a less time. What had she done to him?

Was he going to lose the only family he had and end up with nothing?

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