《The War Luna》Pre-Drinks


The music was turned up loud that evening in Alex's house. She was ready both literally and figuratively to let her hair down. She wanted to let loose with her friends and family and drink and dance the night away.

She took a final look at herself in the mirror before she headed for the stairs and liked what she saw. Her dress was a short, tight, blue Hervé Léger dress. She loved it the moment she tried it on in a shop in Paris a few months back and had saved wearing it for tonight. Of course, previous to this week's epic change of plans, she had been looking forward to a hook up with someone she would meet tonight. Alex did like the idea that Aidan might like how she looked in this dress. Her hair was curled in loose waves that fell just below her shoulders. Her shoes were high but ideal and comfortable for dancing with nude straps that criss-crossed over her foot. They were tried and tested and had become her favourite pair over the years, the heels having been replaced numerous times.

Alex stood for a moment at the top of the stairs to steady her nerve. Robbie had taken her aside when he had arrived earlier to tell her that he had invited Aidan to join them at her house.

'We need to get to know your mate', he had said as he squeezed her tight in her kitchen. Alex had sighed deeply into the hug and nodded into his shoulder. Truth be told, she had been longing to be around Aidan. The bond had felt so strong at times that she had gotten lost mid conversation frequently during the last few days; she had driven the wrong way to the grocery shop for the first time ever in her life yesterday and she had been putting a lot of her clothes on back to front or, only that very morning, absentmindedly trying to stick a foot into her jumper . Alex had even started imagining her new life, trying to focus on what could be really positive rather than constantly focusing on things that were, at present, out of her control. The Lunar Ridge warriors had become an absolute delight to work with, particularly in the last couple of training sessions and she could see that they had been won over in her leadership and ability. They were taking orders and improving every single day and she found herself being particularly proud of this group. More so than she had been of any other warriors she had trained. She had no reason to believe that she couldn't get others from her new pack onside to her way of thinking and it was a thought that made her ever so slightly less sad to be leaving her beloved Black Mountain.


'Let's have a do-over with Aidan ok?' Robbie had continued as he had ended their hug to look her steadily in the eye. 'Forget about what has happened this week. He gets a clean slate tonight. Just get to know him and enjoy his company.' For someone who was so often the comedian, Robbie could be so sage and wise sometimes.

A deep breath in, exhale and Alex started down the stairs. Somewhere around the middle of her descent, the most delicious scent enveloped her senses and she smiled. Aidan had arrived.


Aidan sipped the cold beer Nolan had passed him and looked around his mate's home. It was beautiful. The walls were bright white with huge windows which made you feel you were sitting in the middle of the forest. There were a lot of bare surfaces. He smiled covertly as he spotted some packing boxes that were half filled in the living room. They had spent almost no time together this week and he was itching to take Alex back to his pack and to be around her constantly. He had been watching her from afar over the last few days, trying to give her space while also fulfilling his need to be close to her.

And then he closed his eyes at the scent. A rain washed meadow mixed with cedarwood. Delicious. His eyes opened as his mate took the last step of the stairs and walked towards the kitchen counter where he was sitting on a high stool. His eyes widened at how stunning she looked. He had jumped out of his seat and taken a step towards her before his brain could stop him. His mouth gaped open and he found his throat was dry as he tried to stammer out a 'hello'. Alex's face erupted into the most incredible smile as she noticed his discomfort.


'Hi', she said brightly, reaching up and surprising Aidan with a brief kiss on the cheek. He was dumbstruck. It was as though warm electricity was passing from the point of her touch through his body. He touched his face where she had kissed him and breathed a pathetic, 'Hi', back to her. Alex gave him a dazzling smile and moved passed him to greet Nolan and Pete.

'It's alright brother. No shame in being love-struck', Robbie had placed his arm around Aidan's shoulder. Aidan's hand was still feeling his cheek stupidly.

'She's one in a million,' Robbie saluted Aidan with his own beer, You're a lucky guy. I hope you know that. And I hope you make her very happy'.

Aidan's fuzzy head started to clear a little at Robbie's words. He understood the meaning behind what he was saying and he found that he wasn't even annoyed at Robbie. He too, hoped that he could keep her smiling and happy. He couldn't take his eyes from her as she greeted her friends and started sipping her own beer, moving around the kitchen with such elegance as she brought out snacks and glasses. The dress hugged every curve of her perfect body. It was tight to her frame and was short enough to showcase her spectacular legs. Alex glanced in his direction every now and then and Aidan found his breath catching in his chest each time. Robbie, Nolan and Pete were laughing now at something Alex had said that he had completely missed as he had been drinking her in. He shook his head lightly, took a few gulps of beer and brought his brain back to the conversation at hand.

They spent an enjoyable hour discussing everything from pack news, to the best crops of that year to date, besting each other's war stories and touching on their mutual hatred of Dax Stevens and his regime. Alex was a natural at telling stories. She could easily captivate her audience, adding details so it felt like you were there in what she was describing. And she was funny. Aidan had genuinely laughed so often that his jaw was getting sore.

'I think it's time for a shot before we head off', Alex announced suddenly after checking the time. 'Tequila for everyone?' she looked around the group but poured the amber liquid without waiting for an answer.

'To Ronan and Alice', she said as she lifted her glass. They chorused her and then drank the burning liquid.

'Robbie lock up before you leave,' Alex announced to the group as she grabbed her bag, shoving keys and her phone in before kissing them all goodbye and running out the door.

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