《The War Luna》The Weekend


Friday dawned and the final full day of training commenced. Kit had withdrawn from direct contact with Alex and instead preferred to perch himself on a seat at the top of the arena. Alex could feel the waves of contempt emanating from the man. He would sneer in her general direction if they passed each other but had not spoken so much as a 'Hello' since she has pounded him into the ground earlier that week. She suspected that Kit was likewise suffering from some issues with her being the new Luna. One of the many things to look forward to dealing with at Lunar Ridge, Alex thought.

Alex and Nolan talked through the events for the day with the warriors present and started the warm up. It wasn't long before Robbie arrived with his own crew. Alex knew his team so well, having trained with them and visited their pack so frequently over the years. There were hugs an high fives exchanged as Alex and Nolan greeted everyone in turn. The air was full of laughter and banter for the next few minutes. There were 12 warriors present and once warm up was complete, Nolan called the bigger group to attention so they could introduce the members from Moon River.

As Nolan started dividing up teams and pairs, there was a slight commotion happening in one of the teams. Laura, a veteran warrior from Moon River and one of the men from Lunar Ridge were locked in an embrace. Nolan, Alex and Robbie exchanged confused looks.

'We're mates', Laura exclaimed to her Alpha, Robbie. Both she and her mate looked ecstatic. They kept hugging and staring lovingly at each other. From around the group, congratulations were uttered, and each was slapped on the back or embraced by those closest to them in the arena.


'Congratulations', Alex managed to speak after several seconds of being completely dumbfounded while Nolan announced to the entire group, 'Laura and Dylan are mates'.

There was general applause and more chants of joy while the pair kissed and hugged each other. This was how Alex had always imagined it would look like when she met her own mate and was a little sad that it had not worked out that way. She put her feelings aside now though to allow the new mates their moment.

'Alright, alright everyone', she raised her hands to the crowd. 'Back to your training. Laura and Dylan, do you want to head out for a while and come back training in the afternoon?'

Laura and Dylan locked eyes. Dylan was blonde with light skin and a lean, strong frame while Laura, shining with joy, had dark hair, deep chocolate skin and a strong curvy body. She was a particular favourite of Alex's. Strong and decisive, quick to adapt to change and one of the funniest people she had ever met.

Laura replied, 'No but thank you. There's work to be done first'.

Another reason to love Laura. She was focused and dedicated and always pushing herself to be better and give more.

'If you're sure', Alex replied. Dylan didn't look as happy with this decision but nodded along anyway, turning back to his allocated partner and starting to spar while Laura had already taken down her own opponent.

'Looks like you might have someone moving to Lunar Ridge with you', Robbie shoved Alex playfully as they stood on the side-lines watching the groups sparring each other. Alex's mouth gaped open. This happy thought hadn't even occurred to her. She couldn't help but clap her hands together and jump on the spot like an excited five year old.


'Amazing', she exclaimed. 'After all the years of me trying to poach her from your pack and now she's mine!' She shoved him back and they both watched Laura taking Dylan down a few times. Although Laura was by far the superior warrior, Dylan didn't look to be trying his hardest to win the fights.

'Unless she takes Dylan to Moon River,' Robbie looked slightly more serious now. 'More opportunities for her to continue being a warrior at the very least'. Alex wasn't sure if Robbie was teasing now or not. It was custom, but not a rule, that the female moved to the male's pack. In more modern times, it was generally left to the couple themselves and determined by the status of either of the mates as to whose pack they would remain in. Alex would love to have a great warrior like Laura join her new pack. Plus it would mean she would have at least one friend at Lunar Ridge. If it came to it, her new pack would be a hard sell to someone like Laura. She wouldn't be able to continue in her chosen line of work; she wouldn't have equal say in her life or the pack like her male mate and who knows what other delightful surprises were in store at the new pack.

Alex's stomach started to churn again at the thoughts of her move and her new role as Luna. She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply, trying to centre herself before her thoughts became too overwhelming. She felt an arm snake across her shoulders and squeeze her tight. Robbie spoke quietly and reassuringly to her.

'Everything is going to be ok', he breathed in her ear, as though he had read her mind. 'You'll do great things at your new pack. It won't be easy but you're stubborn enough to succeed at anything.'

'I second that', Nolan added, standing on Alex's other side and wrapping another arm around her. The guys squeezed Alex in between them unmercifully until she laughed and pushed them off her. She looked at both of her friends and smiled. Almost no words had passed between them and yet, her confidence was lifted and her stomach had unclenched.

'I do think that we should get disgracefully drunk tonight', Nolan declared. 'I have already agreed with Stevie and Emmet that they'll take the group in the morning for the early drills so we won't have to check in until 12. We can roll out of bed, do our final assessments and then head kayaking. Don't bother fighting it', Nolan put up a hand to her as Alex made noises like she was about to reject this idea.

Alex was immediately silent. She loved that Nolan had organised this as she expected to be in no condition to teach anyone anything the next morning. She planted a little thank you kiss on Nolan's cheek and added, 'Pre Dinner drinks at mine at 6?'

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