《The War Luna》Family


Alex had remained in foul humour that afternoon. She had stormed back to her office after her interaction with Aidan, ignoring all calls and texts and giving herself time to feel angry and sad and every other feeling on the spectrum. She was so conflicted. She wanted nothing more than to run to Aidan and wrap her arms and legs around him, inhaling his beautiful scent, kissing his mouth and ripping the clothes from his sculpted body. Equally she wanted to pummel him the way she had Kit. It was horribly confusing to be so delighted and angered by the same person.

Alex took a few moments to meditate and calm her mind. She had honed her technique over the years and found that she was much more highly effective in battle, and life, when she took a few moments each day to breathe deeply and gain control back of her wayward, overthinking brain.

She planned to spend the evening at her brother Cain's house, having dinner with him, his mate and her beautiful nieces. Alex wanted to spend as much time as possible with the girls before her planned departure. She stopped off quickly into her house to change into jeans, a white cropped t-shirt and her light blue Vans and to grab the toys she had bought the girls. She was looking forward to spending the evening on the floor, chasing her nieces, colouring and generally just basking in their wonderful company.

Cain's mate, Olivia, greeted Alex with a tight hug and a kiss at the door. She had always been one of the most welcoming and warm hearted people Alex had ever met. Cain and Olivia's home was full of love and fun and consistent laughter and giggling. She loved spending any and all of her free time here. Olivia led her down the hall to the enormous open plan kitchen and living room where there was already a raucous unfolding.


Alex shook her head and smiled as she looked around the room. Cain and Olivia had extended the invitation for dinner. Her dad, Hank, Ronan and Alice, Robbie, Nolan and Pete were all sitting in various chairs, couches and the floor and shouted their greetings to her as she waved and called her hellos to the group. She couldn't deny how happy she was to see them all here together. There was a torrent of movement and Alex was suddenly tackled at the waist by four tiny humans. She pretended to fall over and the girls clambered all over her, planting wet kisses on her face and pulling her hands in different directions, each wanting her to play a game with them.

She moved to the middle of the living room floor, sitting cross legged with the two smallest of the four girls taking up space on her lap while the older two started speaking over each other telling stories and showing her their latest artwork and the new toys they had received from 'Uncle' Robbie. Adding her own gifts to the mix pushed them over the edge and the excited screams and laughs that followed lifted Alex's heart and made her feel lighter than she had in days. Their joy was so pure and their faces were so bright with huge smiles and beautiful freckles they had inherited from their mother.

As usual, Cain and Alice had prepared an exceptional meal. The huge dining table was bursting with a vast array or the most delicious smelling food. Cain was a dab hand at the BBQ so meats featured heavily in the menu as well as a sample of every kind of vegetable and plant that Pete grew on the farm. There were sauces and sides and chips and rice and a few new things that Alex didn't even recognise but loaded her plate with nonetheless. The next hour was spent eating, reloading plates with second and third helpings, story sharing, shouting abuse and jokes at various attendees and general enjoyment of each other's company. At some stage, Alex's youngest niece climbed into her lap and fell asleep, snugged in tight to her aunty. Alex marvelled at the tiny person, a carbon copy of her own mother with her light brown skin and dark hair. She gently stroked her face and rocked her gently as she slept.


Alex had always wondered if she herself would ever become a mother. She loved the girls and spending time with them was always at the top of her priorities. As she continued to watch the little girl sleep, she zoned out of the general conversation, her mind dragging her back to her mate. Did he want children? He was an Alpha so she presumed he would want to have an heir to take over the pack one day. What would he be like as a father? What if they had a daughter - would she ever have a fair say in what she did in her life or would she be stuck in a mediocre life, potentially never being allowed or encouraged to reach her potential or being equal to her male peers? Alex stopped herself before her brain started overworking itself.

Between herself and Cain, they cajoled, walked and carried the four girls to their beds. Alex snuggled with each of them in turn, reading stories to those that were still awake and kissing them all goodnight. When she returned to the table, a freshly shaken mojito was placed into her hand.

'Refreshing', she breathed as she took a long draw from the cold glass.

Conversation turned to the bachelor and bachelorette parties that were taking place the following evening for Ronan and Alice. Alex planned to start the evening with Alice, her bridesmaids and friends before joining the bachelor party in the next town over. Alex and Cain were both fulfilling the position of best man for Ronan and they had planned his ideal night out. Good food, drinks and dancing the night away. Then Saturday afternoon would be spent kayaking and attempting to outdo each other on an outdoor obstacle course. The course had been designed by werewolves so was a steroid-version of a regular human course. Alex was really looking forward to the time away from regular duties and just relaxing with her brothers and friends. The only mild deterrent was that Aidan would be there too as Ronan had invited him along before all the drama. 'Well', she thought, 'maybe it wouldn't be so bad seeing Aidan in a wetsuit or shorts'. She smirked to herself and returned to the conversation before her, talking and laughing well into the night.

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