《The War Luna》Advice


Alex avoided Aidan as much as possible the next day. She continued to lead the training of the Lunar Ridge warriors and, even with the return of Kit to the arena, the warriors maintained their level of attention on her and Nolan, improving their skills and techniques immeasurably from three days previously. There were a couple of them who were really distinguishing themselves from the group, asking questions and practicing time and time again without complaint. They seemed to have forgotten completely that Alex was a woman and showed her nothing but respect now.

Nolan took the group to the woods in the afternoon for tracking and scouting practice. The group would put to use some of the strategies they had been learning and Nolan and some of her more experienced warriors would make their attacks on them for assessment. Alex took this time to go to her office, officially to get some admin work completed but unofficially to take some time by herself. She had been torn up last night after her conversation with Aidan. She had been so restless overnight that, in the end, she had shifted and ran her wolf to her absolute limit, pushing through the pain of scorching muscles and tired paws, eventually reaching the most outer posts of the pack lands. It hadn't been enough to quieten her mind but her wolf appreciated being let loose.

As she gazed out her window towards the arena and the forest behind it, her mind began racing again. Thoughts of Lunar Ridge, her new life, her mate, her current life and a myriad of other things created a painful tornado of questions inside her crowded brain. She rubbed her eyes and leaned back in her chair, sighing heavily.

'Your tracking skills must be offline', a wonderfully familiar voice said jovially from behind her.

Alex turned with such force, she almost upended her chair. 'Robbie', she exclaimed happily and ran to her friend, embracing him tightly. She pushed away from him, 'I thought you weren't able to come until tomorrow'.


Robbie smiled widely at his friend, catching her in a headlock and planting a harsh kiss on the top of her head. Alex punched him playfully in the stomach and he released her. He was tall, dark and as devilishly handsome as ever. His twisted curls were short and he seemed to have started a fade in his hair which she hadn't seen before.

'Well I managed to get a reprieve from the council meetings I was supposed to attend. It seems that a few of the members had schedule conflicts so I upped and left as immediately as possible in case they changed their minds', Robbie relayed, laughing softly. A few times in the year, Alpha's had to attend meetings with the Council of Werewolves to get updated on new policies and procedures, Alpha training and to update the council and other packs on any newsworthy happenings. There were also updates from the Lycans, the werewolf equivalent of royalty, which only occurred if something large-scale was happening. It was often tedious, depending on what was going on in the world but was a necessary part of life.

'And I brought some special guests with me, as per your request', he added, referencing the warriors Alex had asked that he bring along for the weekend. She had previously trained his pack members up and down over the years and liked to mix her warriors with his on occasion to keep everyone's skillsets as optimised as possible. Plus it would diversify the training for Lunar Ridge.

'They're getting settled in now and are more than ready to pummel your team tomorrow', Robbie said with a smirk.

'They can try', Alex laughed. Her spirits were thoroughly lifted in the present of her friend.

'So what is new? Tell me all. I'm dying to hear about the barbarians from Lunar Ridge and how all of that is going'. Robbie put his huge, strong arm around Alex's shoulders as he led her out of her office and towards the arena.

Alex took a deep breath and steamrolled through the story of her and Aidan as quickly as she could as they walked. Robbie listened quietly, squeezing her into his side at various points of the tale and nodding along as she vented on the difficulties of finding her mate and who he turned out to be. They were standing just inside the empty arena now, as Alex expelled every thought, conversation and feeling that she had experienced that week to her friend.


When she finally finished her tale and took a breath, Robbie rubbed his face and exhaled loudly. He knew his friend well. She was an expert at what she did and he doubted whether she had an equal anywhere on the planet. But she could also be stubborn. And she had never really had to consider anyone else in her life before this. She became Gamma at such a young age that she was used to making decisions and taking on huge responsibilities. Compromising was not something she was practiced at. And it didn't sound like her mate Aidan was well versed in that area either.

'I think you need to give this a go', Robbie said truthfully, taking her face in his hands so she would have no choice but to listen to him.

Alex was confused by Robbie's stance. She was sure he would commiserate with her and help her come up with a way out of the match.

'A true mate match is a gift. This may not be the way that you envisioned your mate or your life but I think you need to embrace it.' Robbie's eyes glazed over now as he reminisced about his own mate. His hands travelled to her shoulders as he continued.

'I never thought my mate would be a human. Especially with me being an Alpha. You remember, don't you? How confused I was and how I didn't really believe it at first? But Kara was the most sensational person I have ever met. I would give anything to have had more time with her but I am so thankful that she was in my life at all. I am a better leader because of her; a better fighter, a better man. I know what it means to lose everything and I wouldn't want that for anyone else, if I can help it. You need to give him a chance. A real chance. You'll regret it always if you don't'.

Alex couldn't argue with him. His logic was based around the love he had for Kara. And Kara had been easy for all of them to love.

'Have you always been this much of a grown-up', Alex quipped, trying to lighten the sombre mood as she poked him in the stomach. Robbie smiled softly, wiping the corner of his eye and pulled her into a tight hug. Alex felt better than she had in days, and relaxed into the hug, squeezing him back tightly.

Someone cleared their throat nearby and the pair broke apart. Of course, it was Aidan, wearing a look of purest fury on his face.

'Speak of the devil', Alex motioned towards Aidan. 'Alpha Robbie Belua of Moon River, this is Alpha Aidan Jackson of Lunar Ridge.'

Robbie stuck his hand out graciously. Aidan surveyed both Robbie and Alex suspiciously before taking Robbie's hand in his and squeezing it tighter than was necessary for a friendly handshake. After Robbie's pep talk, Alex was more prepared to try and make some headway with Aidan.

'Were you watching the training in the forest', Alex asked, trying to break the tension that was now palpable between the three.

'Yes. And shouldn't you have been there seeing as I am paying you to train my team?' Aidan responded angrily.

Alex rolled her eyes at this comment and became instantly aggravated. 'Oh so now I'm good enough to train warriors? Now you think I should be in charge of training and not cooking you a dinner in the kitchens?'

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