《The War Luna》Alpha Aidan


Aidan Jackson pulled up in front of the Black Mountain pack house at 9:00am, parking his green jeep and hopping out to greet the Alpha and Luna. Ronan and Alice shook his hand and welcomed him inside.

The pair looked good together, Aidan thought. Ronan and Alice entwined their hands and looked adoringly at each other as they led him to the Pack Hall for some late breakfast. He himself had never come across a mate and was considering taking a chosen mate before his thirtieth birthday so that at the very least, he could have an heir to hand down the Alpha title to. There were a few females who interested him at Lunar Ridge. None were highly exciting or particularly ambitious but that might suit him best and the pack would be stronger knowing their future was secured.

They started into some lighter conversation over breakfast. Aidan hadn't been to Black Mountain for many years, back when Hank had been Alpha, so Ronan gave him an update on what had been happening since he had taken over from his father. They took a walk around the grounds after they had finished their meal, with Ronan and Alice pointing out the various building and housing areas; the agricultural sections, the patrol structures, debrief and surveillance rooms until they landed in the 'War Room' which Aidan had been most interested in seeing. This was highly technical room with several pack members in front of large computers and CCTV screens typing away and making calls; enormous TVs on the walls and a huge touch screen table where maps could be uploaded and battle plans drawn up. Aidan wanted to set up something identical at his own pack grounds so he took in all the information he could from Ronan and Alice as they explained the features of the room and what they found most useful.


He was interested to see that there were both men and women working in every sector he had passed - the kitchens, the housekeeping staff, the IT staff in this room. Aidan knew that Black Mountain was highly regarded for how far it had come to showcase equity and equality amongst all pack members and he found himself highly impressed and mildly jealous of the advances. He had made some enormous changes for the females in his pack since his reign as leader had begun, to the point of an-almost mutiny at times but he had never gotten the buy-in to allow females to join the warrior training. Gamma Kit was a great friend, loyal and fierce, but he was slow to make improvements and introduce changes to the training. Aidan had called for Black Mountain's help over the past few years to try and upskill his fighters but to date, nothing had really changed. He had therefore taken it upon himself to send the team to Black Mountain and oversee the training himself. They were winning battles these days by sheer luck, not through strategic reasoning and fighting capability. Their lucky streak would eventually burn out, he knew, so something had to change, and quickly. Rogue attacks were a continuous headache and Dax Stevens was always a threat to any pack's stability so he couldn't take any more chances. Alex Fury was renowned for establishing outstanding warrior training programmes and they would take any assistance they could get now, despite the reservations of Kit.

Ronan's Beta, a man called Theo, joined them later in the morning when the conversation returned to their strengthening alliance, rogue attacks and Dax Stevens. Theo was a blonde haired, blue-eyed, pale skinned man with a few deep looking scars across his arms and neck. This told Aidan that Theo had been on the receiving end of a weapon laced with wolfsbane, a werewolf's kryptonite, at some stage of his career. Unhealed scars almost always spoke to the use of the terrible substance since werewolves heal quickly and efficiently from most other wounds. Nolan, the second under Gamma Alex Fury, had given Theo an update on surveillance on Dax and his network. Dax was a disgrace of an Alpha and a man, but had a sharp mind for criminality and networking. Aidan lived for the day that Dax's beating heart would be ripped from his body and everyone around the table felt the same. The alliance here and with East River were so important if they were ever going to be able to end Dax and his pack.


They enjoyed a spectacular lunch back at the Pack Hall where Aidan sat with Hank, Ronan's father, exchanging stories and tales of battle and loss and triumphs. Aidan was already enjoying his time here. These were good people and easy to fall into conversation with.

It was at the end of lunch when Ronan received a mind-link that put a pained smile on his face. He looked at Aidan and sighed heavily. He looked around at Alice, Hank and Theo who had likewise received the message. Each looked amused, if not slightly annoyed.

"We better go and make sure Alex doesn't murder him", Alice said as she rose from her chair.

Aidan looked around the group, confused. Hank motioned for him to follow.

"My daughter seems to be giving your Gamma an unusual welcome to Black Mountain", Hank said, "We better go and make sure Kit is alright". Hank smiled.

Daughter? Aidan thought.

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