《The War Luna》Gamma Vs Gamma


Nolan roared for the floor to be cleared which was affected immediately. Every warrior had heard the exchange between the two Gammas and were eager to see the two tear each other apart. Chatter emerged and the noise level increased quickly and dramatically with jeers and laughter and chants for either Gamma.

Alex and Kit took to the training floor. Nolan beckoned to a Lunar Ridge warrior to come forward to ensure a fair hearing of the rules.

Alex was cracking her neck and stretching out her long limbs as Nolan called her over.

"Human or wolf fight?" He asked.

"Your choice honey", Alex baited Kit.

"Human", he answered as he flexed his muscular arms threateningly.

"Ok", Nolan acknowledged, "No weapons, no shifting, no biting, no spitting and tap out or a knock out means the end of the fight. Acknowledge".

"No weapons, no shifting, no biting, no spitting and tap out or knock out means the end of the fight", both Alex and Kit chorused.

"On my count". Nolan and the Lunar Ridge warrior moved to the stands. Alex and Kit moved away from each other, readying themselves for the go ahead from Nolan.

"3, 2, 1, FIGHT", Nolan roared.

Kit raced forward, trying to gain the first assault. He was faster than Alex had considered, given his size and ego, but she was ready nonetheless. She easily moved sideways and tripped him up as he barrelled past her, smashing himself on the floor. He quickly recovered, his anger spurting from his very pores now as he lunged unsuccessfully at her again. This time, Alex jumped up, wrapped her legs around his head and flipped him onto the ground. She rolled away from him and stood ready for the next attack.

Again and again, she thwarted his attacks with the smallest amount of effort on her part. Kit was breathing heavily now, from both his boiling temper and increasing exhaustion. She wasn't just beating him, she wanted to humiliate him. The crowd had gone completely wild, shouting abuse and support to both fighters. There seemed to be more spectators now too and Alex assumed there had been some mind-linking to let others know that there was a Gamma versus Gamma fight taking place at the training ground.


Alex looked over at Nolan who was twirling his hands around each other in a motion that told her to wrap it up. The spectacle had gone on long enough. She silently agreed. Kit had gotten one good punch in the entire fight to Alex's face, her nose clogged with blood and streaming down her face. Meanwhile, the man standing before her was a shell of himself, standing awkwardly after being thrown countless times onto the floor with punches and kicks received to every part of his heaving body. But he wouldn't surrender and she was waiting to hear the beautiful sound of him tapping out and accepting defeat at her hands.

Kit took a long blink and she was on him before he had opened his eyes again. She punched his chest and his stomach with all of her force. When he doubled over, she swung an upper cut to his jaw, hearing a loud crack. The crowd inhaled sharply at the noise. He fell backwards, hitting the ground heavily.

"Tap out", she screamed at him. Part of the crowd started chanting 'Tap out, tap out, tap out'. She watched his hands but he refused to tap the ground and instead tried to get up again to face her. Alex could easily have kicked him back down but this was just embarrassing now.

Alex could feel her wolf starting to get excited inside her. The wolf was trying to push forward and take control. Alex assumed the wolf in her was looking to tear this bastard apart in the same way she was and force him to submit. She cleared her head and pushed her wolf back.

Alex tackled Kit to the ground, flipping him onto his front and pulling his arm behind him, locking it upwards in a painful hold as she straddled his back.


"Tap out", she screamed again in his ear. "Tap out you arrogant bastard".

She pushed the arm upwards again, causing Kit to shout out in pain.

"Don't make me dislocate your shoulder Gamma. Just tap the fuck out and take your defeat like a warrior", she shouted at him over the jeers of the crowd.

Suddenly there was a hush across the floor and the hall went deathly silent.

"Tap out", she shouted angrily once more to her struggling opponent.

Alex noticed the silence. But there was something else too. There was a strange lightness in her head, and a constricting sensation in her chest that could not be explained by the single meagre punch Kit had landed upon her. She could feel a pleasant, warm, happy feeling coursing through her that was surely not related to this fight. Although she was content that she was destroying Kit and his ego, she was far more embarrassed now at his behaviour than she was happy in her victory.

As she went to look up at what had caused the sudden stillness, she was tackled from Kit's back, sailing onto the floor with a heavy body and strong arms looking to pin her to the ground. She freed herself from the grip of her unknown attacker and rolled away into a back flip, righting herself onto her feet and ready to face whomever had thrown themselves at her.

Her breath caught in her throat as her eyes gazed at the man standing up before her. He was breathtaking. Standing at perhaps 6'5, his light blue eyes were bright against his olive skin. Stubble covered his chiselled face and his lips were parted slightly as he panted harshly. His hair was short and dark, and he was all muscle. Arms, legs, chest - an absolute Adonis. He must be similar in size to her brother Ronan but he looked even more ripped.

Alex licked her lips as she took in his heaving chest and shoulders, which pulled tightly on his fitted, light blue shirt. Not to mention what he was packing under his navy suit trousers. Mother of god, she could see the outline of his huge member, growing slightly with every pant of his harsh breath as he stared unblinkingly at her. She couldn't take her eyes off him. Neither one moved. Alex noticed now that her wolf was screeching at her. She listened this time, wondering if she had an answer Alex didn't.


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