《The War Luna》Mate


As Aidan stood at the entrance of the training arena, he was almost bowled over by the most intoxicating scent he had ever smelled. It was the scent of flowers in a rain washed meadow mixed with cedarwood. He inhaled deeply and his wolf was excited to the point of psychosis. He looked around the arena to place the scent with it's keeper.

There was a huge crowd gathered, all shouting, cheering and clapping or booing the two fighters that were on the floor below. His Gamma was certainly the worse for wear. Kit looked heavy as he moved his feet, his arms hanging loosely and uselessly by his sides, his face looking groggy. He took a prolonged blink and the female lunged for him, punching him in the torso, following up with a merciless punch to his jaw. The cracking sound resonated across the entire arena to a collective gasp from the crowd.

Kit was at her feet now and the female was screaming for him to tap out. She didn't want to attack him further. The fight was over and Kit should have known it but Aidan knew the stubborn bastard would rather die there on the floor than submit to a woman. The female looked over at a man Aidan recognised. It was Nolan, the second in command to Gamma Alex Fury. He could see now that the woman's nose and mouth were covered in blood but she looked otherwise, completely uninjured. Aidan shook his head in embarrassment at Kit's pitiful form. The female flicked her ponytail and flipped Kit over, capturing his arm in a painful looking twist, screaming for him to tap out. The wind shifted through the open topped arena and suddenly Aidan knew exactly where the intoxicating scent was coming from.

As Aidan raced forward towards the floor, he could hear Ronan and Hank shouting to him, calling him to allow the end of the fight. They didn't know what he knew. That he had to get to the female. He had to be near her, smell her, embrace her. He found himself lunging at the unsuspecting female, just as her head rose to look around, trying to pin her to the ground so he could breath her in and make her his. She was caught off guard by his lunge but recovered immediately and was able to slip from his grasp. When they both stood, she looked quizzically at him but in a stance that said she was ready to fight him if it came to it. A moment later, an understanding came across her face just as Nolan, Hank, Theo, Alice and Ronan stood either side of her.


He couldn't take his eyes off her. She was taller than the average female, with the most startling green eyes he had ever seen. Her full lips, although covered with blood from the fight, made his trousers start to feel a little tight. Her body was perfect. She looked strong and fit, with large shapely breasts and hips. Absolute perfection. Aidan found himself almost breathless in her presence.

"It was a fair fight Alpha", Nolan started to explain. "Gamma Kit agreed to the terms before they began. Alex gave him every chance to tap out and end the fight but he refused".

Nolan and the assembled group had misunderstood his lunge at the woman to be an attempted assault on the person who was fighting his gamma.

Aidan watched her still.

Mate, he repeated.


There was shock across every face in the small group. They all looked to the woman to confirm. With a slight nod, she verified, looking tormented as she did so.

"Everyone out now", Ronan roared to the assembled crowd.

They scurried as fast as they could and bowed their heads in submission at the use of the Alpha tone in Ronan's order.

"Theo, can you escort Kit to the hospital please and get him patched up", Ronan called to his Beta.

"Yes Alpha", Theo replied, motioning to some of the Lunar Ridge warriors to assist him with carrying Kit to one of the vehicles outside.

Kit groaned as he was lifted from the ground and carried out, a trail of blood following the group out the door.

Alex's mind was very slowly getting to grips with what was happening. Her mate was the Alpha of Lunar Ridge, a pack most renowned for it's backwards treatment of women. A pack that had no female warriors. A pack that she was now to become Luna to. An Alpha that may never respect her as the leader she was. Thoughts and images of what her life might look like at Lunar Ridge invaded her brain and suddenly, Alex felt sick and lightheaded again. She grabbed onto Nolan's shoulder and, seeing her distress, he put a protective arm around her waist, pulling her tighter to him so he could support her. Their eyes met and Nolan's expression was one of great sadness as he looked at his friend, knowing exactly the thoughts that were circling across her mind.


There was a loud growl from Aidan. He took a step forward towards Nolan at the touch of his mate, his eyes black now displaying his wolf at the surface.

"Steady now Aidan", Hank put a gentle hand on Aidan's heaving shoulder, stopping him from moving any further. "Nolan has no interest in your mate, son. He is already mated to another in our pack".

At this gentle intervention, Aidan took a breath and took control back from his wolf. His wolf didn't care who the man was - he didn't want anyone laying a hand on his mate that wasn't him.

Sensing the danger passing, Hank continued.

"This is my daughter, Alex Fury".

'Alex Fury?' Aidan's mind reeled. He knew the reputation of Alex Fury; the Gamma; the utmost expert on warrior training; the person whom he had sent his pack members to in the hopes of upping their skillset. Alex Fury was a woman, and his mate.

As the silence continued, Alice turned and spoke to Alex.

"Maybe you would like to go clean up Alex and then we can meet in Ronan's office to discuss plans?"

Alex nodded silently, staring blankly at Aidan. She was afraid if she opened her mouth to speak that she would vomit right there on the floor.

Alice put a hand around Alex's shoulder and started to lead her away. This got Aidan's attention and he snapped out of his reverie.

"There's nothing to discuss" he said abruptly, "you have until Sunday to get your affairs in order and then we leave for Lunar Ridge".

He turned swiftly and walked out of the arena, leaving the group behind him in a stunned silence. They heard him shift outside and run into the forest.

All eyes now turned to Alex, full of sorrow and pity. Her father, brother, best friend and her almost sister had no bracing words for her. Tears welled in her own eyes as she stifled a sob.

"What am I going to do?" She asked aloud, knowing there was only one answer.

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