《I Believe in Miracles / Ramones》Chapter 2


The rest of the day was pretty much spent by sitting around and talking while drinking wine. Thank god I didn't get drunk, not even tipsy. Taking my time with drinking was a good idea.

They also updated me on the upcoming tours, projects and everything I had to know about.


"This... is... perfect..." I said to myself as I sunk into my perfectly soft bed. Various thoughts were flying through my head;

Did they like me?

Was I completely myself?

By telling me their shedules and everything... did that mean that I'm hired?

They never exactly told me, after all.

Geez... it was 3am...



"Oh hey! Dee Dee here. I was just talking to the guys and realized that we never made it clear but we want you. 100%. You can start at this very second. Which means you should get used to late phone calls like this one. That fine with you?"


"Wow. Wow... thank you really. It means a lot. Of course that's fine with me! You're the boss."

"Please don't refer to us as your bosses or other things like that... Let's just say we're your friends who you help lead their lifes."

I laughed a little, "That sounds wonderful. I'd love that."

"Great! So I should probably let you sleep now as you're going to have to wake us all up in... 4 hours. Long day. Big show. Gonna be a lot of fun! Anyway. Sleep well, Rains."

"Great!," i repeated, "Sleep well Dee Dee."

With that, we both hung up.

4 hours... fuck. Waking them up? Fuck. I genuinely hope that I'm the right person for this job.


I stood in my bathroom, brushing my teeth while thinking about how to wake up 4 grown-ups.


Set an alarm? Maybe.

Start screaming? Better not.

Nudging them awake? I'd rather not.

I was pretty much clueless.

I changed into my yellow floral dress and curled my hair a little. I decided to wear a little less make up than yesterday as it was going to be a long and exhausting day. I simply applied a little mascara and red lipstick. I couldn't go without my red lipstick. I then grabbed my red leather jacket, which I couldn't go without either, and rushed to my car.


"Room 54, I'm Elizabeth Rains."

"I remember you, lovely lady. That's a beautiful dress by the way."

A smile spread across my face, "Why thank you! I love your hair!", I remarked pointing at her ginger hair which she wore in pigtails. I only just realized how gorgeous the receptionist was.

"Thank you so much!" she thanked me with the biggest smile possible. "Here are your keys by the way!"

Right on time, I thought.

The only problem was that I still haven't really decided on how to wake the bunch of rockstars up from a probable deep sleep.

After I opened the door I heard the sound of someone making coffee so I went straight to the kitchen.

Johnny stood there and, as I heard correctly, made some coffee.

"Oh thank god you're awake... I didn't know how to wake you all up..." I said, a big weight falling off my shoulders.

He just looked at me with a blank expression. "Sorry but me being awake doesn't change anything. I'm not going to wake them up. It's impossible."

Wow... Morning person much.

I swallowed a little lump and nodded, "I'll be right back..."

First I went to the room from which Johnny had left the door open, to find Dee Dee sleeping safe and sound in the other bed.


I decided to sit down next to his sleeping body and started clapping. Don't ask why I started clapping, I had no idea. I probably looked like a fool.

The laughs which I heard coming from the doorway just confirmed the fact that I indeed looked like a fool.

"Dee Dee... please wake up..." I spoke up, sounding really desperate.

"You know you should try hitting him with a pillow or something." Johnny said while sipping on his hot beverage.

I shook my head. I will not hit him with anything, that was completely out of question.

Resulting me shaking my head, Johnny let out a deep sigh. "Head over to Joey and Tommy. Leave Dee Dee to me. You don't stand a chance."

"Thanks." I mumbled while heading to the other room.

At least none of them were snoring as loudly as Dee Dee, I thought.

The fact that I changed rooms didn't increase my plans on how to wake someone up though. At first I went over to Tommys bed and began tapping his shoulder. I kept tapping... and tapping... and tapping...

"Good god I need a shower..." he said after opening his eyes and went straight to the bathroom.

Well that was easy.

I sat down on Joeys bed and looked at him, trying to estimate the depth of his sleep.

He was laying on his stomach, the side of his head placed on the pillow, his hands underneath the pillow, probably folded. It was the "it's not my own bed but I'm trying to make the best out of it" position. It stuck with me for months after moving from a small village in Kentucky to Queens.

His thick hair covered the majority of his face, as always. He must not ever hear the end of all the "Do you even see something?" questions. After recognizing his position which screamed "I'm desperate for sleep." I almost felt too bad to wake him up but it was my job, after all.

I decided to softly tap his back and just kept tapping for a while until I could sense a shift in his breath.

"Joey? Joey... Wake up..." I spoke up.


That was the sound which I was waiting for.

"Good Morning Joey... It's 7:10 and you have a long rehearsal coming up..."

"No... Please no..." he whined.

I chuckled, "Sorry..."

He then proceeded to sit up and rub his eyes. "I'll better get ready then... thanks for waking me up."

"No biggie." I smiled and then left the bedroom to leave him time to get ready.

"Coffee?" Dee Dee asked and gestured to the coffee can.

"That would be just wonderful... Yes please." I smiled, relieved that someone finally offered me some coffee.

He poured some in a cup and handed it to me. "Sorry for giving you such a hard time. I just have a really deep sleep. Johnny had to hit me across the head about three times until I woke up."

"With a pillow of course." Johnny added.

"That's fine, really." I smiled. "So... when and where does the rehearsal happen?"

"9am at the venue. Here's the adress. Can you drive us?" he handed me a sheet with an adress.

I looked at it. I knew the venue. I've been to a lot concerts that took place there.

"Sure, I can drive you! Let's get going soon though!"

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