《I Believe in Miracles / Ramones》Chapter 1


Thirty minutes have passed since I first entered this room and by now we were all sitting in a circle on the floor, slowly getting to know each other.

One of them, Dee Dee, decided that it would be a good idea to open a bottle of wine as a little introduction celebration. According to him you never really know someone until you share a bottle of wine with them. So we did.

"Tell us something about yourself." Johnny spoke up.

My head was going through a What to tell and what not to tell your future employers handbook, as I tried to figure out what to tell them.

"Well, the name's Elizabeth Rains as you know. Ellie is completely fine though. I'm 22 years old and I did some courses about management in the last 3 years."

Tommy smiled, "We know the basics, love. What about family? Your interests?"

I took a sip from the red wine that Dee Dee handed me previously.

"My parents are from Kentucky. That's where I grew up! My folks still live there with my younger sisters. Me and my older brother decided to move to Queens in order to experience the city life and to go to school here. So he basically was my legal guardian since I was fifteen. My interests include photography and writing. I'm not really that interesting..." I laughed.

"You know that's actually pretty impressive that you left your home at such a young age in order to fulfill your dreams. I have mad respect for you."

"Why thank you, Dee Dee." I said with a smile. Hearing that sort of approval was actually really good and refreshing, as people usually look down on me for "leaving my parents behind". My parents were fine with it though. They have always been extremely supportive of me and my siblings.


I didn't know if it was appropriate to ask them about their personal lives, so I let it be. They could tell me if they wanted to.

My head was slowly racing with first impressions.

Dee Dee seemed really funny and welcoming.

Tommy seemed really nice and genuine.

Johnny seemed really distant so far.

And Joey? Well Joey didn't talk much.

That is fine, though. People are shy and we've known each other for not even an hour. He will open up eventually and so will Johnny. I think.

"That's a nice jacket by the way. Red leather jackets are amazing." Dee Dee remarked with an enthusiastic smile.

"Thank you, it's my favourite." I returned the smile.

I watched the guys empty one glass after the other, making myself wonder how they did it. It was red wine after all. Myself, on my account, tried to drink the wine as slowly and relaxed as possible for it not to kick in.

Getting wine drunk was not something that I ever want to do ever again. Let alone in front of the Ramones. (I decided to not refer to them as my future employers anymore, as that sounded extremely cold and distant to me).

I then felt Tommy softly pull on my hair.

... What the heck?

"It's dyed right? What's your natural hair color?"

"Brown. Light brown to be exact..." I answered, still slightly weirded out by him randomly pulling on my hair.

I probably needed to get used to that... closeness? Lack of personal space?

"Where are you going Joey?" Johnny asked, looking at his friend who just stood up.

"Bathroom." Joey said and made his way to the door which must have led to the bathroom.

I know it's probably none of my business but I couldn't help but feel as if he was maybe bothered by my company. Maybe he really doesn't talk much, I don't know. I don't know him. But I had this habit of always blaming myself for everything. Not one of my best habits, I'll admit.


"Hey don't look at him with that worried look Rains. He's fine alright?" Dee Dee said.

"Right... sorry."

"No no don't be sorry it's just... That's Joey for ya. Once you get to know him you will love him. He's a big softie he's just quiet sometimes. Promise me not to worry too much." he gave me a soft smile.

"Gotcha." I said and returned the same soft smile and emptied my wine glass. Who decided to create something as bitter and strong as wine?

Before I could be glad about the fact that I just emptied the glass, I could already sense Tommy pour more wine into my glass.


In that moment, Joey came back and sat back down next to us.

"Joey she was worried because of you. Talk to the lady." Johnny said.

I felt my cheeks burn from the intense red color they probably just took on.

Joey seemed a bit confused but then looked at me and smiled softly while adjusting his rose-coloured sunglasses.

"I didn't mean to worry you I am just really tired. I don't know how the other guys do it but the last couple of shows really wore me out."

Dee Dee grinned and held the wine bottle up, swinging it in front of Joeys face.

"Wine. It's the wine, old friend. It does wonders."

Joey shook his head and took a sip of his wine that was already warming up in his glass which he didn't touch before.

"I would be pretty tired too..." I assured him with a understanding smile.

Once again, he smiled back at me.

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