《I Believe in Miracles / Ramones》Room 54


"I can't believe I'm actually doing this..." I said to myself as I looked into the mirror while doing my make up.

Today is the day that I was so excited for but also dreaded for weeks now. I am about to start the new job that I applied for a month ago. It's also the first time that I'm going to meet my actual employers and have them ultimately decide if they want me or if they don't.

I got told that there is no dress code and that made choosing something to wear much harder than it already was. I stood in front of my closet for 2 hours until I finally decided to wear a simple black lacey crop top, covered up by a red leather jacket and some bell bottom jeans. I still didn't know if I should wear my doc martens or thigh highs. This might sound really over dressed but I want to go into the job being 100% myself. I might be an introvert most of the time but my clothing style definitely screams extrovert.

I straightened my jet black hair and tried to keep my make up as simple as possible. Some highlighter in the corner of my eyes and a tad on my cheek bones, red lipstick and silver eyeshadow. I didn't go over the top.

After I finally decided to wear my dr. martens I took a final look at the watch which confirmed that it was time for me to get ready. My first day of my new possible work is going to begin in 1 hour and it takes me about 40 minutes to get there. Being a little early won't hurt.


I quickly grabbed my bag and headed towards the reception of the hotel in which I was about to meet my new employers and went straight to the reception.


"Good Morning M'am how can I help you?"

"I have a meeting with-" I looked at my note "Room 54!"

The lady at the reception took a look at her book which had all the Room numbers and current guests in it.

"Mmmm... Yes Room 54... I just need your name before I can hand you the keys!"

"Elizabeth Rains!"

She smiled and handed me the keys. "Here you go. First floor!"

I thanked her and made my way to the stairs and went straight to Room 54. I took one last breath before putting the keys into the lock and entering the room to meet the people who would hopefully be my employers from now on. Everything could change within the following moments.

Why I got the keys to enter the room myself and not wait for them to let me in? Because they wouldn't let me in. They wouldn't let anyone in. So I have to let myself in.

After mentally preparing myself I finally built enough courage to open the door. Much to my surprise, the room was empty.



"Is anybody here? I'm Elizabeth Rains and I'm here for the position as a manager?"

Saying it out loud sounded so weird. I never thought I'd actually even get the chance to try and work as a manager one day. Yet here I was, applying as a manager for an upcoming band. Honestly I should just take my bag and head back home. This is stupid. I'm insane.

"Nice to finally meet you Mrs Rains!"

That was enough to make me jump. I did not see that man coming up behind me and reach out his hand to shake mine.

The guy laughed. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Dee Dee! I heard a lot about you."


I smiled softly. "Nice to meet you too, Dee Dee." I finally shook his hand. "It's fine by the way! I just did not see you coming up behind me."

"You seemed pretty lost in your own thoughts as if you were contemplating your whole life choices."

Well, he wasn't wrong.

"I tend to do that quite a lot." I said and laughed awkwardly.

"That must suck. See the guys and me usually hide in the bedrooms when we hear someone enter the room. I know we've been around for only a year but some fans are already pretty passionate. Too passionate. So you can never be too sure." he assured me and then turned around "Guys you can come out now it's safe."

I looked in the direction of the other rooms to find three other guys walking out of them.

They all had dark hair with similar hair-do's and their height differences were quite amusing. One of them was extremely tall, one was average and one was only a little bit taller than me. I'm quite small. Not that it mattered, but it was still interesting to look at.

They took turns to come up to me and shake my hand as well.

The small one introduced himself as Tommy.

The average height one introduced himself as Johnny.

Last but not least, the tall one introduced himself as Joey.

I was very grateful for the little introduction round because other than how probably everyone else would have, I have never done any research of this band. I wanted to completely surprise myself and not get too worked up or nervous about first impressions that weren't my own.

Everything I knew so far was that the band goes by .

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