《I Believe in Miracles / Ramones》Chapter 3


Watching the rehearsal was really entertaining and an amazing first experience. So far, they played some songs called Blitzkrieg Bop, Now I wanna sniff some glue, Havana Affair, Loudmouth, Chain Saw, I don't wanna go down to the basement, Judy is a punk and everything went smoothly.

Off to break.

They jumped off the stage and I sat in front of them, clapping.

"That was incredible! I'm so impressed!"

"Thank you! Rehearsals usually don't go this smoothly from the first try so I'm pretty sure that this is going to be a great show!" Tommy said, smiling proudly.

"Of course it's going to be a great show! That's out of question." I assured them, "So... enjoy your 2 hour break!"

Johnny and Tommy thanked me and left the room. I grabbed my bag and turned around to find Dee Dee and Joey still standing there.

"What are you going to do now?" Dee Dee asked, looking at me.

I have no idea...

"Honestly... I'm not sure. Is there really anything to do around here?"

That area in which the venue was in was a pretty dead one. It's only ever crowded during shows and at night. On the broad daylight? It's empty.

Dee Dee laughed, "You're right. That area is wacky. Well, I have no idea what Johnny and Tommy are up to but me and Joey don't really know what to do either... so how about we all spend the 2 hours together?"

"Yes that sounds great!"

It really did sound great. It sounded better than my original plan to just awkwardly sit around until the 2 hours have passed.

"So what did you think about your first day so far? Apart from the waking up because that must have sucked."

Yes Dee Dee, it did kind of suck.

"I like it so far! I loved watching the rehearsal, it was something I have never done before and it was really impressive. You guys are good. I loved the songs you played so far!" I complemented them, trying not to sound too enthusiastic because I still wanted to come across professional at all times.


"What was your favourite song so far?" Dee Dee asked, anticipation growing in his eyes.

"God that's a really hard question... Even though I know that Blitzkrieg Bop is definitely a banger and going to get very very big in the future, I must say that my favourite was Judy is a Punk."

"Thank you!! You're definitely going to love the rest." he smiled excitedly.

"Judy is a punk was really fun to write." Joey remarked, finally speaking up.

"Really? I totally can imagine!" I said, smiling at him. I was more excited about the fact that he finally spoke up than about what he just said.

He nodded and smiled back at me.

"Have you ever left the country before?" Dee Dee then asked, probably hinting on upcoming tours.

"I have not, have you?" I immediately felt dumb about asking the question. He probably has.

"Yeah... I've actually lived in Germany up until I was 15 years old!"

"Really? Holy shit that's so cool!" I said, lots of enthusiasm in my voice.

I would love to go there one day.

He nodded excitedly and then looked to the door where he saw Johnny and Tommy coming in.

"Is the break already over?" Dee Dee asked, resulting in all of them looking at me.

I looked at the watch. To my surprise, the two hours passed incredibly fast.

"Yeah unfortunately..." I said and sat back down to my previous spot.

The guys went back up on stage, each to their position.

The next song which they played were Listen to my heart, Today your love tomorrow the world, Let's dance, Beat on the brat, I don't wanna walk around with you, 53rd & 3rd and I wanna be your boyfriend.

My favourites were probably 53rd & 3rd and I wanna be your boyfriend.

Dee Dee later proudly informed me that 53rd & 3rd was one of the songs that he wrote the lyrics to. I started to really enjoy listening to them play and I also started to appreciate their music a lot. I never heard anything of their stuff before today but I am glad that I finally did now.



We all sat backstage together and once again shared a bottle of wine. Now that I was their manager, I also had the task of making sure that nobody gets drunk. I've known them since yesterday so I had no idea about their drinking tolerances, what and how much they could drink.

"Let's play a drinking game!" Dee Dee said excitedly.

"I don't know if that's a good idea... you have to be on stage in 50 minutes." I reminded him.

"No I agree with Dee Dee, we should play a drinking game. Never have I ever?" Johnny added.

Please no...

"Sweet, I'm in." Tommy said with a grin.

Joey looked at the other guys and shook his head "I think I'll pass."

"Fine. Rains has to play along though! No chance of tapping out!" Dee Dee said, practically forcing me.

I sighed, "Fine... Just please promise me to not get too drunk okay?"

They all nodded quickly and poured a few drops of wine in each glass. Considerate, I liked that.

I turned around to throw my bag on the couch and after I did so, I realised that the glasses were now filled to the rim.

I got greeted with innocent smiles from all of them.

We decided to take turns. Dee Dee, Johnny, me & Tommy.

"Never have I ever... ran around on a roof because I was so drunk." Dee Dee said with a chuckle and emptied his glass.

That confession just added to my already present terror. Thank god he was the only one who drank, though.

"You're supposed to say something that you haven't done so you don't have to drink... Anyways... I have never kissed a guy."

I drank the whole glass. "Hasn't everyone?" Dee Dee asked and joined me.

I tried hard to focus but that wine hit me. A lot. I did not know what was up with that wine but that shit was strong and really really disgusting. Probably the worst wine I have ever had. It made me feel incredibly nauseous.

I didn't really focus on Tommys question and kindly excused myself instead.

Before I walked out of the room I checked the clock again. They have 30 minutes left to have fun and I have 30 minutes left to get my shit together.

How clever of me to think that managing a rock band would not include a little alcohol. My alcohol tolerance equaled Zero. It took me a while to get drunk but it just made me sick most times. Plus the wine that we had yesterday was not that strong. By far.

As soon as I found the back exit, I walked out of the building to get some fresh air. I sat down on one of the steps and took deep breaths.

"Hey are you alright?"

I turned around to find Joey standing by the door, looking down on me.

"Yes! I just needed some fresh air..." I assured him.

"It's the wine huh?," he sat down on the step next to me "Truly disgusting. That specific wine they had back there is hell. It's a brand that Dee Dee likes a lot but I personally can't drink one drop of that brew. That's also part of why I tapped out. Sorry for not warning you." he smiled sympathetically.

"The most disgusting thing I have ever had." I said and we both laughed.

The fact that he talked to me was a big relief as I still thought he didn't like me.

"I should get back... We have to be on stage in 15 minutes... I'll tell them to get ready. You take your time and get as much fresh air as you need!" he said and stood up.

"No wait I'm coming with you..." I stood up as well and entered the building with him.

With Joeys help, they all got ready within 10 minutes and were on stage right on time. Time to relax on the side of the stage.

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