《Challenge accepted(Completed)》Chapter 32


Once words left from Amanda's mouth for being her girlfriend I was shocked for good minutes that I couldn't able to process those words in my mind. It was so fast that I felt like it was some kind of movie because a girl like Amanda who is all about fashion and money is now asking me for being her girlfriend. I couldn't able to see that person anymore who brought tears in my eyes every single day a few months ago but I can only see this sincere person who put their heart in front of me. Her confession was enough to bring tears in my eyes but once she asked me to her girlfriend I sob uncontrolled. It was not true right I mean how on earth I got so lucky that she wants me to be the part of her life. She hugged me tightly and starts wiping my tears but all I can see the disappointment in her eyes. Then I realized I didn't answer her question and she was probably thinking I was going to reject her. But how I tell her I accept her at the movement we share the kiss for the first time or the movement when she claims my body.

"Sorry, I was overwhelmed with your confession that I couldn't able to understand what to say," I told her with a small smile

"That's okay if you don't want to be my girlfriend right now I will wait for you just want to tell you that I want to be the part of your life no matter what and I wait for you always." She said with little disappointment but she quickly replaced it with a small smile

I want to chuckle on this girl I mean she seriously thinks I will reject her when I already give myself to her.

"I want to be your girlfriend Amanda but..." I told with a small chuckle to make her more curious

"But what Maaya? Did I do something wrong? Please tell me I will do anything for you please tell me," she asked me worriedly


"Well, you never took me on a proper date like a couple's do so how can I be your girlfriend?" I asked her teasingly

She looked at me with a confused expression before her lips turn into a small smile and it was the first time I saw her blushing like her face was ten times brighter pink.

"Umm....oh sorry I mean you want to go on date with me I mean of course I can take you on dates every day if you wish for as long as you stay with me." She said while blushing brightly

"In that case, I can be your girlfriend Amanda," I said while blushing

She looked at me and then kissed me passionately before pulling her out from me.

With another week passed Maaya was ready to leave the hospital with lots of instructions and medicines. Of course, she was weak at this movement but as her waking up was a big miracle for doctors so is her rapidly getting healthy in these weeks. It was a miracle how she is getting better and start gaining weight and her face is not that much pale as compared to last few days. Doctors told us that with this speed she will be fine soon and able to get cure in the next few weeks but for that we need to take care of her properly but I don't need this instruction because even if they didn't say this I was going to take care of her whole life no matter what.

"Ready to leave hospital sunshine," I asked Maaya while packing her all clothes

"Yes, totally but I want you to do something for me." She said while biting her lower lips

"Yes sure tell me what I can do sunshine," I asked while giving Maaya bag to Zach

"I don't want to go in a walk or use this wheelchair so please carry me till car." She said with the cutest pout I ever seen

Kate and Zach look at with smirk while leaving the room but I didn't waste my time on much debate so I walk towards her and before she is able to say anything I carry her in my arms in bridal style.


"No it's ok to put me down I was just messing with you please I am scared," she said worriedly

"Nope, I won't miss this chance to carry you and don't worry I never let you fall ever again," I told her truthfully

I didn't give her much chance to speak as I carry her out from the hospital and she obediently wraps her arms around my neck and put her head on the crook of my neck.

I put Maaya in backseat securely and sit beside Maaya and put my hand on her shoulder to hold her tight. On the way back to hostel Maaya fallen asleep in my arms tightly clinched with me. I can feel her warm breath on my neck and I thought about the future where I can able to hold her like this always.

When we reached hostel Maaya was still fast asleep you can blame her medicines but I was happy she is able to take rest as it helps her to heal as fast as it can be. I carry her to our room and tug her under blankets while Zach and Kate carry her stuff in the room. I don't want to disturb her so I switch off the light of the room and went out to grab some food with Kate and Zach.

Since my fight with my Robin, I don't talk to my group anymore not at least with that jerk Robin. I was happy to realize that at least Kate was my real friend I mean she was one of close one in my group but the way she helped me out was something makes me realize how important to have true friends in our life. There was silence between both of us but it was comfortable because somehow we both are exhausted physically but also mentally. So much happened in all these months and with an unbelievable change in my life, I am still happy like really happy.

I don't know what would happen if Maaya never came in my life and I was still that kind of bitchy person I used to be. I still don't know how to tell her about that stupid game but I don't want to give her any shock for now. I want to gain her trust and love so that she able to understand and forgive me for my stupidity.

"It's late Amanda lets go to the room and take a rest for a while I am sure Maaya also needs you," Kate said calmly

I nod in agreement and throw my leftover in the trash to go back to the room. On all the way everyone was giving me glances and muttering something under their breath but I know why they are talking like that. Earlier whenever I walk like this everybody was trying to gain my attention and join my group but now everybody talks about my involvement with Maaya.

When I came to my lobby I saw the group in front of my door I don't know what was happening so I walk fast towards my room. Kate understands the same thing and we approximately run towards my room. All in my mind suddenly million of thoughts came about Maaya. Something happened to her or is she safe or something happened? I was worried like a hell and the minute of walk seems like thousands of years.

When I stop in front of my room everybody clear my way for the door and my blood boil with so much anger that I was ready to rip every single person hand whoever did this.

I roar in anger and every single person flinch with my anger and take a few steps back from me.

"Who the hell write Slut room here?" I asked with full anger

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