《Challenge accepted(Completed)》Chapter 31


It's been a full week since I wake up from this traumatized coma and I learn that how much I missed on all these months. I missed everyone but mostly Amanda for all this time and she is the reason who brought me back into this world once again and let me feel being loved. After my parent's death I never thought anyone will ever consider me as a human or love me that much. Every time any nurse comes to give me sponge bath Amanda always interferes and never let anyone touch me not because she was jealous or maybe a little bit but instead of lust I saw an incredible amount of love in her eyes. She starts beaming like a small kid whenever she has to do anything for me. I was not even allowed to eat my own soup from my own hands and Amanda was always feeding me like a child not like I was not enjoying this but somehow I was concerned about her a lot. She got thin in all these months but now she was spending her all day and night here in the hospital except for going to fresh an up and that also she do when I was sleeping.

I felt like she was overprotective towards me and she was too concerned about me that she almost lost herself. I was seeing totally a different person who poured their soul in front of me. Zach and Kate also meet me every day and they told me how Amanda was depressed for all these months. I don't know how to make Amanda understand that she has to take care of herself. I seriously don't know what she would do if I didn't survive because the way she was behaving like a lovesick person but something was stopping me to tell her that how much I was madly in love with her. I still feel dirty that those jerks touched me but I was also shocked that what Amanda does to them. It was next to impossible to believe that she ruined those jerks literally and this is why I was not sure that girl like me was even deserved her.


Since Maaya wake up from the coma I was determined to make sure that everything was revolved near me only from now. I do everything for her and not because I don't trust stuff but I feel the happiness while doing this.

God knows what exactly this feeling is but giving her bath or feeding her soup or giving her medicine or anything revolves her I want to do and I was not feeling tired or disgusted instead of that I was feeling satisfaction. I never felt this before but taking care of her makes me happy and every time she pouts when I deny her to eat her food herself makes my heart jump in happiness. If I was not in love before I was sure that I was deeply in love with her now. Even with this white hospital gown and thin body she looks the most beautiful girl to me I ever seen in my life.

If someone sees me that how I stare Maaya when she was sleeping they would call me possessive lover but somehow seeing her peaceful face give me peace too. The fear for losing her was vanishing slowly but the sense of love growing stronger every single second. I don't know how but something was bothering Maaya since she woke up but I was not going to push her not when she was near to death a few days back.

I was reading a love story for Maaya as I was getting near to the ending to this love birds story she was getting excited about the climax. Once I finished it she was smiling like a kid who was in there favorite candy store. Suddenly Maaya expression changed and before I ask her what happened she asked me something that makes me wonder why she asked me this.


"Amanda, why you love me?" she asked sincerely

"Do I need a reason to love you, baby?" I told her teasingly

"No I mean I was just curious.... No, I mean why me.... No, I mean what you see me?" She asked me stutteringly

I chuckled with her expression but somehow I was getting nervous about this.

"The truth is I was madly in love with you because of your personality Maaya. Even back then when I bully you I was always thinking about you Maaya but I didn't realize my feelings for a long time." I said to her while taking a long pause and continue more

"You would probably think how stupid I am but the fact is all I think was about you only Maaya and seeing your face every day makes my heart jump in such a way that I can't express in words anymore so answer to your question is I LOVE YOU so much that I can spend my whole life to tell you the reason why I was mad for you," till this time Maaya has tears in her eyes.

"You know that I don't deserve you anymore," she said with teary eyes but I hate to see her crying so hugged her immediately while wiping her tears from cheeks.

"Don't ever say this that you don't deserve me because you don't know how bad person I was Maaya so the fact is I don't deserve you Maaya," I told her with the guilty eyes

"I am dirty Amanda they raped me I don't deserve your love." She said while putting her face into my chest more.

This makes my heart stop for the movement I couldn't able to react for a movement till I understand what making Maaya stops for all this while but little Maaya knows that I was burning in the guilt that how wrong I was while accepting to play with her feelings.

"Don't ever say that you are dirty because if anyone was dirty in that movement it was those boys and remember I don't love only your body but also your soul too. And you have the most beautiful soul I ever encounter in my whole life for whom I wish to spend my whole life." I told her truthfully

"So Maaya I want to ask you this for so long time that will you be my girlfriend?" I asked and once she nods her head with teary eyes I claim her lips for the kiss.

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