

"Aiza Montgomery? Follow me" A lady smiled.

Skai got up and followed the lady into an office.

She relaxed into the couch as she smelled her favorite vanilla candle being burned.

"Hi Aiza I'm Dr.Evans you can call me Jaraya or Raya, how are you today?" The lady asked closing the door.

Dr.Evans was 26, she was brown skinned with a 40 inch yellow lace front and a comforting aura.

Skai gave her a small wave "I'm good"

"I beg to differ, Aiza if we plan to meet our goals you have to be completely honest. I know we're programmed to say that we're doing 'good' or 'fine' even when we're really not but this is therapy. So let's try again, how are you?"

"I'm not okay" Skai sighed relaxing more into the chairs.

"So as your therapist, we have a doctor patient confidentiality. Anything you say in here stays with me. With that being said let's get started" Jaraya smiled.

"You were shot by your mom, lost your baby, and your dad is in a coma. All this in a span of about a week? So your definitely not okay, let's unpack" Jaraya said.

Skai stared at her. "What do you feel knowing your mom shot you?"

"I feel like it's not surprising" Skai told her.

Jaraya frowned "Why wouldn't it surprise you that your mother shot you?"

"I don't know"

"I think you do know, Aiza. Why wouldn't it be surprising?" She repeated.

"C-can we talk about something else for now?" Skai asked.

"We can, you are in a relationship, can you tell me about that?" Dr.Evans asked.

"Umm this is my first relationship since sophomore year. Its kinda difficult, we're taking space" Skai nodded.

"He was really taking care of me since I came home from the hospital, but I kinda pushed him"


Jaraya nodded "How did you push him?"

"He suggested that I go on vacation for fall break, and I told him that he doesn't care. Then he told me he needed space" Skai explained.

"Girl- Aiza, he suggested you get out and back on your feet and you believe he doesn't care? I believe that's irrational" Jaraya told her.

"I just feel like it was too sudden to say I can go on vacation. I lost my baby, so yea I felt like he didn't care"

"Aiza everything that you're saying is giving inconsiderate" Jaraya said.

"How?" Skai said getting ready to leave.

"Aiza, firstly that was his baby too. Him suggesting you go on vacation was not about him, it was about him caring for you and your mental state. I'd say he definitely cared, the sooner you realize that the quicker the relationship can grow"

Skai thought about it and sat back down. "Okay, so you say your relationship is difficult. Explain that, give me examples." Jaraya said as she wrote something.

"So one time he sent money for me to go shopping. I didn't feel comfortable spending it so we argued and then I stopped the relationship. Recently, he offered to let me live in his townhouse. I ended up renting it but I had some trouble. I'd do something kinda dumb, like I went to Aruba and didn't tell him " Skai explained.

"Why did you have to move into his townhouse?" Jaraya questioned.

"My mom and I got into a bad argument" Skai answered.

"Why can't you trust that Kareem genuinely cares for you?"

"I don't know"

"I think you do" Jaraya said looking down at her notes.

"I guess, maybe most of the relationships I've formed with people fell through or went bad. My dad and best friend are the only people that have really ever cared for me"


"So when did you and your mom's relationship fall through?" Skai sat there for a moment then spoke.

"Around the time my dad went to jail. I was 13"

"And what do you think caused the relationship to fail?"

Skai took a deep breath.

"She cheated on my dad while he was in jail, with two men. The first one spent a lot of time around us, one time when she was out shopping he had came over and got mad that she wasn't there. He attempted to you know.. touch me, but I fought back but he was too strong so he beat me. When she got there I was unconscious, she never said anything to me about it but I never saw him again" Skai said.

Jaraya wrote something down then spoke "That's why her shooting you isn't surprising, and trusting that someone genuinely and unconditionally cares for you is hard. Everything is tracing back to her"

"Essentially I got mommy issues?" Skai asked.

"You can call it that, but we're going to work through it so that you can do improve in relationships. So if you're really ready, let's start"

They talked for a little while longer until the session was over.

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