

"You got a 97 Ms.Montgomery" my professor said closing her laptop.

I smiled "Thank you for letting me retest" I grabbed my bag.

"Definitely, you're one of my best students so when you started missing class and assignments I knew something was wrong. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I just had somethings going on, but I'm dealing with it" I told her.

"Alright, I also reopened the last assignment that you need to do. Once that all gets finished you should be back to an A"

I nodded "Thank you so much have a good day"

"Skaiiiii" Dyme smiled as I walked down the hall.

"Hi Dyme" she locked our arms together and we started walking.

"I'm so ready for break" she said as we got in my car.

"Samee. How is my baby?"

Dyme has the most adorable 2 year old named Kayden.

"He's good, he with his grandma this weekend" she huffed.

"He stay over there" I laughed.

"Right acting like me and his daddy abuse him or sum. Every Friday before we can even leave the day care 'I go grandma house' like sir" She sighed.

"Where I'm taking you? Kaycee house?" I asked referring to her baby daddy.

She nodded "Yea"

"Come in, I gotta get the money for Kayden's shoot from Kaycee" she told me.

After I left, I got something to eat then headed to the hospital.

"Hi daddy" I smiled and hugged him.

"Wassup" he smiled seeing Amir walk in behind me.

Amir gave me a hug then dapped him up.

"I got someone pregnant" Amir blurted out causing my dad to make a face.

This face btw👩🏽‍🦯

"Amir I'm too young for this" my dad huffed.

I laughed "Congratulations, how far is she?"

"Firstly daddy you old and she 8 months" he answered.

"Boy I'm 37, no grey hairs, and all your girlfriends wanted me. How I'm old?" My dad said mugging him.

Amir mugged him back.

"Anywayssss when we gon meet her?" I asked excitedly.

"Ion know, she having a baby shower next week y'all can come" he said.

"I'll definitely come, but how come you just saying something?"


"Honestly, she just told me about the baby a few weeks ago then we got that prenatal DNA test and I just found out about the shower today, which kinda rubbing me the wrong way cause I basically missed out" he explained.

I nodded "Well you got the baby's whole life on Earth to make up for it"

He smiled "Shit still crazy to me, imma be a dad"

"I'm gonna be a grandpa it gotta call me grandpimp or sum" my daddy sighed.

"My son not an it and he won't be calling you that" Amir said mugging him.

"A boyyyy?" I squealed "Ugh does she have a registry?"

"A what?" Amir scrunched up his face.

My daddy chuckled "A gift registry, like a list of things the baby need"

"How you know that?" Amir asked.

"Not too long ago I had two of them mfs you know" my dad replied.

"It's you being in denial about your age" I said laughing.

"Wait til y'all turn 30, y'all gon realize this is not old" he said rolling his eyes.

I laughed some more "Anyways my baby mama sent the link for the registry so I sent it to y'all" Amir told us.

"Hollaminute why you send it to me?" My dad asked scrunching his face up as he looked at the phone.

"To buy off it?"

"I did not ask for this tho, Aiza did" I rolled my eyes knowing my dad would probably buy the whole registry and spoil the baby.

"Whatever daddy, I'll see y'all later" I smiled getting up.

"You coming when they release me or you gon meet me at the new house?" He asked.

"Mmm probably at the house, send me the address please"

My dad is obviously leaving my mom now, and took the first step by sending divorce papers along with buying another house.

The Baby Shower

"It's giving rich aunty" Skai said looking in the mirror and smoothing her dress out.

Maya laughed and put the call on pause "What all did you get?" She asked clicking on her screen.

"Umm I bought the car seat, stroller, a few polo sweat suits, diapers, wipes, ouuu and I had to get this Moschino baby bag with his name on it" Skai listed .


"Assuming aunty duties quickly I see" Maya said.

She nodded "Most definitely I'm so excited"

They talked for a little while longer until it was time for Skai to go. Once she got into the car she put the address in the GPS then left.


"Aiza this is Des" Amir said as he and a pregnant lady walked up.

Skai smiled "Hi Des it's so nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too girl, thank you for coming and celebrating Ezra" she smiled.

"Of course I'm excited, so glad you don't got a Burberry shirt on" She laughed looking at Amir.

"He wanted too" Desi laughed.

"Where can I put my gifts?" Skai asked.

They pointed to a table and she carried everything over one by one.

"I got these boxes" a familiar voice said.

She turned around and saw Kareem, Skai internally rolled her eyes cause he looked good and had a hair cut.

"Okay thank you"

He nodded as he placed them down "What you doing here?" She asked him.

"Amir invited me" he said.

"Oh okay well I'm gonna go find my seat" Skai told him.

"You sitting next to me" he said, she scrunched up her face and got ready to say something "They got assigned seating, your name next to mine" he explained.

She nodded and followed him to the table.

"What we doing Aiza? I'm done playing" Kareem said as they sat down.


"Aiza I'm serious, lemme know sum dawg"

"I wanna be with you" she replied. "I genuinely want to do better too, I started therapy and I'm working on myself" she told him.

He nodded "Ight then, how you been?"

"Good, what about you?" she asked.

"I miss you" he said causing her to lowkey blush.

"You miss me?" He asked smirking, because he already knew the answer.

She shrugged "Ehh"

"Gir stop lying, Maya told me everything. Ion like how you wasn't focused on school" he said causing her eyes to roll.

"I got caught up on everything so it's fine"

"Watch that attitude, you had fun shopping yesterday?" He asked.

"Oh my gosh why this girl telling you all my business" Skai huffed.

"You my business" he told her.

"Anywaysssss" she said looking around at the decorations.

He grabbed her chin and pulled her attention back to him. "Don't dismiss me while we talking"

As he got ready to say something, the host went onto the mic.

"We can talk later" Skai assured him.


"You good? You want something to eat?" Kareem asked as they both walked into his house.

Skai declined then sat on his couch. "Okay so firstly I want to apologize for how I've treated you the whole relationship. I also wanna apologize for how I acted a few weeks ago and I want you to know that I do appreciate you"

Kareem nodded "You good. We need to work on communication."

"Yea, I feel like a lot of the conflict we have is due to us not talking to each other" she expressed.

"Also my therapist suggested that if I'm comfortable I should share my traumas with you, I'm not telling you this for pity tho I just want you to understand me more."

She explained the situation between her and her mom along with some other occurrences.

"You know the dude name?" Kareem asked as she finished.

Skai shook her head "My dad dealt wit him already"

"Oh ight, thank you for sharing" he didn't have much to say. It angered him that someone put their hands on her.

Skai laughed "Nigga, thank you for sharing?"

He chuckled "How long you been doing this therapy shit?"

"Mmm 2 weeks, I go twice a week. So it hasn't been long but I'm making progress" she replied.

"That's good, I'm proud of you" he told her.

She smiled "Can we hug? Likeee I ain touched my nigga in weeks"

He chuckled then pulled her into a hug. "How you feeling? You healed?"

"Yea the doctor said everything looks fine" she said.

After that they spent the whole night updating each other.

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