

"Kareem" Maya called seeing him look lost at the waiting room entrance.

He saw her and walked over there "What happened?"

"Her mom shot her" Maya explained.

"Where she at?"Kareem asked grabbing his keys.

"She got shot too, but as soon as she's released from the hospital she'll be in custody" Maya answered.

"Come sit baby" one of Skai's aunties said seeing the lost expression on his face.

"I'm good, where Aiza at?" Kareem asked as his heart continued racing.

"She still in surgery" Amir said as his voice broke.

Alijah and Aiza were both in surgery so this was taking a toll on him. His mom died last year so these two were the only immediate family he had left.

"Kareem come sit down for real" August said.

"The fuck I just say? I'm good" Kareem said raising his voice. "So I just gotta sit and wait to hear about my girl?"

Maya nodded "Yea, someone should be out here soon to update us on how the surgery is going"

Kareem finally sat down, he didn't like how it felt not being able to do anything for Skai. He felt even worst for not being there to protect her. But he really couldn't understand how her mother could do this.

After two more hours a lady came out causing everyone to stand.

"Hi, I'm Dr.Roland Aiza's doctor. She's out of surgery and doing fine, can I speak to Kareem Pierce and Maya Jackson?" She said pointing at a private area.

Since they were both on Skai's emergency contact list she wanted to speak to them.

"So, Aiza is doing fine we're waiting on her to wake up. But I am afraid that she lost the baby" Dr. Roland frowned.

Kareem and Maya's face scrunched up "Baby?"


"Oh I'm so sorry you guys didn't know. Yes, Aiza was about a month pregnant. The bullet along with the stress that her body endured was too much for the fetus"

Maya wiped the tear that had fell and nodded "I want you guys to be prepared for how she might react. You guys are obviously the closest to her so just be there in whatever way. Kareem are you dad?"

Kareem nodded and couldn't believe that he was a dad.

"There's a support group for dads that lost their baby too. I can give you the info" he shook his head no and went back to the sitting area.

"Thank you Dr. Roland" Maya smiled and followed Kareem.


After Aiza got settled in her room, her doctor allowed visitors.

Amir smiled as he was the first one to walk in the room. She gave him a weak smile back and held her arms open.

"Aww you was scared?" She laughed causing him to mug her.

He kissed her forehead "Hell yea I was scared, you was tryna close your eyes and shit"

She poked out her lip "I'm sorry-"

Rashawn busted in the room "I'm sorry Skai, I kinda shot ya mama"

Skai laughed "You dumping the glock for me?"

"Fasho" he smiled and gave her a hug.

"You good?"

"Of course, can't kill a real nigga like me" she laughed.

They laughed for a little while until Kareem and Maya came in causing the room to clear except for Amir.

Maya ran and gave her a hug.

"Hi baby" Kareem said tiredly, she saw the redness and puffiness in his eyes.

"Hi, come here" she said with her arms open.

He climbed in the bed and held her. "I love you" he said kissing her lips.


She said it back and smiled. "How's my daddy?"

"Skai we're not sure right now" Maya started causing Skai to shake her head and Amir to stare off.

"Wait no" she said as she started to cry.

"He was shot in the chest, and lost a lot of blood. Right now he's in a medically induced coma in the ICU" Kareem finished as Maya broke down as well.

Alijah was the only father figure Maya has ever had. So losing him would hurt her just as much as it would Amir and Aiza.

"There's another thing too baby. Y-you were pregnant" Kareem said wiping her face.

Skai looked at him "Were?"

"Yes mamas, the bullet went through your abdomen and the stress caused you to-"

"How far was I?" She asked.

"A month" he said causing her to cry more.

Amir and Maya left out to give them space.

Even though kids were not in Skai's plans at the moment. Knowing that she was carrying one and it was taken from her hurt her deeply.

Skai looked up and saw Kareem just staring off.

"Kareem?" She called causing him to look down.

He wiped her face "I'm sorry I feel-"

"Nah this not your fault, don't even let that shit come out your mouth" he said pulling her into his chest.

The stress from today along with her medications caused her to start dozing off.

After a few nights in the hospital, Skai was discharged and now at her house.

She spent the week crying, ignoring Kareem, and crying some more.

He tried to be understanding considering she'd just been shot by her mom, lost their baby, and her dad was in a coma. But he was hurt too.

Today was one of her first calm days aside from the occasional mood changes.

"Hey baby" Kareem smiled handing her a bag of chipotle.

"Thank you" she said turning back to the TV.

"Your fall break is in a few weeks, maybe you and Maya can go somewhere?"

She scrunched up her face and turned to him "Kareem I just lost my baby, do you think I wanna just go and have fun?"

"You don't even care-" she started.

"Shut up, Aiza how don't I care? I been taking care of you emotionally and physically. Whenever you decide to break down I drop everything and make sure I'm comforting you. I help you shower and change your bandages, I make sure you eat even when you not tryna eat. So me tryna get you out the house mean I don't care?"

Skai opened her mouth to say something but he cut her off.

"Aiza I'm tired of this shit" he said standing up.

He headed into her closet and grabbed a duffel bag then started stuffing it with the clothes he had.

Once he finished he walked back into the room and pulled her to him.

"Kareem I'm sorry" she cried laying on his chest.

He nodded "I know. But I need a lil space for real this time ight? Imma be at my house you can call me or text me if you need anything"

She grabbed his shirt as he let her go "N-no please don't go, I'm sorry. I'll be better Kareem"

"I just need a lil time to myself" he said pulling away from her.

He laid with her as she cried until she fell asleep.

He then kissed her cheek and left.

Kareem really did love her but at the same time he really was serious about needing a break.

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