

Since Kareem had finally got everything situated, he was able to be around Skai a lot more.

"Kareem look" Skai said as she attempted to do the splits.

"Get up before you tear them stitches again" Kareem said mugging her. She sighed and plopped next to him on the couch.

"I just want to be FREED from the shackles" she said.

He laughed and pulled her into his lap "I'm sorry mamas, but if you sit down it will heal faster"

She rolled her eyes and laid back on his chest "Kareem I'm so bored" she whined.

He kissed her lips "You wanna go to Miami for the weekend?" He asked causing her to shrug.

"Sure" she answered hopping up.

"Go pack a bag, we could leave tomorrow then come back Monday morning?"

"Okayyyyy" Skai smiled and rushed to her room with Kareem not far behind.

"Slow down Skai, your leg" he reminded her, causing her to calm down.

"I'm just so excited to get out the house, I can finally dress up again" she said going into her closet.

"Ohh my hair Kareem" she huffed sitting on the floor with her suitcase.

Kareem laughed at the different emotional changes. "Baby I'll call Kalani, just keep packing"

Skai nodded and continued putting outfits together that she wanted to pack.

"Aiza you wanna lace front?" Kareem read off the text message scrunching his face up.

Skai nodded "Yea"

"Okay she said she'll text you to deal with the rest, but your appointment is tonight imma take you" he told her.

"Thank you"


"Sooo I thought you ain know my brother" Kalani said braiding down my hair.

I shrugged "We was still getting to know each other"

"Mmmm, y'all are cute so it's okay. Just don't be tryna hurt my brother" she told me, I internally rolled my eyes.

"Mhm" I sounded then got on my phone, checking my messages.


Kareem had texted to ask how my leg was feeling and to inform me that he was horny. My dad also texted to check on me.

My phone was pretty dry so I just sat in silence watching Tiktoks.

*hair inspo

Soon Kalani finished and I sat there waiting for Kareem to come get me.

The doorbell rang and I looked up "I have a girl dropping some hair off for her appointment" Kalani told me.

I nodded and went back to my phone.

"I mean she pretty, but she ain touching me" I heard someone say causing me to look back up.

"Girlllll" Kalani laughed.

The person came out the hall and just stared at me "You Kareem girlfriend?"

"Umm-" I started with a mug on my face.

"Yes Sariya, mind your business cuh. Lani you need to stop being messy" Kareem said coming down the hall.

I was glad he answered because I didn't really know what we were officially.

"You ready to go?" He asked, I nodded and quickly got up.

He pulled out a stack and handed it to Kalani then headed out the door with me behind.

"You so pretty" Kareem said opening my side of the car. I gave him a small smile then got in.

"Who was that girl?" I asked as he pulled out the parking lot.

"This girl I used to fuck" he told me.


"You mad?" He asked causing me to shake my head.

"Mmm mmm" I replied.

He nodded "You hungry?"

"Mhm" I sounded causing us both to laugh.

"You goofy as hell when you ready" he said.

"What you want?" He asked causing me to shrug.


Once we landed Kareem rented a Rolls Royce then we headed to the hotel.

"We going out tonight for dinner" Kareem told me as he walked out the bathroom.

I nodded and walked up behind him as he changed into sweats.


"You smell good" I said hugging him.

"You do too" he replied turning around to wrap his arms around me.

I pecked his lips a few times causing him to smile. Lately I've been working on showing more affection, because that's not something that I'm used to doing but I noticed that it's something Kareem liked.

"Where we going?" I asked opening my suitcase.

"It's a surprise, just dress nice for me" he replied.

I picked out my outfit then headed into the shower.


*outfit inspo

"I look nice bae?" Kareem asked as he stood next to me in the mirror.

"Yea you always do" I replied fixing the last curl in my hair.

He smiled and kissed my cheek. "You look beautiful mamas"

I smiled and blushed a little then quickly turned so he couldn't see.

"I saw that" he smirked wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me in place.

"Don't we gotta go" I said rolling my eyes he kissed my cheek one more time then let me go.


We soon arrived at a dock causing me to scrunch my face in confusion. Kareem opened my door then grabbed my hand.

I followed him out the car and we finally arrived at a yacht. "I should've asked you this before, but you scared of boats?"

I shook my head no "Okay good, come on"

We walked onto the boat then stopped at a random spot.

"Ion really know when I should ask you before or after dinner. So imma just say this to you now, I want to be with you Aiza. We obviously don't got everything worked out with relationships, but I wanna continue to grow with you as my girl. Be my girlfriend?" He asked with a box in his hand.

"Yea" I said

*okay so like what do you really say to that. i feel like saying "oh my gosh yes, a thousand times yes" is so dramatic😭.


He smiled and opened the box revealing an iced out ring band.

Skai smiled as she put it on "This is so pretty Kareem, I love it"

"Come" he smiled pulling her towards a room.

The room had the food Kareem had a chef prepare that Skai was so ready to eat. Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Prada gift bags/boxes were arranged neatly by the table causing Skai to jump on Kareem.

"How do you do all this?" She asked amazed at how he set everything up in a day.

He smiled and hugged her "Imma always figure it out for you"

im really a simp Kareem thought as they sat down and started eating.

"Kareem I really appreciate you for all this stuff" Skai said still amazed.

He nodded and passed her the first bag "Open them"

His smile widened with every gift she opened. Making her happy made him feel happy.

Once she finished they sat outside taking pictures.

Something moved over Skai, changing her whole mood. She hopped on Kareem's lap and kissed up and down his neck.

"Mm Aiza wassup?" He asked rubbing her lower back.

She stopped and looked at him "I-i want you"

He nodded "Ight let's go"

"No here" she whined pulling his zipper down.

Kareem was shocked but sat back. She pulled him out and started rubbing.

"Don't be playing" he gritted.

She smiled and stroked him a little more before he took over.

He rubbed her until she came then ripped her dress off.

"Kareem" she shook her head at his indecency.

meanwhile you on the yacht-

"Shut up" he said pulling her into a kiss.

Kareem took his clothes off then kissed her neck as he slowly slid in.


"I ain hurt you?" Kareem asked.

"No" Skai lightly smiled as he helped her out the shower.

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