


Kareem quietly got ready as Skai slept in his bed, he had to head to his trap to check on things.

He heard shuffling and turned to see Skai looking at him. "Hi baby" he said turning back to tie his shoe.

"Hey, where you going?" Skai asked now fully awake.

"To the office" he replied smoothly.

He hated lying to her, but he felt the less she knew the better.

"Oh okay, imma be at the studio to edit some pictures and then I'll probably be at Maya's" she told him as she got out the bed.

The past two weeks Skai has been in between Maya and Kareem's house. She preferred to be at Maya's because sometimes she felt like she intruded on his space. Kareem on the other hand felt like she wasn't over his house enough.

"When you coming back?" He asked grabbing a duffel bag filled with money.

"Umm I'm not sure. I'm actually going furniture shopping, you wanna come?" Skai had signed the contract for Kareem's townhouse, she was set to move in soon which was a major step for her personally and for their relationship since she was exercising trust.

Kareem smiled "Yea, how about I drop you to the studio and pick you up. Then we can go together"

"Okay I'll be ready in a few minutes" she told him as he left the bathroom.

After a hour she came out the room and met him on the couch "I'll be ready in a few minutes" Kareem mocked her as he got up and headed to the door with her behind him.

"It was a few minutes Kareem, 60 to be exact" she laughed as he locked the door.

"You didn't gimme a kiss today" Kareem mentioned as they got on the elevator.

Skai playfully rolled her eyes then reached up to peck his lips. "How tall are you?" She asked.

"6'3" he answered.


"Oh, I'm 5'6" she told him.

"Oh I didn't ask" Skai rolled her eyes and pushed him off her as he laughed.

As they walked through the parking garage a car slowly pulled in front of them.

Kareem grabbed the gun in his waistband and started firing just as the car shot at them.

"Get down Aiza" Kareem yelled pushing her behind a random car.

Soon the car pulled off and he rushed over to check on Skai.

"Kareem what the fuck?" Skai said looking at his leaking arm.

"I'm fine Aiza, are you okay? Any pain?" He asked patting her down then noticed she had a deep cut.

She nodded and refocused on his arm "You have to go to the hospital" she told him

He shook his head "The bullet grazed me, I'm fine." he repeated pulling out his phone.

"Still, Kareem what's going on?"

"Aiza shut up, lemme handle this" Kareem said sternly, causing her to internally roll her eyes and wanna say fuck his arm.

Instead she just stayed quiet as he walked with her on his back to the car, while he cussed everyone on the phone out.

Once they got to the car he pulled out a bag and wrapped her leg up.

"Kareem it's starting to hurt" she whined causing him to instantly feel bad.

"I know baby, I'm gonna get you some help"

She sat in the car in a little pain and thought about the possible reasons why someone would shoot at them.

The only time she ever saw this was when Alijah was taking her home from school and a car tried to shoot at them in front of their home.

Other than that occurrence, Alijah shielded his daughter from things like that. He made sure she could fight and shoot a gun, but still Skai wasn't interested in either of those things anyways.

"Mamas I'm sorry, but right now you just gotta lemme handle stuff then I'll tell you" he sighed as she continued looking out the window.


Soon they pulled up to August's house causing her attitude to worsen "Kareem I just got hurt and this ruined my plans, I'm supposed to be editing pictures today" she told him.

"Ight I'll have someone bring you the stuff what all you need?"

She told him what she needed them hopped into the house, refusing Kareem's help.

"What the fuck" Maya exclaimed seeing the blood on Aiza'a leg.

"Gir they done got a real nigga" Skai said starting to feel dizzy from the blood loss. The adrenaline was wearing off and she was starting to feel more pain.

Kareem finally came into the house and saw Maya cleaning an unconscious Skai's leg. "Umm I'm not a surgeon, I only have a Grey's certification" Maya told him.

"We can't go to the hospital they gon ask too many questions" he said.

"Imma call Aunty" August said remembering that Kareem's mom was a trauma nurse.

At the moment August was the most levelheaded person.

Kareem's mom only took 5 minutes to get there and frowned at the scene.

"Kareem what you got going on?" She asked setting her back down and assessing the leg.

"Ma you can help?" He asked as she opened her bag.

Kree nodded "Yea the way the she was cut, I can fix it easily"

As Kree finished the last stitch Skai's eyes opened and she cried in pain.

"Hmm give her this as needed with her pain" Kree said standing up. "And she lost a good amount of blood over time, make sure y'all keep her hydrated and have her eat"

Even though Kree had 20 years experience as a nurse, she also had to do this a few times for Kareem's dad.

"Thanks ma" he said as she hugged him and left.

Kareem put her in a guest room and Maya dressed her in some of her clothes.

"Nigga what the fuck happened?" Maya asked as August and Kareem were heading out.

"Maya not right now" August said causing her to mug him.

"Yes right now, Kareem what the fuck?"

"Some niggas was mad about some shit, it's been handled tho" he told her walking out the door.


"What ole girl said, Walk wid a waddle" Skai laughed as she limped into the kitchen.

Skai had moved into Kareem's townhome and been there for the past week since everyone decided that was the best place for her safety and recovery.

Kareem usually came home late at night when she was sleep, and left before she could wake up. He had been busy questioning people at the trap and didn't want to effect her with his energy.

The front door opened revealing Kareem "Where the fawk was you at?" Skai frowned flipping her omelet.

"Working" he replied, which she now knew meant the trap. Kareem sat down with her and explained everything honestly. At first she was mad that he lied, but eventually forgave him and accepted that this now came with him.

"How you liking the house? Anything you want changed?"

Since they never made it to the furniture store Kareem hired an interior designer to work with Maya and decorate the house, while Skai regained her strength.

"Yea I love it, you want some breakfast?" She asked.

"No baby, I have to go back. I just needed to shower. Get in wimme" he said heading up the stairs.

Skai thought about it then quickly followed after him like a lost puppy. She didn't realize how much she missed him until today.

Kareem had found out who shot them and took care of them. Now he wanted to make sure everyone else knew that they would be taken cared of too if they ever messed with Skai or his business.

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