《Luv A Thug (Key Glock)》P.


A/N this chapter is very long but oh well. Elianna is aged up to 10/11 months. This chapter takes place over three days starting with Thursday night.

✨The same Night as last chapter ✨

Thursday Night 8:00pm

"You need to call his monkey ass and tell him to come get his baby." Jasmine said rubbing her small belly.

"I don't know Jas, I love Elianna so much. I wouldn't mind taking care of her." Lay spoke watching the baby sleep in her arms. Her home was all packed up she wasn't staying in Memphis any longer. Once she had spoke to Key about Brittany dropping off the baby to her a few hours ago, he got her an apartment close to his house out there and sent his boys to pack her house up.

"You better than me." Jasmine gave her best friend the side eye and took a sip of her smoothie.

"You did damn near the same thing for Dom." Lay laughed lightly, Jasmine rolled her eyes playfully.

"Did you figure out what you're going to do with the new baby?" Jasmine asked, her face fell thinking about the decision she had to make. "No I haven't .. I still have a little bit of time." She sighed, Jas completely understood she was in the same boat as her but she decided to keep his baby.

"God will let you know." Jas rubbed her besties back and sat next to her, "Let's get you out of here." Lay was saying good bye to his mother tomorrow, she loved her like her own mother. Except hers was a sorry excuse.

They were staying a few nights at Jasmines air bnb while her stuff got moved and un packed in Atlanta.

"I'm going to ask Key if he can speak to King about letting the girls wear my design at the club I really want my fashion shit to take off." Lay thought out loud putting the sleeping baby in her carseat.

"The least his goofy ass can do." Jasmine scoffed.


Thursday Night 10:00pm

Key walked into the girls mansion and was impressed it was decorated very nicely exactly what he thought it would look like.

"House meeting. Get yall asses down here!" King's voice echoed out through out the mansion. Key chuckled at his best friend, "Damn nigga you bold, waking them up outta they sleep and shit." Key knew that women took their sleep seriously.

"Mane they can sleep after this. Chop chop." King spoke playfully smacking his lips and clapped his hands walking in a circle. Key and Marcus were weak but they knew that he was being dead ass.

Serenity and Catrina came from the kitchen annoyed that he was making all that damn noise.

Shaking his head Marcus hit keys arm, "Get yo boy. He trippin forreal." Impatiently King stood by the stairs with his arms crossed. Who they call the dream three, Ronny, India and just who Key was waiting for Aubree came downstairs. They both smiled at each other.

Since he and Chalynn were done romantically he was ready to get his Bree back. Not too long after, Juicy and Lola made their way down the stairs, clearly very irritated.

"This better be important, I was thiis close to being sleep."Lola rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest walking passed him with a clear attitude.

King chuckled clearly used to being around their attitudes all the time. "I gotta talk to ya'll. It's very important." The girls faced him.


Key had looked down at his phone for a quick second. When it came to his daughter and even still Chalynn regardless what terms they were on he didn't play. Lay had sent him pictures of the custody papers Brittany put in the diaper bag with the baby. She informed him that she was going to sign them. Chalynn was more like a mother to his daughter anyway so he agreed.

Markeyvius: Kiss my baby for me.

Lay: K.

He locked his phone as Key called India, Lola and Aubree over to him.

"Were we going?" Aubree asked Key, as if he was the only person in the room. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "King's plug down at the police station gave us a little tip on Johnny boy. We finna pull up on his ass and grab him. You down right?" He asked her, she nodded her head. "Hell yeah, I'm riding with you. I need the keys." She spoke happily.

"You surer this a good idea?" Marcus asked King, he blew out a breath. "I got faith in them, they were chosen for a reason."

With that they got prepared to hit their first lick.


In the car Key could tell that Aubree was excited, they were really good friends damn near told each other everything. '1997' by Key played through out his car and his cocky ass of course was rapping along and bobbing his head.

"I appreciate you for being here. You really meant what you said." Aubree said, he looked at her beautiful face quickly before turning back to the road.

"Ion lie. Especially not to loved ones." They both laughed together one of their favorite things to do.

"How's Elianna and Chalynn? I know you ready to get back home to your babies." Aubree smiled genuinely, she knew how much he loved the both of them. His mind started spiraling to thoughts of his ex girlfriend, how he left her there begging him to stay haunted his mind.

The words he uttered to her, he didn't know why he said or did what he did but he knew he completely fucked up. And after talking to King about it he knew he had to at least fix their friendship.

"Me and Lay going through a lil rough patch right now, we not together. I do miss my daughter though. I might bring her over to the house while ya'll over there." He pushed the thoughts of Lay to the back of his mind and focused back to the task at hand.

The air was silent besides the music but he didn't mind, "Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. I know you really loved her. Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked him, he shook his head.

"Nah, but if I do ever wanna talk about it. You know you're my diary." He said honestly, he wondered what his daughter was doing at the moment she was getting so big. It was almost time for her to start walking. Aubree smiled, she really missed Key.

"We keep talking about me, what about you? You talking to somebody?" He was hoping that she didn't move on already. Even if she did, in the snap of a finger that nigga could disappear off the face of the earth. Unless she was happy, he wouldn't ruin it.

Aubree's mouth fell open, she forgot all about her mans that she had. "Mm something like that. I've been seeing this guy, Meechie, for a lil more than a month. Nothing serious though, we taking shit slow." She lied and he sensed it, he knew Aubree like the back of his hand.


"Oh yeah ? Thats good, you deserve to live some. Enjoy that shit." He spoke sarcastically, he knew that 'Meechie' didn't mean that much to her if she hadn't mentioned him before he asked.

If he wanted her back, Meechie would be long gone.


15 minutes later they arrived to their destination, Key whipped out his phone to send King a message to let him know he arrived. Aubree looked around her surroundings, there were abandoned apartments and buildings. "Where are we?" She asked, turning to look at Key.

"This the addy King was given by his plug at the station. They said he been hiding here for two weeks." Key turned his car off as King and Slick pulled up along with a white van that contained two buff men.

Confused Aubree asked, "Why are they here?" Key chuckled.

"I mean you can carry an unconscious man by yoself but I ain't throwing my back out." Aubree mugged him.


Key grabbed a duffle bag out of the back seat and opened it. He handed Aubree a gun and instructed her to never put it down. He gave her various items to put on to protect her shoe prints, gloves and a ski mask. This wasn't knew to Key but he knew Aubree would probably get nervous so he decided to stick close to her when they got inside.

"Fuck him." She spoke after being silent for a second. She put her ski mask on along with her gloves and put the bags over her chuck taylors. She gripped the gun and waited for Key to put his items on.

Grabbing his gun he looked over at Aubree, he could see that she was nervous. He took her hand into his and sent her some words of encouragement.

"You know I'm not going to let anything happen to you right? " She smiled, affirming that she knew.

"I'm glad you're here." She said rubbing his hand with her thumb. Before he could say anything back King knocked on the window causing them both to jump. If that was anybody other then King his ass would've been toast.

"Here yall go with the cute shit." King laughed, he was the same kid since they were kids. "Gone King."

Seeing Aubree dressed as a hitta with her ski mask over her face and her ass fat in the pants she was wearing. Turned him on more than her even knew. Meechie was gone have to come up off her.

Once they made it inside of the abandoned building, Key peeped that Aubree was nervous. He held her hand so she would be close to him and so that she wouldn't be as nervous for what was about to go down.

Marcus led the pack with his gun pointed in front of him. Once the coast was clear he motioned for everybody to follow him in. Marcus moved precise and checked every part of every room they passed in the dirty house.

Key felt Aubree's grip get tighter around his hand. He turned and mouthed, "You coo?" She nodded her head nervously.

Marcus walked to the last room that was in the left hallway. He stuck his head inside and Johnny was in there fast asleep on a dingy ass couch. Food and beer bottles were all over the floor.

Marcus and King motioned for Aubree to come to them. "It's go time. If you do it right the first time you'll know him out even more. If not it can get messy." King whispered to her, she nervously grabbed her gun, took a deep breath and shut her eyes. She hit him right in the face knocking him out more than he already was.

"That's my girl." King smirked wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

Key fist bumped her, "There you go."

On some pimp shit, King snapped his fingers and the two men walked over to the couch and picked Johnny up by both end. They carried him all the way to the van.

Marcus and King decided to check out the rest of the house while Aubree and Key stayed behind. Key was honestly so proud that Aubree fell through with it. He pulled her into a side hug and kissed the side of her head. Her scent giving him chills. "You did that. My lil slime."

Aubree smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. "Where they taking him?" Key explained that they were taking him to a warehouse in Memphis. It wasn't too far from there.

She let out a sigh of relief, "That felt so damn good."

Key walked back down the hallway with Aubree on hot on his heels. "I know it did, what I tell you."


Thursday Night 11:00pm

"I was going to go through with my abortion too Lay. Until I heard the babies heart beat. That completely changed my mind." Jasmine told her best friend as they both got ready to get into the bed.

"I have no choice but to go through with it. It was like me telling him I was pregnant flipped a switch. Maybe he thought if he left me, that would really make me get rid of it." Lay sighed brushing her teeth, today had been a very long day. Her life seemed like a story in a book.

"I was rooting for that nigga." Jasmine scoffed tying her hair up before brushing her teeth and washing her face.

"Me too, Jazzy. I just hope he's okay." Lay sniffled, shit was going so well. They hadn't argued in awhile either.

"So what's it like hearing the heart beat ?" Lay asked crawling into Jasmines fresh linens.

"Girl it's so beautiful." Jasmine pulled out her phone and pulled up a video. Tears welled in Chalynn's eyes as she watched the sonogram and listened closely to the baby's heart beat.

"I know the circumstances suck but our babies can be besties." Jazzy stated smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm going to make an appointment with planned parenthood for tomorrow to see the options. You think he'll actually be there for me if I go through with the termination?" Lay asked laying her head on her friends pillow.

"I can only hope so best. If he don't I'll be there."

"As always."


Thursday Night 11:30pm

"Vonny .. if I tell you sumn, you promise not to tell Lay or Jasmine?" Marlee asked as they sat in his bedroom at Jasmines air bnb.

"What's up ?" He asked watching her, he knew something was off with her but one thing about his bestfriend, she would stray further from him if she thought he was being too pushy.

"So the other night with Taurus, he, tried to force himself on me. And I was just going to let it happen. Because he just had this look in his eye. Like he .. wanted to hurt me." Marlee looked lost, how could some one she liked so much do something so .. hurtful to her.

Vinny's blood boiled, "He did what?" He stood from the bed. He couldn't believe what he was hearing and somebody needed to know to kick ole boy ass.

"Keep your voice down. Key came before he could get far. But he left this." Marlee showed Vonny a purple bruise on her wrist from where Taurus forcefully grabbed her.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you. Come here." He advised bringing his best friend into a tight hug. Marlee suffering from depression in the past and her thriving through it was big for her but Vonny knew she was slowly spiraling back down that path.

He could see it in her eyes. He was going to protect his best friend at all costs.


Friday Morning 3:00am

After they landed in Memphis it took little to no time to make it back to the Key's house at three in the morning. While everybody else was sleep on the flight, Aubree and Key were up just laughing and having a good time.

Key really missed his best friend. Spending the next few days with her was going to be a breeze just because it was easy to talk to Aubree. Once they tipped the two men who had helped them Key and King walked back into the house.

"Your house is niiceee." India walked around in awe at what she saw.

"Preciate it ma." He chuckled walking over to the fridge to grab him a water. Lola rolled her eyes and sat on the couch. It had been a long day and she was ready to go to bed. Key didn't blame her.

"Whats the sleeping situation? I'm ready for bed." Lola yawned, Key found her attitude funny and saw why King brought her along.

"King?" Key asked turning the attention to him, he looked up from his phone that he was clacking away on.

King stood up and stretched, he too was tired but not too tired. "Aight, me and Lola, India and Bree, and Marcus you got a room to yourself." Lola smirked already knowing what King was on.

"Wait, why can't I sleep with you or Marcus. I've been having nightmares lately and I can't sleep. I love my best friend but I want to be cuddled in case I wake up in the middle of the night scared." Key raised his eyebrow at her and before he knew it, "Just sleep in my room." He scratched the back of his neck.

Both India and Aubree looked at him, "You sure? I don't want to be a bother."

Key shooed her off, "You never a bother, swear. It's coo." He didn't know what he had gotten himself into but he was prepared for anything. He looked over at the baby toy on the floor while King rearranged the bedroom lay outs and went over the plan for tomorrow.

Key already knew what time King was on and he reminded himself to ask him tomorrow how his night went. Once the boys brought the luggage into each of the separate rooms everybody went to do their own thing. Before he went into his own room he went down the hall to his daughters room and turned on the light. He couldn't wait to see her tomorrow as if on cue his phone dinged with a picture of Elianna knocked out;

Key chuckled replying with a heart before locking his phone and leaving the room. He had something else to take care of.


Key was hungry, and when he had gotten out of the shower Aubree was nowhere to be found especially since she had showered before him. He dressed himself in a wife beater and some basketball shorts. He slipped on some black Nike socks and his Gucci house slides and his trusty Glock before walking out of his room to go looking for her.

Walking passed the room King was in, he heard moaning come from out of there chuckling to himself he walked down the long hallway and to the stairs and saw a light on. He drew his gun just in case but he suspected that it was Aubree.

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