《Luv A Thug (Key Glock)》O.



Be kind. Spread Joy. Love 💕

Another Collab w/ @x_gawwjuss😈 as always I leave out a little bit of information because I want ya'll to read her book to find out.


1 month time hop ..

Marlee sat in the back of her fifth period class with her head down, she was beyond tired. She had stayed up last night watching 1000 lb sisters on TLC. That show was a mess but it was easily one of her favorites. It made her think more about what she wanted to major in, in college. Her phone buzzed causing her to look up. Expecting it to be Ronny it wasn't it was Taurus. She kind of sighed.

"Problem Marlee?" Her teacher Mr. Smith asked, she shook her head no and once he continued his lesson she texted back.

He didn't want shit but to pick her up during her lunch period. She hadn't seen Taurus since she moved back in with Lay and there had been less drama because of that. She was down though because she needed some love and she kind of missed him.

By the time her lunch rolled around Marlee had snuck out of the back door and waited as he pulled up to the back of the school. She climbed into his car and looked over him, he had a fresh retwist which made him even more fine and his hair was lined up.

"Where you been?" He asked her gently grabbing her face, Taurus actually really missed Marlee. She had a vibe about her that certain girls just didn't, she could get on your nerves and make you smile just like that.

"Just around, at school and shit." She shrugged not wanting to tell him about Ronny or their time together. They weren't official by any means and they almost literally lived in two separate worlds but Ronny still made her feel some type of way.

"I missed you." He said rubbing her thigh, Marlee smiled widely at him and leaned over to kissed his cheek.

"I missed you too. You gone feed me or what?"


Marlee laid across her bed with Taurus' head in her lap, Chalynn and Key were down stairs cooking dinner together and talking about little shit. She had definitely been a lot chiller since a month ago and Marlee was glad about it.

"You so pretty baby." He complimented her and she smiled uncontrollably, she was used to people complimenting her but his voice just sounded so fine when he did it.

"Thank you, I try." She pecked his lips and he deepened the kiss, he needed her wrapped around his finger. He was trying to get her right where he wanted her and he was almost there. Taurus put his hands in Marlee's shorts and moved her school book out of her hands.

"I do not have time to play with you .." She giggled quietly, she knew that Lay wouldn't come in her room because that's just what they had agreed on as far as boundaries and her moving back in with her. Plus she was probably down there messing around with Key anyways.

"Look T, I'm not really in the mood plus I have to study. ACT's are around the corner and I have to get into a really good school." She picked her book back up and began to study again but Taurus snatched it out of her hands. Snagging her finger in the process.

"Nah, we got other plans." Taurus roughly grabbed Marlee and climbed on top of her. He began to roughly kiss her neck, she cried out a moan. Marlee closed her eyes tightly as he started unbuckling her pants.


Taurus looked at Marlee's face and noticed she was uncomfortable. Unbuckling his own pants, a knock on the door stopped him in his tracks.

"Who is it?" She called out gratefully, "It's me, dinner is done. T, you can stay if you like." Key eyeballed the boy, he couldn't hear the whole conversation but it sounded as if Marlee was uncomfortable.

"I think ima get going. I'll see you later bae." He tried to kiss her lips but she turned her head so that he kissed her cheek.

Once Taurus was gone, Key turned to her, "You coo?" Marlee nodded quickly, grateful that he saved her from God knows what. He decided to leave it alone as he closed her bedroom door, she had seen a side to Taurus that scared her. Silent tears fell down her cheeks as she buckled her jeans back together.


"Bae, you aight?" Key asked as Chalynn ran to the toilet to throw up yet again. She had been sick all morning for the last week or so and she was tired of it.

"I don't know." She responded flushing the toilet and brushing her teeth. She couldn't think of any reason why she could be sick like this.

"You had your period yet?" He asked rubbing her back, Chalynn slowly stopped brushing her teeth and looked at him through the mirror. He met her eyes, "I'll be back." Markeyvius was on his way to go grab her some pregnancy tests. He prayed to God that she wasn't pregnant because he wasn't prepared for another baby.

Eli was enough for him, plus his mom would probably kill him for getting another woman pregnant outside of wedlock.

When he got back Lay was sprawled out all over the bed, she was so cute when she slept because she wasn't raising hell with him. He kissed her face softly so that she could wake up, she stirred in her sleep before fluttering her eyelids open.

"Hey baby. I got bout 6 of them things." He spoke softly, fumbling over his words. He just knew he should have told her he nutted in her last month but he didn't think anything of it.

Lay was scared, she wasn't ready for a child other than Marlee but she was about to leave the nest in a few more months. She was good with Elianna but, she could always give her back to her mother at the end of the day. Her and Key had been together less than six months, she wanted a ring before a baby.

Lay got up to go to the bathroom, she opened all of the clear blue pregnancy tests and peed on each of them, flushing the toilet, washing her hands and drying them she walked out of the bathroom and set her timer for two minutes. She ran her hand through her hair lightly scratching her scalp.

"Why you so quiet?" She asked as she saw him pacing back and forth, he scratched the back of his head and shrugged. He wasn't sure what was on his mind or how to tell her that he didn't want another baby right now. He was scared to lose her but he simply wasn't ready.

The timer went off and her heart dropped to her ass. They both looked at each other, Lay wasn't the type to play around when she wanted to know information. She walked over to the counter where the tests were and looked at all of them at the same time. "Fuck." She hissed reading six positive pregnancy tests.


Key's heart dropped reading that as well, "Fuck man." He smacked his lips walking out of the bathroom to her bedroom. Not even comforting his girlfriend who was carrying his child.

"How did this happen ? I thought you pulled out that time you didn't have a condom?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest. Tears threatened to fall out of her eyes, she was so mad at herself.

"Me? You could've taken a plan b." He responded standing to his feet. He wasn't lying but she didn't know he came in her.

"Had you of fucking told me. Maybe I would have." She raised her voice, she was scared and she just wanted her man to console her and let her know that everything would be okay but he was doing the opposite of that.

"Aye man, don't yell at me." He towered over her, warning her to pipe down before she made him mad. His phone began to ring as she was about to respond, "Markeyvius you better not answer that fucking phone." It was her turn to warn him, "So what if I want to keep it?" She asked, he rubbed his forehead.

"I don't want it." He said simply, tears fell down her cheeks. His words stung her heart like a bee sting.

"Wow. Okay." She didn't want the baby either but hearing him say it with so much venom in his voice. She wiped her face with the back of her hand, his phone rang again. "Who the fuck is blowing yo shit up like that?" She reached for his phone but he politely held it up so that she couldn't reach it.

He saw that it was King so he answered it, Lay shoved his shoulder mad that he even answered but she knew that was his brother and she would be upset if something happened and she kept him from them.

"Oh shit. Dead ass? I'm on the way. Aight. Love you too. Bye." He hung up the phone and started grabbing clothes. "Key what the fuck. We sitting here talking and you boutta leave? I need you here with me .. and you're leaving." She grabbed his arm to stop him from leaving, but he snatched it away.

"Somebody else need me too bae." He stood there watching her cry out for him but he couldn't help himself. "So what do you want me to do?"

"I don't fucking know. Get rid of it." Chalynn pushed Key into the door, his patience was wearing thin with her but she didn't understand why he was treating her this way out of the blue. Her anger was getting the best of her. "You always do this shit to me Key, I can't fucking stand you." Marlee heard the commotion and walked out of her room.

"What's going on out here." She asked looking between the two, "Some shit happened with Aubree. I gotta go make sure she's okay." He said, knowing that Marlee would understand.

"Markeyvius. You're leaving me. To be with another woman when I need you too. I can't do this anymore. I tried to love you but you don't want that. I'm going to give you what you want. We're done, I'm going to get the abortion and move on with my life." Marlee gasped, she understood why he was leaving but she was on the fence about her sister.

Key looked between Marlee and Lay, "Is Bree alright ? Can I go with you?" Marlee asked, "I'll fly you out once I make sure shits cool aight?" Marlee nodded her head, "Be safe Key." He hugged Marlee, he knew Chalynn was pissed at him and he knew she meant every word of what she said. But shit he was single now. Lay had his heart, but he had to go to Atlanta. She placed her hand on her stomach and watched the love of her life walk out the door.

"You okay sissy?" Marlee asked, "Yeah, I'll be alright. I just gotta get rid of this baby." Lay made her way to the couch and opened her laptop. Looking for a new start to life. She was done with Markeyvius and his bullshit.

"Do you really want to go through with an abortion ? Or are you just mad at him right now?" Marlee asked her, Chalynn thought long and hard about it not giving her sister a response. Marlee so badly wanted to tell Chalynn what happened with her and Taurus but she didn't think now was the time.

"I don't know Mar .."

"Just pray on it. Here's some tea." Marlee handed her the hot tea and laid on the couch with her until she fell asleep.


Key hopped off the plane, all that Memphis shit was left in Memphis. He hopped in the car that King sent for him and sighed as he left the private airplane runway. He could only pray that Aubree was okay.

When he finally made it to King's house, he was lit as hell. He had two blunts and a few sips of lean to ease his mind on the problems he was about to face.

"What's up g?" Key asked King as he walked into his hime dapping him up.

"Shit nothin, she said she'll be here in thirty minutes. How you been?" King asked grabbing Key's bag, noticing Marlee wasn't with him. That was his road dog lately.

"Discussion for another time." Key shook his head, King nodded understandingly. But he was for sure going to bring it back up later. There was a knock on the door, they knew it had to be Aubree. King got up to go answer it while Key waited.

"Hey Bree, how you feeling?" King asked as he embraced Aubree, "Exactly how I look, like shit." She whined, Key looked her up and down. Even though she was going through some tough shit she still looked fine as hell.

"Well look over there and see if that brightens your mood!" King had walked her into the living room but she didn't look around until he said something. Seeing Key made her so happy that tears escaped her eyes.

"When did you get here?" She asked pinching his shoulder causing him to rub it. He stood up and hugged her, wanting to feel up on her but it wasn't the time nor the place for that.

"I just got here. King called me and told me what happened. I was on the first flight to make sure you were straight." He told her sitting her down and patting her back. She was now crying but they weren't tears of happiness anymore.

"It was so awful Key. They left her for dead." Aubree broke down crying, all he could do was comfort her. He couldn't imagine finding his mom dead.

"Tell me what happened ma."

Aubree told King and Key the whole story about what happened yesterday. "And when we found her dead, her body was moldy like she had been there for awhile. It smelled so bad, I can't get that smell out of my nose." Thinking about it again, made her cringe.

Key shook his head in sadness. "I'm sorry you had to go through that Aubree. I know how bad you wanted your little sister." He caressed her shoulder, he was real life so sad for her. But it was cool they were about to be on demon time with the nigga who implemented this pain on her.

Laying her head on King's shoulder, she sniffled. "Man this shit hurts so bad. I've never felt a pain like this before. How they just take them away from me like that?"

"You know we got you Bree. We gone make him pay for sure. You, India and Lola coming along." Key and King already had plans on finding Johnny along with Chalynn's boss and making them answer for what they did.

"I get to come?" She asked happily, King nodded, "I promised you get to pull the trigger." King smirked at her making her smile, she liked the sound of that. Pulling the two of them close she patted their shoulders, "I love ya'll."

Key and King smiled, "I love you more."

Once Aubree finally left, Key thought he was off the hook.

"It's another time nigga, spill."


Lay sat on her bed looking at pictures of her and Elianna and of Key. The three of them. The four of them including Marlee. Marlee had been distant the last few days but she wanted to give her, her space for sure. There was a knock at the door, she grabbed her gun and walked down the stairs.

Looking out of the peep hole she didn't see anybody, she cautiously opened the door to see baby Eli in her carseat crying. She had a diaper bag and a note along with her.

Quickly she brought the baby in the house and locked the door, she soothed her to sleep and looked at the note.

'Chalynn, please look after her. Be safe. -Brittany'


STAY TUNED CAUSE IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN YALL 😭 It's some messy shit but it'll be clear in the end.

Trust the process ..

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