《Luv A Thug (Key Glock)》Ch. 14



Somebody asked for the last book to have more of their pasts showcased so boom.

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☁️Sweet Dreams by Beyoncé ☁️


"ChyChy. I'm hungry." Nine year old Marlee whined as she tugged on her sisters arm. A year rolled down the child's cheek and her lips were cracking from the dryness.

Chalynn had went out earlier to stand on the street and collect a few dollars so that she could feed if not herself at least her little sister.

"I know LeeLee. I tried but nobody gave me anything but five dollars." Chalynn pulled out her tracphone, she had a couple minutes left on there and she knew exactly who to text to make a few quick dollars.

"Breeze said she would help me if I really needed it so I texted her and we'll see. Here, I was saving this for me but I'll get something later." Chalynn tossed the granola bar from under her pillow that sat on the floor over to her sisters sleeping bag. Usually Marlee would protest but she was so hungry that she had eaten it within seconds.

Florence was passed out in the next room, probably in a pool of her own vomit and a needle hanging out of her arm. Flo never wanted her life to turn out this way, she told herself after Marlee was born that getting clean was her top priority. Heartbreak after heartbreak made it too hard to be clean.

The apartment was run down and dirty. It was a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment that Chalynn hated. The girls had the room and while they didn't have any furniture to sleep on they did have covers and a blanket.

The lock on the bedroom door protected the two young girls from men who were in and out of the apartment. One thing about Flo, she may beat her daughters but she would never let a man lay a finger on them. She wasn't that kind of woman.

Chalynn did her best to keep it as clean as possible. Sometimes the older woman next door would let her borrow the vacuum but she moved away due to the shootings that were happening. Her daughter thought it was too dangerous for an older woman to live there on her own.

So, since then, Chalynn had to deal with it being a little cluttered here and there. She controlled what she could.

Breeze texted her friend telling her to wear something cute and form fitting. She didn't have much except for some old clothes Breeze let her borrow whenever they would hang out at the park.

Breeze was the girl that all the older folks considered fast. Boys and money were the only two things on her mind and she didn't care how she got either of them as long as she did.

Deciding on a blue Jean mini skirt, the push up bra Breeze gave her and a white crop top she turned to her little sister.

"Drink you some water. You know where the iPod is incase she brings a man here. I'll be back in about two hours or so okay?" Chalynn had no idea what Breeze did for money, she was very hush hush about it. She just always bragged about how she had the latest things.

"Okay sissy. I love you." Marlee stood to her feet and wrapped her arms around her sisters thin waist.

"I love you more kid." Kissing the top of Marlee's head she turned on her heels, "Lock this door behind me."


Sneaking past a laid out Florence, Chalynn grabbed her house key before leaving out of the front door to meet her friend who was up to no good.

"Perfect!" Breeze said examining her friend who was wearing some of the old clothes she gave her. Breeze had on a mini dress that was very short and very tight.

"I figured you would like it." Chalynn did a twirl, in some ways Breeze was jealous of her friend. She had breasts and a petite butt while Breeze was still flat chested and no ass whats so ever.

"Well come on. The money is waiting for us." Breeze smirked getting into the driver side of her mothers vehicle. She was older than Chalynn but still not of age to drive.

"What do you do for money Breeze?" She asked putting her seat belt as My Hitta by YG blared through the 2006 Honda civic. Deciding not to answer her friend, she turned the music up. Chalynn let the warm August air roll through her curly hair. It was shoulder length now and she loved it.

"We here." The car came to a stop in-front of their high school.

"School doesn't open for another couple weeks. How we gone make money here?" Chalynn asked confused but her friend was already getting out of the car.

"Just come on and don't embarrass me aight?" Breeze said sternly, Chalynn nodded her head as the two girls walked around the back of the school. Doing a secret knock, a slender woman came to the door.

"Who's this?" The woman asked Breeze pointing to the curly head four eyed nerd beside her.

"This my home girl. She ready to make some money Brenda. Open the damn door and tell my brother I'm here." Breeze pushed passed Brenda and made her way inside of schools basement gripping Chalynn's hand tightly.

Looking around the dim and damp basement there was cots where women were pleasing men sexually. Loud moaning and bodies slapping together filled the huge room.

"W-where are we Breeze? What the hell." Chalynn tried to snatch out of her tight grip and turn around to where they came in from.

"We are where we are. Bryson. I brought her." Breeze stopped in front of a wooden office door that looked like it belonged to a coach. Moments later it flew open and Bryson, Breeze's older brother, stepped out of the room.

Lay always found him to be quite handsome, his cologne, his smile and the way he carried himself.

"Chalynn?" Bryson asked raising his eyebrow, she was too nice and sweet to be the girl Breeze was talking about.

"Yep. She said she's ready to join the team." Breeze carried an evil smirk that seemed to always stay on her face. A bad feeling looked deep inside Chalynn's stomach.

"Is that true?" As if they were twins the same smirk appeared on his face. His hand stroked her face slightly, her glasses and curly hair made her look like she was a kid. "How old are you Chalynn?"

"I-I'm thirteen." Her breath was hitched and she was shaking in her flip flops.

"Are you ready to make some money?" He asked her, being seventeen years old he knew even if she consented what was about to happen would be considered rape.

"Y-yes." She nodded her head, unsure of what was about to happen she waited until Breeze pushed her into the room. The room was set up like a porn 'interview'.


"Sit down on the couch and after that we will get started." Chalynn looked over to the black couch and purposely avoided the parts that had white crust on them. So she sat on the very end. "Don't be so scared. You like me right? Here drink this."

Chalynn took the cup he poured, there was a blue cloudy juice in there. Fuck it. She chugged the juice from the clear cup. He eyed her while she did so.

"So, when was your last period?" Bryson asked adjusting himself in his sweat pants.

"I haven't had my first one yet." She admitted shyly, which was great for him. She couldn't produce babies yet. He asked her a few more questions and made her sign a contract that she wouldn't tell anybody. "What am I going to be doing?" Her small voice asked.

"You're going to have sex with me for fifteen hundred dollars." Chalynn gasped and stood to her feet.

"I don't know what sex is and I've never done it before." At this point the date rape drug that he put in her drink was starting to take affect on her. She quickly sat back down as everything was feeling hazy.

"Ima show you how." He got up from his chair, pressed play on the camera and forcibly laid her down on the couch. Which was easy since she was losing control over her body.

"I have to go home. I-I gotta feed my lil sister." Chalynn tried to get up but the weight of his body plus the drugs made it almost impossible.

"Ima give you money to feed your sister. Just be quiet. It'll be over before you know it." Bryson pulled her purple flower printed panties to the side.

"Please stop." She begged, but before she knew it. Her virginity had been robbed.

"If I see you again I'll be surprised." Chalynn laid there, her glasses crooked, panties bloodied and shirt ripped. Bryson threw the money at her, hitting her in the face. "Gave you three bands. If you do come back, wear something nice."

Her legs shook but not from enjoyment. Looking at him one last time before he left she passed out on the couch. The drugs becoming too much for her to handle.

When Chalynn finally woke up from her drugged slumber, it was pitch black everywhere and Bryson was nowhere to be found. Quickly stuffing the money in her pockets she stood up with a killer head ache.

Nothing was worse than the pain coming from between her thighs. That didn't matter to her at the moment. Looking around the room, there was a clock on the desk that illuminated 10:12pm in red letters. She had been gone almost six hours, she had to get home and feed Marlee.

Chalynn slowly opened the office door that didn't fail to creak. Peeking her head out it seemed as though nobody was there, her feet moved faster than her brain could tell her to. She had no plans on stopping anybody who got in her way was going to get ran clean over.

"Who's child is running the halls?" Brenda asked as she zoomed by her. Brenda shook her head, another innocent child taken by Bryson. No amount of money was worth your innocence and judging by how she was running. It was more that statutory rape.

Pushing the door to the outside open, Chalynn jumped down the three steps and ran like her life depended on it. To her, it did.

Her legs finally stopped when she was far away from the high school she would be attending in a few short weeks. Running a total of thirty minutes, she made it to the McDonald's a block before their apartment.

She was exhausted by the time she made it to the apartment. Florence was gone, so Chalynn sneaking back in was a breeze.

"Mar it's me. Open up." Marlee opened the door seconds later. Smiling happily when she noticed the bag of food and drinks in Chalynn's hand.

"You're the best sissy ever." Not knowing what her sister just had to endure by getting her food to eat.

Later, after they both had eaten and Chalynn soaked in the tub for an hour, they laid together.

"I'm gonna get us a bed, some groceries and get you some new clothes and shoes for school. Maybe that light up backpack you've been wanting." Chalynn stroked her little sisters hair and kissed her forehead. She'd do anything to make sure her sister survived or was happy.

"Wow! Breeze is a good friend. You got hecka moneys." Marlee cheesed, snuggling closer to her sister.

"You will never have a friend like her and I will always protect you from the evils of the world. Mommy can't so I will. I'll do whatever I gotta do to make sure you're okay. Just stay away from boys honey bee, they're evil." Chalynn choked up on the last few words she said. Marlee nodded and before she knew it Lay was crying herself to sleep.


"Bae. Wake up!" Key lightly tapped Chalynn who was currently weeping as if she was in pain. Her eyes flashed open and focused on Key who had the lamp next to her bed on.

"Ow! My head!" She whined rubbing her temples, "Can you hand me my purse?" Chalynn asked slowly sitting up.

"You wanna tell me about your dream? Why you was screaming and crying?" Key asked handing her the purse from the table.

"I just had an evil dream. I-I've never had a dream of my past before." Chalynn admitted, locating the pill bottle in her purse.

"What's that?" Key looked at the prescription as she took the top off.

"Oh, I got these refilled before I left."

"I thought you were feeling better?" He raised his eyebrow feeling her out.

"Yeah but just in case." She shrugged opening the water bottle and taking one of the oxys.

"Aight. I know yo head hurting but don't make taking those a habit." He warned, Key knew the effect OxyContin had on people and he didn't want her to be addicted. They had been there for a few days and the bottle was still completely full so he would take her word for it. "Get some rest aight? We got a long day in a few hours."

"Can you stay with me? Just until I fall asleep?" She said tucking the bottle back into her purse and wiped her face.

"I'll stay as long as you need me to."

Now Playing

Gang Shit No Lame Shit by Key Glock

"You did a good ass job bae!" Chalynn clapped her hands as they pulled up to a restaurant similar to the waffle house called the pancake bakery. "When you're out there it's like the world disappears for you. I love watching it."

"Cause it does. You real observant." He smiled softly at her and placed a kiss on her nose, "Ya'll go ahead and go in. I gotta call my mama." Everybody nodded their heads but Chalynn stayed behind while he face-timed her. She sat in Key's lap and made funny faces until Keisha answered.

"My babies! Aw, you guys look so good together. Now kith!" Keisha joked but Chalynn happily obliged and gave him a quick peck.

"Thank you for raising such a wonderful man ma. I love you but I'm gonna go eat. You want me to order for you baby?" Lay asked getting off of his lap and heading towards the door of the sprinter.

"Bye, baby. I love you most."

"Yes please." Lay nodded her head and walked inside the restaurant with everybody else. "Wassup mama. I'm always happy to talk to you but this seemed urgent." Key turned the volume up.

"Ella came by ..." She trailed off because she knew his face was going to scrunch up just the way it was. "Besides her snooping in Chalynn's room, she seemed to be level-headed and she was ready to do the DNA test. We had a nice little chat. I'm calling to tell you that I think that baby is yours or somebody else is pregnant by you. I feel it in my bones." Keisha sighed, her pregnancy intuition was never off.

"Me and Cha not freaking yet so it ain't her. Ima take the DNA test ma but when I get back. Okay?" Keisha mumbled okay.

"You told Chalynn yet?" His mother asked already knowing the answer.

"Nah, I mean after we take the blood test I'll tell her but no use in messing up what we got going on if the baby ain't mine." He rubbed his forehead with his thumb and index finger.

"Im assuming you haven't told her you're bipolar either? Key, you have a gold mine in that woman. Don't mess it up with little lies." Keisha stressed, and she took a sip of her bottled water.

"Ma. You must want to date her. I got this under control. That's on my agenda. I gotta go though my food gone get cold." Key watched as Black helped Chalynn get back into her chair from going to the bathroom. "Speak to you later. Love you." Key waited for her to say it back before he hung up the phone and got out.

"Glad to see you aren't falling off any tables." Fizzle joked pouring syrup on his last pancake.

"Nigga, you should've caught me." Chalynn playfully hit his arm and Key loved to see that she was getting along with his friends so well. He didn't expect her to be so wild but he was loving it.

"So, what we finna do? Is ya second mama making you go home for the night?" Snupe asked taking a jab at Lay but she rolled it off her back. That's just how his hating ass was and he wasn't going to disrupt what she had going on.

"I think I wanna see some ass and titties. What you think bae?" Chalynn asked turning towards her man.

"I'm right there witcha." He shrugged taking a final sip of his orange juice.

"Aw hell yeah we lit." Kenny got up from his chair and hit his dance. "I fucks wit you Lay. Hell yeah."

Damian could only hope that Markeyvius did something to fuck up what he and Lay had going on.

"Whew!" Lay tossed back her sixth shot and was dancing with Mia. One of the strippers had approached Key about a lap dance and he turned her down due to Chalynn being there. "Uh uh baby! Enjoy your time."

Cha had walked over to them, "Give him the best lap dance of his life." She instructed sitting right next to him.

"You sure?" He asked surprised she was even allowing something like this to happen.

"Mhm." She nodded her head and stumbled over to Black who was sitting there like a square. "Live a little!" She smirked, dancing to the beat of the song playing.

"My fault girl. I'm just not interested." Markeyvius wasn't satisfied with the girl dancing on him, he craved Lay. So he went and got her.

"Baby. You were supposed to be enjoying that girl dancing on you." She pouted as he pulled her into his lap.

"Ion want her. I want you." He whispered sending a chill up her spine. Three magical words opened her pussy like a floodgate. The way he boarder-line whined in her ear did it for her.

Lay bent over shaking her ass and stuck her tongue out. Key put two fingers in her mouth and she sucked them. Rolling her eyes to the back of her head she flicked her tongue over his fingers before he pulled them out. He knew she was drunk but the way she held eye contact with him had him ready to try for that baby. Or maybe the codeine and weed turned him on as it always did.

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