《Luv A Thug (Key Glock)》N.




Lay looked all over indeed trying to find a new job. She had money saved up but that money wasn't to be touched. She was going to use most of that money to put her sister through school so that Marlee could get out debt free.

"Why are your eyebrows furrowed like that?" Marlee asked as she sat at the dinning room table.

"Trying to find a job Mar Mar." She kept it really brief with everybody ever since they got back from Atlanta a week ago.

She wasn't mad per se but she didn't know exactly how to feel. Lay rocked Eli back and forth in her arms, she looked down and noticed Eli was sleep so she laid the baby on her baby blanket. Key had ran out somewhere really quick and needed her to watch Eli before he took her home to Brittany.

"You'll find one soon. And even if you don't, we will be straight." Lay nodded her head and went back to the job search.

Marlee rolled her eyes, "What's the problem Lay?" Her older sister looked up at her, "I don't have a problem."

"Alright well, I'm out of here once Key gets back." Marlee went upstairs to grab her purse, she was going with Von for a few hours to the mall. Lay sighed, she really wanted her fashion to take off. She however didn't know where to start with it, she heard the lock beep signaling that he was back.

Key quickly noticed that his daughter was sleep on the couch and tried his best to be quiet.

"Wassup ma?" Chalynn waved a hi to him, her eyes not leaving her computer screen. He smacked his lips and walked upstairs towards Marlee's room.

"You need to give her some dick or something cause her attitude is fucked up." Marlee laughed meeting him on the stairs, Key was going to drop Marlee off at Von's house on the way to Eli's.

"As soon as I take y'all where y'all need to go." He chuckled, Lay sucked her teeth and maybe that was part of the problem.

Key would try to hug or kiss her and she would turn her head and decline it but she just couldn't get the thought of him and the stripper walking out of the room smiling together. Even though Marlee had explained the situation to her, it was the way he smiled at her that left Chalynn uneasy.

Lay got up from her computer and walked over to the baby who was now strapped in her carseat, she kissed her forehead and rubbed her chubby cheek.

"Bye my sweet girl, Lay Lay will see you soon okay?" The baby cooed in her sleep, Key loved how his girl friend loved his daughter. He grabbed the diaper bag and kissed Lays forehead before the three walked out of the door.



"I don't know bro, she's probably just scared. I tried to explain to her the situation but it might be better coming from you." Key nodded his head over the music.

"I will try that. It honestly wasn't even like that." He explained, Marlee's head was stuck in her phone she knew what it was but she was tired of talking about it. Lay's attitude could be fixed if she would just talk to her man but she wasn't good with that type of thing.

"I'll be home around 9:30 so please be done by then because ya'll get loud." Marlee scoffed, she was texting Ronny, ever since their amazing night together they had been chatting and face timing here and there.

"Will do. Be safe." Marlee hugged Key before getting out of the car and walking into Vons house. When she was safely inside of his house, Key pulled off towards Brittanys.

"When are you going to slang some dick my way?" Brittany asked, you would never be able to tell she had a baby by the way her body looked. In a sports bra and Nike shorts she looked as though she ran track.

Key didn't eye her too long because he knew that she would love to get that back to Lay, that he was eyeing her and a whole bunch of other shit he didn't have time for.

"Uh, never. So you can get pregnant again? I think the hell not." He laughed handing over her carseat, the diaper bag he had stayed with him because he knew Brittany would try to sell it or whatever she did with all the designer clothes he bought their daughter that he never seen her in.

"So, you just gone mess with Lay? You know she not as good as me." Brittany pouted rubbing her hand on Keys chest.

He smacked it off, "Im thinking about moving back to Atlanta. I want to set up an agreement. We can rotate weeks. I can fly or drive to come get her it doesn't matter." Key took a step back.

"You can have her whenever you want. I don't want to be bothered with her." Markeyvius scuffed.

"Bet not be up here neglecting my baby. I'll have you touched." He turned to walk away.

"Whatever nigga." She pushed the carseat into her house with her foot and slammed the door. He shook his head looking back hearing his daughters cries, she hated being with her mother but what is he to do. That was her mom. He got in his car and drove off.

"How was that?" Brittany asked Bria over her screaming child.

"Good. We need something to officially break them up though." Bria rubbed her hands together devilishly.

"Elianna shut up, your daddy ain't coming back." Brittany yelled as they drew up another plan. Eli ended up crying herself to sleep, even though she was a mere 5 months old she knew that her mother resented her. She felt it in the way she would speak to her or the way that Brittany would cry when she saw her daughter.


She only had her to keep Key around and he still left.


After Key left Chalynn ran out to get a fresh wax and then came back home to shower and lotion herself up. Just in case he did come back and break her back she wanted to be prepared. Lay sat in her recording room watching make up videos. She eventually heard the door buzz as her boyfriend made his way into her townhome. He sighed as he walked up the stairs, and into her self care room to find her sitting like;

"You were in here waiting for me?" He asked her, a small smile crept upon Lay's face as she saw the bag of wings in his hand, but her favorite frozen drink was missing.

"It's in the freezer. You can have that when we're finished." He took his hoodie off.

"You think you can roll in here with some wings and think you can get some pussy and we haven't even talked about that night at Kings club?" She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. He sat next to her after sitting the wings on the dresser.

"Baby nothing happened in that room I swear. She just wanted to talk to me." He spoke honestly rubbing her leg.

"Then why did you smile at her the way you smile at me?" Key raised his eyebrows, "At one point in time I did have love for Aubree but I never loved her the way that I love you so for me to look at her the same way would be impossible. I was literally just telling her how much you mean to me." Lay's eyes widened, he loves me?

"You love me?" She spoke barely above a whisper. She knew that she loved him but she had no idea that he felt the same way.

"I-I" He couldn't reply, he said it so naturally that it even shocked him.

"I love you too and I know it probably was nothing but that's what I was coming to tell you. That I love you. To see you coming out of the room with her I just got kind of ... jealous." She crawled into his lap and he held her.

"I used to be the type of nigga to dog bitches but now that I have a daughter and I met you that doesn't interest me anymore." Key kissed her cheek and smiled genuinely at her.

"I'm sorry baby." She matched his smile, "No, I'm sorry for going a week and not telling you what was going on." Lay giggled as he kissed all over her neck, when he stopped she looked at him.

She kissed him softly and began to straddle him, he slapped her ass then rubbed it because he knew she was going to complain about how hard he had slapped her. But she didn't, instead she took him out of his sweat pants and pulled her panties to the side. He guided her to slide down on him but he had other plans besides her riding him. He flipped her so she was laying on her back.

He had been craving her body for the last week and now he was about to let loose on her.

"Shit I don't have a condom." He patted his sweats, he could've swore he had one but maybe he dropped it in his car.

"It's okay just pull out." Lay pulled him back down towards her and kissed him. Key thought against it, he wasn't trying to have anymore kids, he to he honest didn't even want Elianna but he stepped up.



"Fuck." Lay cursed as Key's hand was wrapped tightly around her throat. Her legs began to shake as another orgasm rippled through her body. He continuously pounded into her.

"Bae. I'm going to cum." She cried out as she scratched his back. "Cum wimme." Lay released hers right along with him, he pulled out once he realized what happened. The warmth of her pussy captivated him.

"Can you heat up my wings?" She asked him with a huge smile on her face. When he came back with the bag of food and her slushy she dug in immediately and he followed suit.

"Would you move to Atlanta ?" He asked her, she looked up from her wing. "Yes. My fashion would really take off up there." Key smirked at her, he had something lined up but he wasn't going to tell her what.

"But what about the baby?" She sucked the sauce off of her fingers, Key explained what happened at Brittany's earlier. Lay wasn't at all surprised to hear what he was saying. She had been that way all her life and it definitely made sense now.

"Good cause I love me some Eli." Chalynn cheesed thinking about how her step daughter loved her.

"Mhm." Key watched her intently, he looked at his phone. There was about an hour before Marlee got home. He scooped her up in his arms as she washed her food down with water. "Bae, what are you doing ?" She asked him, "Making up for lost time."

Not even mentioning the fact that he came in her.



This update prolly sucks but life has been happening 🥺 .. next update is heat I promise ..

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