《Luv A Thug (Key Glock)》M.



The ladies of House of Cards in the multimedia ❤️ I hope you enjoy this chapter. As always, like, comment and vote please. See you at the end. Some things are not as detailed as they should be because I want you to go read my sisters book. She's an amazing author.

"Damn Key, your house is big as hell." Marlee gasped looking around, "Choose whatever guest room you want. You'll know which one is mine." Key chuckled setting his sleeping daughters car seat down.

"You should see the one in Memphis." Chalynn told her rolling her suitcase into the house. She decided that she was going to enjoy herself this weekend, she was still upset about what happened but Don was going to get his in due time. She was happy to be out of Memphis for the weekend.

"Can you grab Elianna? I wanna show y'all the house." Chalynn grabbed the sleeping baby and put her over her shoulder. Key smiled, Lay was a natural at this mommy shit and it made him want to put a baby in her.

As far as Key knew Brittany was a good mother. When she found out Chalynn was going to be in Atlanta she wasn't going to allow him to take Elianna, but she needed a break too. Once he showed them the bottom of the house , they started walking towards the stairs.

Lay walked up the stairs before him, "Yo booty so fat." He smack her butt and she looked back at him like;

"Stop it not in front of the baby." Key smacked his lips, "Girl she sleep." He slapped her ass again as they got to the top of the stairs. He showed them around upstairs as well.

"This is where the magic will happen tonight." Key joked, they haven't had sex since last Sunday and he didn't know if she wanted it or not. She most definitely wanted it, hyper-sexuality was in full effect for her. She wished that he wasn't so scared around her it was sweet, but she was horny.

"Mhm if you stop being so scared. I'm okay papa, I promise." She stroked his chin and smiled sweetly at him. He leaned down and kissed her lips.

"Okay pretty. Something I wanted to run by you." She looked up at him as Elianna started to get fussy.

"What's up?" She asked sitting on his bed, she patted Eli's butt to calm her down.

"Tonight, I'm throwing a party at House of Cards and you're more than welcome to come." Chalynn scrunched her face up, she heard of that place before. The most notorious strip club in Atlanta, when she worked for Bryson a lot of the girls talked about it. The more she thought about it, he deserved a night out with out the baby or her.

"Enjoy the big booty bitches baby. I'll stay home with Eli." She told him.

"Did I hear big booty bitches? I wanna go." Marlee said walking into the bedroom.

"If it's cool with your sister, I'm cool with it." Markeyvius didn't care about hanging with his sister in law.

"She doesn't answer to me anymore, one of her terms was she can do what she wants." Lay shrugged.

"Yess! You gone be okay by yourself Lay Lay?" Marlee asked settling down.

"She won't be here by herself. Snupe gone be here with her." Marlee nodded her head.

"I'll be fine y'all. Plus I got my Glock." Lay laughed.


"You finna go somewhere Key?" Marlee asked him.

"I'm finna go to my bro King's he wants to meet Elianna. Prolly go over some party details. Y'all welcome to come."

"You know I wanna come. Sissy you coming?" Chalynn thought about it, Key had been talking about King for awhile and it would be nice to meet more of his people. Lay was nervous about Key's concert and about him going out tonight only because she knew people hated on him and she didn't want anything to happen. She wanted him to come home safe and sound, in one piece.

"Yes, I'll come." Key sent him a quick text to let him know that the both of them were tagging along and he responded that they were more than welcome to come.

Elianna stayed sleep the whole ride there, "Damn, I wonder what that mansion back there is." Marlee questioned as they pulled up to King's. Lay was impressed with how nice his house was, she was excited to see how it was decorated. Key surprised her with how nicely he had his homes decorated so she could only imagine Kings.

"Key, here for King." He spoke over the intercom, he was driving his Jupiter red AMG G 63 SUV that he called his 'daddy mobile'. The gate opened and they drove through.

Once they parked, "I'm nervous, what if he doesn't like me?" Chalynn breathed out.

"King and I think alike for the most part. If I thought that, I would even have you around my daughter boo." He spoke honestly, Marlee was getting antsy. She opened the door to the car and quietly closed it careful not to wake the baby up. Lay got out the car and so did Key, he grabbed the carseat and diaper bag as they walked up to the door. The door swung open and there stood King with a wide ass smile on his face.

Marlee was dazed by the man, he as fine as hell. Since he was like Key's brother she knew he was off limits.

"Hey fam, what's up." Key dapped King up as they walked into his warm house. Even though it was Atlanta it was still a little bit nippy.

"Wassup g." King greeted back leading them to the living room, Marlee looked around his beautiful home. The man had to of had an interior designer or something. He made the dark colors look so good.

"Your house is fire, did you do this yourself?" Chalynn nodded her head agreeing with Marlee, "I had an interior designer but thank you."

"Oh shit, my bad. This is my girl Chalynn, we call her Lay and this is Marlee." King gave them both hugs as they held out their hands.

"We family, we don't do handshakes." Lay giggled at him and nodded.

"Can never be too sure but next time I will remember that." She sat down on the couch and began to take the now awake baby out of her car seat.

"And this is Elianna." Eli moved her head at the sound of her daddies voice, she reached her tiny arms out for him and of course he took her. He kissed her cheeks causing her to smile, and Lay fixed the babies pants that were all twisted up. King watched the interaction and smiled.

"She is so cute. Hi pretty I'm uncle King." King waved at her and she thru herself towards him.

"Fine traitor. Be like that then." Everybody laughed as she was now smiling in King's face.


"How long have ya'll been together?" King asked, a big smile spread across both of their faces as they looked at each other.

"Almost three months." Chalynn answered happily.

"Thanks to me." Marlee playfully rolled her eyes.

"Mhm, whatever girl." Lay waved her off, Elianna began to grow fussy and that was King's cue to hand her back to one of her parents. Key took her and gave her, her pacifier but he knew it was about time for her to eat.

"She might be hungry bae, she hasn't eaten since she got up this morning." Chalynn told him, she knew because she fed her the last time and she genuinely didn't mind. Elianna had been with them since last night and she was attached to Chalynn by the hip.

"Okay I'll get her a bottle." Key was about to stand to his feet when Lay popped up.

"No baby, talk with your brother. You've been talking about how much you missed him all week, I'll take care of her. King where is your kitchen if you don't mind." Lay took the baby from his arms and grabbed the diaper bag. He told her how to get the the kitchen, Lay was about to walk off before Key stopped her.

"Dang can I get a kiss first?" He asked jokingly, she quickly pecked his lips and left because she knew Elianna had about five more minutes before she was going to be pissed again.

"Ya'll are nasty. All that lovey shit." Marlee pretended to gag but she was only salty because her mans was acting up.

"Damn nigga, you over there cheesing." King laughed, Key hadn't noticed how wide his smile was until he said something.

Just then the front door opened again, "King?" A voice called out and then a body appeared. It was Ronny from the other night, Marlee eyed the girl intensely. She was beautiful and she had the right frame too.

"Marlee this is Ronny, Ronny this is Marlee." King said introducing them.

"Hey Key, Hi Marlee." Key spoke back to her.

"Here's your uniform for tonight." Marlee didn't take her eyes off of her, "Damn." Marlee mumbled to herself she wasn't supposed to say it out loud but the boys heard it and laughed at her.

"You're working tonight?" Marlee asked her, Ronny smiled and nodded her head. Marlee made a mental note of it.

"Bae I'm going to take her home, the nanny just ca-" Lay walked into the room cradling Elianna in her arms while holding the bottle in the babies mouth with her chin.

"Oh hi. I'm Chalynn." Chalynn said with a genuine smile on her face, "I'm Ronny. I work at the club." Lay nodded her head and set the diaper bag down.

"You sure boo? We can all leave, you don't have to go by yourself." He told her standing to his feet, Marlee's eyes were glued to Ronny periodically leaving her to watch her sister.

"Yes, I'll be fine. I know how to care for a baby." Chalynn knew that's not what he was talking about but she didn't want to get into that right now. She started putting Elianna in the car seat.

"That's not what I'm talking about." She looked up at him and he searched her eyes for any doubt or fear. King raised his eyebrow wondering what he was referring too.

"King, it was wonderful to meet you. You'll make sure he stays safe?" When she looked King in the eye she was hoping for the reassurance and she received it.

"For sure." He nodded his head, "Well look out for each other. If I find out ya'll don't, I'm whooping everybody." She picked up the carseat with a little laugh, the two men found her comment funny because she sounded just like Key's mom.

She hugged her little sister and told her to 'be good' because she had seen how she was staring at Ronny. She waved bye to King and Ronny before Key walked her to the car and buckled the baby in.

"Text me when you make it back home!" He told her even though he had her location, she nodded her head and kissed him good bye before pulling off.

Key headed back into the house and sat back down.

"Ronny can you show Marlee around?" Ronny nodded her head and Marlee stood to her feet to follow her out of the room. Once they were out of ear shot.

"I see why you locked her ass down. She seem like a real one." King said lighting an already rolled blunt.

"Man, and my mama love her I swear it don't get any better than that." Key replied, he began to think about how much Chalynn meant to him.

"Look like you in love nigga." King sat back on the couch, "I think I love her." Key admitted, he had been fighting it for awhile but he trusted King. The way she made him feel was unexplainable.

"I know you do. It's written all over your face. You tell her yet?" He asked, Key shook his head no,

"Life is short. We of all people know that, tell her while you got the chance." Key nodded his head agreeing with his brother.

"She cool though?" King asked referring to Key about to go home with her.

Key sighed, "Her boss sexually assaulted her this week." Key began to tell King the whole story from the time he first met Chalynn and her boss was on some weird shit to the bull shit he just did the other day. King was fuming, he had only just met Chalynn but he saw how Key's eyes teared up while he retold the story and he knew that this man couldn't get away with it.

"If you still got that warehouse in Memphis, I'd like to borrow it, he's going to wish he killed himself once I'm done with him." Key took a long pull from his blunt.

"Not only will I let you use it, but me and Marcus gone be down there too. You aint said nothing but a word." King didn't understand how men felt as though they could just take advantage of women, there was so much free pussy out here.

"And if she ever needs somebody to vent to, Ronny and Lola been through the same shit." King shook his head, it was honestly sad as hell.

"They ever killed before ? Because 'parently, she's been raped before but she killed them niggas. I would've never guessed it. She's so sweet bruh." Key wiped a few fallen tears and shook his head too.

"Yup. I'll send you their numbers." King chuckled, any man who did that to a woman deserved to die. Key chuckled too, "I really missed you dawg."

"Likewise. We need to stay in touch."

"Oh, fasho."


"How old are you?" Marlee asked Ronny as a random movie played in King's theater room.

"I'm eighteen and you?" Ronny asked, "I'm eighteen too, how'd you start working at the club?" Marlee asked nosily, she was just genuinely curious about the girls past and what made her want to go into stripping.

Ronny looked annoyed but she answered, "It's a long story, but this girl Serenity told me about the job. I went in head over heels and now I live in a mansion with several other girls. I barely know them but they like me so it's cool." Marlee nodded her head, the other mansion she seen earlier crossed her mind.

"So you stay in the other mansion over there?" She asked, Ronny nodded her head, "Yep." The both of them began to watch the movie that played on the screen. Marlee sneakily snuck glances of Ronny whenever she could. She didn't want to put what was on her mind out there because her sister told her to be good but she couldn't help herself around pretty women.

Ronny was almost picture perfect on the outside, she was sweet and soft spoken as well.

"You gone be working our section tonight?" Marlee asked, it was one of her many questions. She watched Ronny as she looked at the movie, her eyes not leaving the screen.

"Ion like that, do you think you'll have time to dance for me?" Marlee asked, she could tell she got Ronny off guard because she began to blush.

"Maybe, I might be able to do that."

"I promise you won't regret, I'll make it worth your while." Marlee couldn't help herself she was a big flirt especially when it came to girls. By the end of the night she was going to have Ronny one way or another she was determined.

Ronny's light cheeks turned a bright red, Marlee could tell she wasn't used to a girl like her but that was okay.

"Well when you put it like that." They both laughed. Marlee was too excited for tonight especially because she found out Ronny was working their section. She was definitely going to have to drip.

"Whenever you're free, you're going to be with me." Marlee demanded, she could see the goosebumps on Ronny's arm so she scooted closer. Marlee smiled before leaning closer into Ronny and she did the same.

"Lil bit, we outta here. I gotta get ready for the show." Key's voice startled the two girls and they jumped away from each other. They both looked at him annoyed and he scrunched his face right back at them.

"Ya'll good?" He watched Marlee roll her eyes and remembered she was a handful.

"If only you gave us a few more minutes. I would be more than good." She mumbled thinking he couldn't hear her but he began to smirk.

She stood up to leave, Ronny grabbed her hand and kissed it. "I'll see you tonight but, remember what I said.

"For sure, bye Key." She waved bye to them and Key had a plan in motion for Marlee's smart ass.


Chalynn looked outside of the sprinter van window.

"What's on your mind?" Marlee asked her sister, Lay was usually never this quiet.

"What if he doesn't respect me tonight ? Key is so good to me and I love him and my heart would be so broken." Chalynn sighed, the sexual assault really had her questioning her self worth. Marlee took her seat belt off and sat next to her sister.

"Wait, what did you say?" Marlee asked holding Lay's hand.

"That I would be heartbroken ?" She questioned, "No before that." Marlee stale faced her.

"That I love him." Lay hadn't realized that she even said the three magical words.

"I knew it. I'm pretty sure he loves you too sissy. Just say it." Marlee teased, and she was right. Lay would tell Key that she loved him, any day but today. She didn't want to throw him off.

"He wouldn't do anything to break your trust. Plus I'll be there. So. Just try to enjoy the concert and then you can come home and play house with Eli." Marlee shrugged causing her sister to bust out laughing. Eliana was growing like a weed on Lay and she loved every bit of it.

"You know that's my baby." Brittany was a 'good' mom to Eli but she wasn't as affectionate as she should be which made her more attached to Lay and Key. They gave her all the loving that she wanted.

The van pulled up to the venue and Lay was astonished at how many people were standing outside waiting to get in to see Key. Taurus was supposed to be one of the acts going on stage before him but he cancelled last minute.

"Right this way ladies." Big Black said as he closed the door to the sprinter van. He led them to the back stage entrance began. Key was back stage smoking getting ready for his show, he wasn't nervous until he saw his woman walk in. She dressed so simple as always and even with her natural hair she was fire.

She looked up and made eye contact with him causing him to smile. "What's up ma ?" He asked pulling her into a warm embrace.

"You look good as hell bae." She told him hugging him back, he spoke to Marlee and Jas before taking Chalynn into the dressing room and shutting the door. He kissed all over her face and she giggled.

"Stop it." She laughed pushing him away, Lay took a velvet box out of her purse and handed it to him.

"Here, it's for being an awesome boyfriend." She told him, he accepted the gift shocked. He opened it and found a silver diamond Cuban link chain bracelet.

"Lay, this is too expensive." He was low key in awe, no girl had ever spent a lot of money on him before.

"I make my own money, you deserve nice things too."

He kissed her cheek, "I've been meaning to tell you that I-." Key got cut off by the stage manager telling him that it's time to get one stage.

Chalynn looked at him intently and smiled. "Go get em."

Since this was a first come first serve type of concert and there were no seats, Chalynn, Marlee and Jasmine were able to get in front of the stage first before everybody was let in. King and Marcus came in after Chalynn and the girls and were able to stand back stage to watch him perform along with Dolph.

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