《Luv A Thug (Key Glock)》Ch. 12


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Ass like that by Victoria Monet

Chalynn grabbed her water bottle, headphones, and phone and headed for the door. There was a nice gym in the hotel and she needed to keep up with her physical therapy if she was going to recover completely.

She had been up since five in the morning studying during that time she had also made herself breakfast. Something simple like oatmeal, eggs, and bacon.

"Where you off to?" Damian asked when she opened the suite door. Typically she would still be asleep but she had to steady her mind.

"To the gym downstairs. Let me guess. You have to come too?" Key felt she needed to have a bodyguard wherever she went just in case something popped off. People were crazy internationally too, not just in America.

"You guessed right. After you." Black held the door open for her and let her walk out.

The elevator ride was mostly silent, she thought Black was cool but her time in the gym was her dedicated time to herself. Being that it was only six thirty in the morning the gym was empty so she would have it all to herself. Besides Black of course.

Black snuck glances at Lay as she bent over during various stretches. She was completely oblivious, Tink played through her headphones as she started to jog on the treadmill. Feeling the blood rush through her veins as she jogged was one of her favorite things.

When working out with Dorian he was often harsh when she didn't run the speed he suggested. His girls needed to be in tip-top shape at all times.

A small smile formed on Chalynn's face as she thought about Emaje and Dante. She never expected herself to leave the trio. Lay talked about it before with God and her journal but she never knew she'd have the courage to do so.

Her smile fell once she realized how much she missed Emaje. Stopping the treadmill, she hadn't peeped that she'd been jogging for thirty minutes straight. A new record since she'd been shot. Taking a drink of water and catching her breath she pulled up the contacts on her phone.

"Do you mind if I make a quick call? In private." Chalynn asked wiping her face with a clean towel.

"Uh. Sure. I'll be right outside." Black looked at her one last time before leaving and shutting the clear glass door.

She hovered over her ex's contact name in her phone but as if they had read each other's minds her name flashed across Lay's screen. Hesitantly, Chalynn answered the phone and looked directly at Emaje's beautiful smile through the screen.

"Aw mami. You're glowing. I'm so happy you are alive." Emaje began to tear up as she saw Lay alive and healthy.

"Mhm. Even though you weren't at the hospital miss ma'am." Chalynn rolled her eyes, talking to Emaje felt illegal. Especially because she was getting together with Key now and he had shown her nothing but kindness.

"Dorian would probably be locked up if I went to the hospital again. Once he found out you killed his seed girl he beat me like a runaway slave. Enough of that though. What you been up to?" Emaje asked sipping her Starbucks drink. Chalynn looked at the familiar background of the car she was in.

"Is that my old car?" Chalynn asked looking at the pretty interior ignoring everything else that was said.


"Yeah .. it was an apology gift. I see you out there with KG and whatnot. I'm proud of you." Emaje smiled softly through the camera but Lay no longer wanted to talk. Seeing how Dorian just gave her car away didn't sit right with her. At all.

"I gotta go, Majee. Bye." Chalynn disconnected the call and grabbed her belongings leaving the gym upset.

Damian who had been scrolling on his phone out in the hall looked at her as she fast walked past him.

"Woah! You good?" He asked slightly jogging back up to her.

"I'm not but I feel like I should be." Chalynn sighed and shook her head.

"You wanna tell me what's wrong?" Damian asked as she came to a holt.

"If I tell you. You better swear on the UK that you won't tell a soul." Damian chuckled at her remark and pinky swore.

"My ex boyfriend, gave my ex girlfriend my old car. Like he can at least be original ya know? I had that car designed perfectly for me. He said I was his favorite. So why would he do the same things for her?" Chalynn was perplexed. Something wasn't adding up to her. It wasn't like Dorian to randomly give out huge gifts with out it being for a reason.

Damian scrunched his face up listening to Chalynn talk. There was no way she was tripping off a mediocre boxer when she had a rich rapper kissing the ground she walked on.

He was especially confused because he saw her when she had gotten shot because of that nigga. To him, she had no reason to trip off shit her exes were doing.

"Why does it matter to you?" He asked trying not to sound too judgmental but it was hard.

"What if he's rewarding her for shooting me and trying to take my place? That bitch!" Chalynn explained, she went from missing Emaje to wanting to get her lick back.

"Listen, I don't think that's the case. Whoever shot you didn't think twice about it. I'll look into it but I don't think Emuju is your shooter." Damian's wheels got to turning.

"It's Emaje!" Chalynn burst out laughing, "What the hell you talking about."

"Shit, ion know her." Damian laughed with Chalynn as they started walking back towards the elevator to go upstairs.

"I guess I don't anymore either. Huh?" She asked rhetorically.

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💸 Dough by Key Glock 💸

"You look good baby." Chalynn sat on Key's lap and stroked his goatee earning a peck on the lips from him. Chalynn couldn't lie, she was a little up in the clouds. Even though she wasn't in pain, she had popped a pain pill. Just in case she started hurting from her workout earlier.

"Tryna keep up with you mama." His arm snaked tighter around her waist. Key noticed how giggly she was but waved it off. Not too far from how she typically was.

"I'm hardly anything to look at." Chalynn blushed brushing him off.

"Don't piss me off." Key nuzzled his face in her neck kissing it softly.

Black watched the two giggle and kiss on each other as they rode to where they were going. Seeing Chalynn smile definitely was a sight to see.

"We here." Black said dryly.

"Damn. Who pissed in yo tea?" Fizzle asked in a British accent that Black didn't find too funny. Snupes eyes followed Blacks to see why he was so pissed off. Snupe smirked at himself not completely catching on.


The group climbed out of the van and was quickly ushered into the jewelry store. Everybody was patted down for weapons except security of course who was authorized.

Chalynn's eyes almost popped out of her head once she saw all of the diamonds glisten. She had been to a jewelry store before but not a jewelry store like this. She couldn't figure out if it was the pills that made everything look so nice or just

"First time?" Mia asked, instructing the kids to sit down and behave.

"Girl and is! This shit nice as hell. Make me not wanna touch shit." The two women laughed as the men were in their natural habitat. Key wore nice ass jewelry all the time so he definitely didn't need any help when it came to picking pieces out. However, Chalynn said she was into fashion so he wanted to feel her out.

"Bae come help me." He motioned for her to stand up and come to him. She did just that. "My mama's birthday coming up and I need to help to pick something out for her."

"Of course." The two of them spent over forty-five minutes looking at all the jewelry in the store. Chalynn turned down countless pieces on Keisha's behalf. "These earrings are fire but you know yo mama. She likes minimal." Chalynn was right, she knew it before but living with Keisha now, was a whole other ball game. Simple was best when it came to her.

"You right. I luv how you and my mama go together." He kissed her temple before selecting the earrings and necklace she picked out for Keisha.

"Can we go now? I'm hungry as hell and ready to explore the Netherlands and see what they have to offer." He looked at her and smiled, he was a little surprised that she didn't even ask him to buy her anything.

"Yeah, we can go."

Mia, Dolph, and the kids were off somewhere enjoying the festival. Dumb, dumber, and dumbest went off and did their own thing while Cha and Key were about to try different foods from the food trucks. Black was of course tagging along to make sure everything went off unhitched.

Weed smoke, liquor, and dirt. If she had to describe the aroma at the festival in three words, that's what she would use. It was filled with tons of white people, some of the women walked around with their shirts and bra's off. Definitely some white people shit.

"Are you excited to try these bae?" Chalynn asked when they found an empty place to sit down with the two hot dogs they got from a food truck that was packed and well-recommended. The first one was called the junkyard dog and it has bratwurst, cheese, bacon, salami, piccalilli, and sauerkraut.

"Hell nah. Look like they just threw some shit on top of this." He scrunched his face up in disgust. He honestly couldn't believe that she was getting him to try new foods, he liked what he liked and this wasn't it. At all. They cut the first hot dog in half and Key cut it into smaller pieces so he could eat it with a fork.

"I'll tell you what. You try these different foods and I'll have a surprise for you." She smirked holding the hot dog up to her lips.

"Say less." Quickly saying grace Lay took a bite out of her half and Key ate his off of the fork he had. Scrunching his face up immediately he slowly relaxed it. "Eh. Not too bad."

"Chile, that has too much shit on it for me." She swallowed it and immediately took a drink of sparkling water. Key laughed at her, she was so worried about him not liking it but here she was about to puke. They tried the second one and neither of them liked it. It was a hot dog, melted cheese, and bacon. Their stomachs were definitely going to be messed up.

The next thing that they tried was Gyros. Chalynn had the Pita Tikka Masala and Key had a regular one. They enjoyed those, which was about all they could eat since they were filled with vegetables and meat. They both had lemonades with them to wash them down.

Key was having a good time with Chalynn though. She was putting him on to different things he wouldn't have even thought about trying.

"We might need these." Chalynn handed Key a piece of gum and chewed one herself.

"You might. That breath made my eyes water." He fake-wiped tears from his eyes being dramatic. Chalynn playfully pushed him and they both burst out laughing.

"Oh my gosh. Look at that giant panda. I want her!" Chalynn cooed once they passed the booths where you could win prizes.

"You want it for real or you playing?" He asked her, Key had no problem winning things. It was one of his specialties.

"I'm dead ass." Chalynn looked like the little girl from despicable me who wanted the giant stuffed unicorn. Key stopped in front of the booth and paid the man five American dollars in order to throw the balls at the empty glass milk cartons. "Go baby go!" Lay clapped her hands and jumped up and down.

"Whew!" He said when he threw the first ball and knocked all the cartons down. He naturally had a good arm since he wanted used to play football and was relatively great at basketball. The man handed her the giant panda.

"Thank you baby." She pecked his lips and squeezed her panda bear, "Our first baby." She handed her phone to Black so he would take a picture of them with her panda. They took various images, some of them where they were facing each other and Key was kissing her forehead, lips, and neck.

"You welcome mama." It was starting to get darker outside and now Chalynn could see the Ferris wheel fully lit. She had a very, bright idea.

"This the last thing ima ask for. Can we please get on the Ferris wheel?" She held his hand and felt him squeeze it out of fear.

"Mm ion know Cha. Can't we just stay down here where it's safe?" He asked, Chalynn looked up at him.

"If you scared then fine. We sure can." She said reassuringly, "But I had a surprise for you at the tippy top of it. Black will go with me though and you can watch us have fun." She joked making Key sigh.

"Fuck it. Let's go." She had successfully got her way once again, they were currently on their way to the front of the line.

"How long does it get stuck at the top?" She asked the operator out of Key's earshot. He was too busy about to bitch out looking from the ground up at how tall it was.

"Fifteen minutes but women and men are required to sit across from each other." Lay had to rethink her plan, especially if they had to sit across from one another. She nodded her head and grabbed Key once they were getting onto the cart.

"It's gone be alright. Swear." Chalynn kissed his cheek and waved at Black and their panda son as the wheel started to move. It was nicely sized, for reference Chalynn if she wanted could put her feet in his lap comfortably.

"Ion-like heights mane." Key rubbed his sweaty palms over his shorts. Instantly feeling bad, once they were out of sight Cha sat next to him and grabbed him by the chin.

Flicking her tongue across his bottom lip, he came to her with the same energy. His hand snaked around her throat as they tongued each other down. It was dark on the wheel besides the light from the outside colors.

Chalynn wiggled her small hand into his shorts and eventually his boxers causing him to flench and break the kiss.

"Don't say nothin just let me. It's not what you think." She shushed him before pulling him out of his pants completely. He didn't says hit after that. Lay let some spit drip out of her mouth before going to work with one of the best handjobs she had ever given.

Chalynn had him at the top of the Ferris will squirming and biting his fist to be quiet. She was playing far from fair and she was only using her hand.

Licking his earlobe and going down to his neck she kissed around before she found the spot that made him weak. Smirking to herself, she sucked and licked it numerous times until she felt him jump in her hand.

"You gone nut in my pretty ass hand?" She whispered in his ear watching how he crumbled under the sound of her voice.

"I'm tryna nut in that pretty ass mouth." Key grunted groggily. Accidentally moaning in his ear, Chalynn liked the sound of that but that was definitely for a different time. "Fuck here it come." Key had his eyes closed picturing what he was doing to Chalynn instead of a handjob and her moan went right along with his fantasy.

Key sucked in a breath, jerked two more times under Lay's touch before he coated her hand like an icing covered pastry. Perfect timing too, their fifteen minutes were up.

Releasing her grip, she didn't know if she wanted to lick it or just wipe it clean. Her intrusive thoughts got the best of her. She licked the sides of her fingers that dripped like an ice cream cone and wiped the rest with wet towels she had in her Telfar bag. Chalynn put into her mind that he tasted good.

"You might wanna clean yourself up boo." She handed him some to clean the tip and his shorts off. He looked at her in amazement. Everyday she did something else to impress him.

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🗣️Ooh by Key Glock 🗣️

"I had to pay that man for that lil stunt you pulled on the Ferris Wheel. He was this close to calling the cops on yo ass." Black pulled Key to the side when they got to the restaurant they were about to eat at.

"That was all her. Took control and all. Why you acting like you pissed or sumn?" Key asked watching Lay walk in front of them.

"Shit is bad for your image bruh. Laws are different in Europe than in the US. You gotta move differently." Black warned, the guy wasn't even worried about them getting freaky up there mainly because he didn't know. Black only knew because they were whispering about it like kids when they went back to the hotel.

"You right, thanks for looking out."

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