《Forbidden Love (Book One)》Chapter 18


Anthony's POV

I walked around the house as I tried desperately to find Veronica. She had seemed quite upset and I hated not being able to comfort her. I wasn't drunk or anywhere near it because I was supposed to be the designated driver for my friends. I knew Veronica didn't drink because she was gonna drive Carol back home but I knew better than to let her storm off in rage. She had a smart mouth and a fast working brain but for some reason anger always made her dumber than she actually was...

I walked back inside and once again entered the kitchen. My eyes rolled in annoyance when I saw Patrick and some chick literally fucking on the counter. I shook my head, amateurs. Making my way quickly out the room, I was about to head upstairs when my best bro Brian stopped me. He was stone drunk and had different shades of lipstick all over his face.

"Duddee!" He slurred and threw his arm along with his body weight on me.


"Isn't this party awesome?"

His breath smelt weirdly of pussy and alcohol and I wanted nothing more than to get rid of him.

"Yeah sure, it's an awesome party... Am, I'm looking for Veronica. She seemed a bit upset so I'm gonna go see if she wants to talk or something."

"Dude, you need to get over that girl. There's other sea in the fishes."

He almost kissed me and I turned just in time for it to land on my neck.

"Okay buddy, let's get you a chair okay."

"I love you man."

"Ah huh."

I sat him down on the nearest sofa after cleaning it down from the many used condoms, empty beer bottles and discarded garments. I spent the next few minutes ensuring he wouldn't die if I left him and I made sure he had some salted snacks, water and a bucket just in case he didn't make it in time to the bathroom.


Rubbing my head I once again stood up and tried to find Ron. It was close to sunrise and yet the party was far from dying down. That was the beauty of partying in these streets with these people. They never slept, never stopped drinking, and always knew how to have a great time. I quickly sidestepped some freshman looking students banging intensely on the staircase and walked towards the first room. It led me to a bathroom and I regretted walking in. I continued my search until I arrived at the farthest one and walked in.

The lights were off and I could faintly make out two forms wrapped around each other. I was about to walk back out after mumbling an apology when I recognized the discarded party clothes of the girl I was desperately trying to find. I flicked the light switch on and came face to face with my worst nightmare.



My mind went blank for a few seconds before it became bombarded with questions. Veronica was lying naked next to an also naked Carol. The fact that they were cuddling made the whole revelation a bit too much to handle.

"Veronica!" I shouted as I stepped closer.

To my dismay she mumbled something before pulling Carol closer. The immense and immediate rage that took over me was surprising as I angrily pulled Veronica away from Carol. They both stumbled apart and looked at me before it dawned on them.

"Tony." They both exclaimed and I snorted at the fact that they hurriedly tried to cover themselves up.

"Does anyone wanna tell me what's going on here?"



I folded my arms as they both scrambled for an explanation.

"Are you gay now?" I asked harshly, looking at Veronica.


"What?! No. Tony..."

"Don't fucking lie to me Veronica."

"I'm not!" She said and I suddenly had the urge to hit something.

My girlfriend couldn't be gay. She just couldn't, not after everything we've been through together and definitely not after last night and all of today. I picked up her clothes and threw it towards her as I completely ignored Carol. I never liked her. The way she would always hang around Ron like a damn lost puppy and how she would always side with her and hang on to her every word. I always knew she was strange, now I knew to what extent.

I wonder what her parents would say if they saw her now. They would be devastated and totally ashamed. I shook my head as I stared daggers at her. I hated gays and the fact that she was a lesbian didn't faze me. Many people think that's hot but to me it was just plain disgusting. Carol averted my gaze and instead chose to get dressed. I could see that she was still a bit drunk but still very much aware of the shit she was in.

My heart suddenly went out for Brian. No wonder he was acting more of a man whore lately. I knew he had developed some feelings towards Carol and even though he tried to pass off the fact that they were no longer together, I knew he was hurting. I shook my head again and ran a hand through my hair.

All she needed was some hardcore fucking and she'd be straight again, I just knew it.

When Veronica was finished dressing I grabbed her by the hand and led her downstairs. We passed the same group of persons on our way down and I rolled my eyes as anger started taking over me.

"Tony, please let's talk about this." I heard her say softly but I was too angry to care.

No girl of mine is gonna prefer pussy to me, not now, not ever.

I led her to a vacant room and shoved her in as I bolted the door. I didn't intend on having any interruptions. I left the lights off and the faint light that was coming in from the full moon was enough for me. Veronica was sitting on the bed with her hands wrapped protectively around her knees.

I snorted. Now she wants to get all protective, when I've been hitting that for almost three months?! Ha.

I quickly took my clothes off as I made my way towards her. She made no move to get up or even scream for help and a part of me became irritated while the other knew that she deserved this. She wasn't a lesbian and I'd make sure to remind her of that.

I pulled her to a lying position and started to kiss her while simultaneously stripping her of her clothing. She laid there and I wanted nothing more than to hear her cry out my name... Even if it was in pain.

I spread her legs apart and quickly slipped my hands between her folds as I pumped myself. I nibbled at her ears before swiftly pulling on a condom and entering her.

"You belong to me!" I whispered harshly and I felt the tears as it slipped down her face.

"Only me."

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