《Forbidden Love (Book One)》Chapter 19


Carol's POV

I walked the entire house looking for Roni and my heart continued to increase its erratic beating. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and I just needed to find her. I pushed my way into the next room and stumbled across two guys lying near each other with an empty bottle of rum between them. I quickly exited and walked to the next door. It was locked and I started banging against it as I called her name. I heard footsteps coming and I literally felt my heart leap into my throat.

The door swung open and an angry Anthony stood on the other side.


"I need to see Roni." I said, refusing to let him intimidate me.

"She's asleep."

"I didn't say I want to talk to her, I said I wanted to see her."

"Come back when she's awake." He was about to shut the door in my face and I placed my foot between the crease.

"No! I said I wanted to see her now!"

I jumped when he stepped outside and harshly slammed the door behind him before forcing me against the opposite wall. His strong fingers wrapped themselves around my throat and I soon fought to grasp some air.

I reached out and tried to pry his fingers off me but he was strong and I was no match for him.

"Now you listen here and you listen real good." He snarled coming closer.

"Veronica is not a lesbian and she never will be and if you want to leave with your life... I suggest you walk your dyke-y little self back to Brian and pray he makes you straight. Because if he doesn't."

His face came deadly close to me and I could taste blood as his fingers squeezed tighter.

"I will." He finished before slamming my head harshly against the wall.

I felt hot tears as it rushed down my face and I slipped to the ground gasping for air when he released. My head was hurting, my heartbeats increasing and my mouth tasted of blood but all I could think about was Roni and whether she was hurt. I looked up just as he stared down at me and I saw his sadistic smile.


"Stay away Carol, Veronica belongs to me."

With that he slammed the door, leaving me panting for air and wishing him dead. I pulled my knees up to my breasts and buried my head as the sobs took over me. I had no idea of what to do, or if Roni was okay and my entire head was contorted in pain.


I looked up as I recognized the drunken slur of Brian's voice. The way he looked at me and the concern in his eyes were enough for me to start crying all over again.

"Hey." He said as he slumped down next to me. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head as I was afraid to tell him that his best friend was a lunatic.

"I want to go home." I sobbed into his neck as he pulled me closer.

"Okay, I'll drive you."

"No, you're drunk...."

"Where's Ron?"

I looked away and started to idly play with my skirt as I willed the tears away.


He pulled my chin, forcing me to look at him and I did nothing as once more the tears slipped down.

"Did you guys have a fight?"

I shook my head, unable to speak.

"What happened Carr?"

"I can't tell you." I whispered.


"Please don't make me tell you."

I heard him inhale before he was on his feet. The next second I was joining him and I held my head as a searing pain shot to my frontal cortex.

"I'm sorry." He said as he saw me contorted in pain.

"It's okay. I'm just a bit hung over."

"Let me call Anthony and see if he can take us home."

He pulled out his phone and I was screaming no so fast he dropped it.

"Shit Carr. Can you not."

"I'm sorry. I just... Please don't call him."


"Don't!" I said more forcefully.

"Okay, okay. Let's go. Can you walk?"


He held me as we both headed downstairs and towards the outside. A cab was waiting and we got in. One hour later and we were both sitting on my bed.


"So do you want to tell me what's wrong?"



"I slept with Roni." I whispered and felt him tense beside me.


"Anthony caught us."

He tensed again. "Ooh."

We sat in silence for what seemed like forever before he spoke again. "Do you love her?"



"Does she feel the same way?"


Does she feel the same way? A few hours ago I would have said yes but now... Now, I wasn't even sure if she wanted to see me again. No doubt Anthony must have punished her as he did me and I knew he had the ability to ruin our lives both physically and socially if we dared defy him.

I closed my eyes once more as I thought about Brian's question.

"I don't know." I finally said as my shoulders slumped. "I really... Don't know."

I looked sadly up at him before crawling further up on the bed and lying down. I felt unbelievably tired and just wanted to go to sleep. To my surprise Brian joined me and I fell asleep to the slow and concise beating of his heart.


I awoke to the sudden slam of the front door and I hastily got up. Brian was still sleeping beside me so I decided to let him rest. I took one second to look at him and he looked so peaceful. He was the total opposite to Anthony and I knew he would never hurt me. I sighed as I opened the door and headed downstairs. If only things were different.

"Hi." I entered the living room and found Roni sitting on the sofa. When I got closer I saw that she was crying. I immediately went towards her and sat down as I tried to comfort her.

"Don't touch me!" She screamed and I was so shocked that I jumped up from next to her. I looked into her eyes but all I could see was anger and hatred and they were directed towards me.

"Roni." I said softly, afraid to go near her but stepping closer nonetheless.

"I swear to God Carr, if you only come near me I'll scream."

I stopped dead in my tracks as her words hit me.

"What?" I said softly, unsure of what to do or how to react.

"I'm not a lesbian Carr. I'm not your girlfriend, I'm not even your best friend. I don't love you and I want nothing more to do with you."


"You are a disgusting creation of life and I want no part in this. I love Anthony and he loves me and I would never ever love you or be with you, so leave me alone."

"Roni." My voice came out as a whisper as I beheld the horror before me.

"I'm moving in with Anthony. If you ever try to contact us or even try to talk to me, I'll report you to the council and I'll let everyone know how you tried to turn me into a lesbian and make me like you."

I stood with my hands covering my mouth and my eyes wide as she ran up the stairs. I continued to stand frozen as I heard her packing her stuff and minutes later she was out with her bags as she loaded them into her car. My heart was beating so fast and all I could hear was the blood rushing throughout my body.

I didn't even realize that my vision was being blurred by tears until I felt myself being pulled into Brian's embrace. I heard him trying to soothe me but it wasn't working. When I could hear again I heard someone screaming and I could have sworn that someone just died. Then I realized...

The person screaming... That was me.

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