《Favored Empress Brings Chaos and Destruction (Book 1)》Page 22


For several years, Emperor Andrew secretly wanted Beatrix for himself and secretly hated his twin brother for playing dirty and stealing her love and hand in marriage but he could not do anything because she had already chosen him and he needs to respect it but he could not forget his love and affection for her!

His whole being is telling him that Beatrix is his woman! He wants Beatrix to be his wife!

He knew it was wrong to feel that way... He tried to accept different women to please his Imperial Father who gifted them to him and to possibly fill in the emptiness in his life and remove the forbidden feelings but every time his Imperial Brother and Beatrix acted so intimate in front of him, the truth always slaps him so hard!

Every time he sees his brother looking at Beatrix lovingly, he wants to gouge out his brother's eyes!

Every time his brother says words of love to her, he wants to cut off his brother's tongue!

Every time his brother kisses Beatrix, he wants to pull out all of his brother's teeth and sew his lips!

Every time his brother touches her, he wants to cut off his brother's hands!

Every time he hears from his spies that his brother's nights are always blissful, he wants to personally castrate his brother!

They thought that he moved on perfectly but it was the opposite!

He cannot forget his feelings and never truly moved on! He just waited for the right time while silently enduring the strong jealousy, anger, and pain.

Beatrix is my woman now! The long wait is over!

On the evening of the Emperor's birthday banquet, everything seems so perfect. The decorations, atmosphere, entertainment, guests, foods, and beverages are carefully prepared.

Beatrix is seated beside the Emperor. She excused herself due to extreme fatigue and sleepiness. Emperor Andrew wants to join her but it is still too early and it is his birthday celebration so he cannot get away easily. He allowed her to rest early and promised to join her the soonest he could. She nodded and went back to her courtyard. Once inside, she is shocked to find out that several black-clad people are waiting for her inside her room!


She tried to call for help but later realized that all her maids and guards are down. She felt the same awful feeling when she is about to die!

Am I going to die again?!! If I only knew... I should not have come here early!!!

She is surrounded and outnumbered. The person who arranged this made sure that she cannot escape.

Who wants to kill me? Several concubines hate me to the bones but are they powerful enough to send these people inside a tightly guarded palace? I think not... Then that only means... It is Andrew?

She gritted her teeth and shouted.

"Who ordered you to do this?!!" She desperately wants to know the truth before she died but the most probable suspect is Emperor Andrew!

She heard that the imperial treasury is almost depleted due to the grand structures he built throughout the empire and several ambitious military upgrades. It also did not help that he does have so many concubines to support.

If I died without giving birth to a child, all of my husband's assets will automatically go to the imperial treasury...

She also heard that the Emperor and her Father General did not see eye to eye these days!

What could effectively disrupt Father General's focus? My sudden death will ensure it!

She remembered that she slapped Emperor Andrew, punched him on his chest, and bit his shoulder on different occasions when she could no longer stay cool of his savage bed treatment.

It seems that he is just bottling it inside and decided to kill me now...

All in all, he is the one who will benefit the most if I died without a child!

"Who else but the person who will benefit the most." One of the black-clad people answered her mockingly. "Do not worry, the person who ordered this told us to be swift and clean..." He said before stabbing her abdomen so deep the sword go through her back! She is bleeding from the front and back when they left her lying on the floor...


The black-clad men locked all the exits and left her inside her room bleeding to death and suffocating as she breathed!

"Why do I have to die again and again because of you Andrew?! Curse you to death! I hope you do not live well! All your concubines cuckold you and you will never have children!" She angrily cursed at him as she saw thick smoke and flames engulfing her surroundings! It seems that the sly fox wants to blame the fire for her death! She closed her eyes and let the darkness engulf her again as the fire consumed her body...

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