《Favored Empress Brings Chaos and Destruction (Book 1)》Page 23


Beatrix shouted so loud then cried and sobbed wretchedly when she opened her eyes and realized that she was given another chance. She attracted her maids and later her parents checked on her when one of the maids informed them that their young lady would not stop crying miserably.

"What happened here, Beatrix? Did you have a nightmare again?" Her mother asked her worriedly.

Beatrix did not answer and snatched a vase and ruthlessly throw it into the floor. She immediately chose a sharp shard and pointed it to her throat! Both General Ardor and Lady Andrea were shocked to see their five-year-old Beatrix do something like that.

"Beatrix! Put it down!" Her father, the General immediately ordered her to put the shard down.

"Not unless you dismiss all the servants in the surroundings and hear me out." She blackmailed them to get their full attention.

The General stared at his strange five-year-old daughter. He could see so many emotions in her eyes. Emotions that are not fit for someone as young as her. He dismissed all the servants in the surroundings and faced this daughter who is behaving strangely. He does not like her behaving like a young lunatic and so unladylike!

"Why are you doing this?" Her father asked her dangerously with a face telling her that this should be important or else...

"Father... Mother... Please save me! I do not want to marry into the imperial family! I do not want to marry Prince Andrew!" She said and her tears flowed like a river.

Her parents worriedly look at each other. They did not tell her about the arrangements yet. How did she know about it?

"Who told you about the marriage arrangement?" Her mother asked her worriedly thinking that someone overstepped their boundary and told Beatrix.


Beatrix trusted her parents' love for her so she decided to tell them the truth about her four lifetimes and all the difficulties she faced in those lifetimes. Both her father and mother were speechless after she summarized and explained the details.

"Mother... Father... I do not know how and why but this is my fifth lifetime... I am scared... I did try to change my fate several times but I always end up as a failure. The Emperor... I mean, Prince Andrew this time, is both the direct and indirect reason I died in those lifetimes. I tried to escape from him but I always end up being with him and later died miserably..." She cried and sobbed so hard it pained the hearts of her parents.

"If what you told us is the truth and not just a product of your nightmare and imagination... This is strange and something does not add up." Her father is the first one to recover from the shock.

"Yes, but to me, it does not matter anymore. I just want to escape... Far from him... Please help me, Father and Mother. I tried to do it by myself but it always failed. Probably because I did not get help from powerful and reliable people. I probably need the help of someone else to succeed. You are the people who love me truly and I trust you so much. You are the only people who could help and save me!" She begged her parents.

Her father and mother looked at each other and they had a tacit understanding. They felt in their hearts that their daughter is telling the truth and she is really in danger but if they break the marriage arrangement, they will be branded as traitors and guilty of insubordination! The whole General's mansion will surely suffer extermination!


"Beatrix, we believe you but you know the consequences if we break the marriage arrangement..." Her mother told her.

"I know... I only tried to tell you... I cannot keep it anymore! If you cannot help me, I understand. I just want you to know the reason why I have to die now..." Beatrix smiled and then get the sharp shard to finish herself off but the general was able to prevent her from slitting her throat.

"Your mother told you that there will be grave consequences if this is exposed or if it failed but we did not tell you that we would not help you. You are our only daughter... How could we allow you to suffer while we, your Father General and your mother, a daughter of Prime Minister, are still here?" The General smiled arrogantly. "It is difficult and dangerous but not impossible!"

Her mother nodded in approval of her husband.

"Beatrix, we will help you until the end. We will protect you with everything we have!" Her mother assured her.

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