《Favored Empress Brings Chaos and Destruction (Book 1)》Page 21


She is afraid to die early but she also could not defy the imperial edict this time. The last time she acted selfishly, lots of lives were lost. The worse is she could not allow her deceased husband to remain childless and heirless. She needs to give him an heir through the help of his Imperial Brother, Emperor Andrew!

Her next concern is whether she could be able to bear a child in this lifetime because she never got pregnant even though all the physicians told them that they are both healthy and capable of having a child.

Another concern is Emperor Andrew had several women in his harem but no one got pregnant and gave birth to a child! Could it be Emperor Andrew is sterile in this lifetime or is it deliberate to protect his interest?

In the end, Emperor Andrew welcomed her into the palace. She was immediately promoted as Noble Consort. She understands that she will never be Empress in this lifetime because she is legally married to Prince Anders.

Although Prince Anders already passed away and she entered his Brother Emperor's harem, she will forever be viewed as the legal wife of Prince Anders in this lifetime and all the children she will give birth to will be acknowledged as the children of Prince Anders, not Emperor Andrew's children!

No legal wife of imperial family members could be legally married to two members of the imperial family. It is a first-come, first-served basis so it is legally impossible that she becomes Empress Beatrix again in this lifetime. The highest position, Emperor Andrew could give her, is Noble Consort but the courtyard and gifts given to her are suitable for the Empress of this empire.

"Forgive me, Your Majesty! It is improper to accept these great presents." She said and immediately kneeled.


"Why would it be improper?" Emperor Andrew personally helped her up. "Beatrix, I am no longer just your brother-in-law and you are not just my sister-in-law anymore. From this day forward, you are my Noble Consort."

And so that night, she became his woman again and again and again... She lost count of how many times. She is not surprised due to her previous life experiences with him. He changed a lot! His appetite and stamina are unbelievably high before but in this lifetime, he is a true monster in bed!!!

She decided not to be jealous like in her previous lifetimes. She needs to share him with other women or else, she will surely die from too much exhaustion but he is not visiting other women. He always spends his free time with her so she became the number one enemy of his other women! They joined forces in covertly scheming and fighting against her. Luckily, she knew how to covertly and directly protect herself.

She is so thankful that Emperor Andrew does not have an Empress yet or else, she needs to get up early even though her body is so exhausted.

She chose to wake up when the sun is at its highest. She could not help but be ashamed and angry at the same time. Her every first time with him ends up with her very tired but in this lifetime, her body is almost dying!

He looks so gentle in front of everyone but when they are alone he turned into a monster and eats her whole! He never stopped even when she begged him. It felt like he has some personal vendetta against her and he would not stop until he get his full revenge. He will only stop when she is already at her limit!


He is very different from Anders! Anders is so gentle and considerate. He knew when to stop...

She could never forget her first time with Prince Anders.

"Did I hurt you?" Prince Anders asked worriedly after taking her innocence. "I will stop if it hurts..."

"No...I am fine. We should continue..." She smiled sweetly while looking at his cute worried face. She feels that he will stop if she asks him but she chose not to because she understands his actions. She could see from his eyes the mixture of love and lust. She could not bear to stop him. "Just do it slowly until I could adjust..."

"Okay." He kissed her so gently and moved on top of her slowly but when she begged him for more, it became faster until they both reached it!

Emperor Andrew is excited to be with her again after he finished all of his tasks today but when he entered her bedroom, he heard her calling his brother's name again in her sleep... He did not hold her accountable when she did not wait for him but to always hear his brother's name in her sleep when they are together now is truly unforgivable!

He could not control the jealousy and insecurity again so he vented his emotion by being overly intimate with her! He wants her to love him! He wants to erase his brother on her body, mind, heart, and soul!

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