《Favored Empress Brings Chaos and Destruction (Book 1)》Page 17


"Do not worry about him. You know my brother... He is smart and strong so nothing bad will happen to him. He will come around once he is ready."

"You are right!"

After that, they were not able to see Prince Andrew. It was not surprising because the Emperor decided to send him as his representative to another empire.

The additional preparation for the wedding ceremony happened very fast. After one week, the wedding day comes. Everything about the wedding went according to plan and therefore it went well.

Prince Andrew was not able to attend the wedding celebration because he departed on the third day after Selection Day.

On the wedding night, Beatrix is so anxious! This is not the first time she married someone but it will be a different person to do it with.

She is very nervous but her worries are for naught. Prince Anders is so gentle the whole time so she did not feel discomfort afterward.

Prince Anders is a good husband. He is sweet, gentle, caring, and considerate towards her so their relationship is a great and happy one!

She also did her best to be a good wife to him. She tried to help him as best as she could. They are not only husband and wife but also best friends, partners, and supporters.

The only lacking in their relationship is the presence of a child to bind them closer and stronger to each other.

One year later, Prince Andrew went back from another empire. His looks appeared more mature yet more attractive than before!

When Prince Anders and Beatrix saw him, they thought that he is really fine all this time. This new version of him looks more domineering and capable. The husband and wife pair happily greeted him.

Prince Andrew only nodded to Prince Anders and looked directly at Beatrix. First is to her face then down to her belly!


Beatrix felt strange but never said a word especially when he finally smiled happily at them narrating his happily trip to different places.

She felt so happy that everything seems okay now. It appears that Prince Andrew let go of everything and seemed to move on pretty well so it did not take long before everything goes back to normal. They became close again like the time when they were children.

Prince Anders and Beatrix helped Crown Prince Andrew to prepare in taking the throne someday.

Crown Prince Andrew announced that he will be taking concubines soon. They are both happy for him that he finally moved on!

This time, they let their guards down. They will not feel bad or guilty anymore whenever they feel like getting intimate with each other and Crown Prince Andrew is around.

Prince Anders loves to spoil her and feed her personally. He loves to hug her, hold her hands, and kiss her. She does not have a problem with it because she is just being intimate with her husband and that is normal. They both did not care what other people will say especially since Crown Prince Andrew is doing great now and finally moved on.

"When are you going to give us grandchildren?" The Empress teased the couple.

"We will certainly work harder, Imperial Mother!" Prince Anders naughtily replied. "I and Beatrix look forward to it!"

"Yeah! What do you want? A boy or a girl?" Beatrix replied.

"Of course, I want six children! Three boys and three girls!"

"What?! Can we do that?!"

"That is why we need to work harder!" Prince Anders replied confidently.

The Emperor, Empress, and Beatrix could not help but laugh heartily at his dirty joke.

Everyone laughed except a certain someone who felt extremely uncomfortable with the topic.


No one noticed his strange and gloomy state except Beatrix who accidentally glanced at him while she is laughing. When she saw his facial expression, her laughter abruptly stopped! It was only for a fleeting moment and his expression turned to neutral again so she is probably just imagining it.

Two years later, the Empress got so sick and died, the Emperor felt so sad about her sudden departure. No matter what they do he remained depressed and soon he joined her in another world.

As expected, Crown Prince Andrew inherited the throne and became the next Emperor. His mansion was already filled with many beautiful women. He has more than one thousand concubines at the start of his reign.

In this empire, a man can choose to be monogamous like the late Emperor Claudius and Prince Anders, or be polygamous like the new Emperor Andrew. It is not strange to have only one wife or have as many wives and concubines as long as the man could afford it!

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