《Favored Empress Brings Chaos and Destruction (Book 1)》Page 18


Beatrix is not surprised and she has an idea of how wealthy Emperor Andrew is judging from her previous lifetimes. He is a natural talent in terms of earning a huge amount of money. She always thought that if it was not because of her in those lifetimes, he probably could reach up to twenty thousand concubines in one lifetime only!

Based on his status, looks, wealth, and appetite, she is not surprised why he needs a lot of women but this is none of her business now that she was able to get away and marry Prince Anders in this lifetime...

Three months later after Emperor Andrew's ascension to the throne, the neighboring empire in the south invaded the border and attacked three towns!

The small incident became huge within a few months. After a series of serious attacks, Emperor Andrew sent three generals and their troops to fight those who invaded but reality proved otherwise when they were defeated one after another!

This time, against the protests of some officials, the Emperor decided to send his one and only brother, Prince Anders to the battlefield. Beatrix cried when she heard about it.

"Do not worry about me. I promise to do my best and go back to you safely..." Prince Anders coaxed Beatrix.

"War of wits is different from real bloody war on the battlefield. I trust you but I do not trust the enemies on the battlefield. What if... what if..." Beatrix explained and continued crying. "I will go to the palace now! I will kneel to the Emperor and ask him not to send his brother, my husband to a cruel battlefield!"

"Beatrix, you know you cannot do that..." Prince Anders hugged his wife and patiently coaxed her.

"Why it has to be you?!! He still has several great generals, intelligent military strategists, and talented young officials!!! Why you of all people?!!"


"Shhhhh...You cannot say that. You cannot doubt His Majesty's thoughts about this matter. I, as a prince, need to defend the empire. My Imperial Brother trusted me so much and I am asking you to trust me too..."

"You cannot do this to me! You know how much I trust you. I am just worried that something bad will happen to you... I am afraid that you will not be with me anymore..." She silently wept.

"I know... You do not have to worry... Nothing bad will happen..." He convinced her or more likely, he wants to convince himself.

Prince Anders knew how serious the matter is and she is right, there is a possibility that he could never come back alive! It is truly a pity that they did not have children.

If she had more security through children, would she still be so sad and worried?

He thought sadly... He constantly thought about why he and Beatrix never had any children. They consulted several physicians and tried several methods but none of it works!

All of the physicians even those who do not know their identities said that they are both healthy and capable of producing children but why they still do not have a child?

He calmed himself and went back to the original issue.

"The empire is already in danger now. I have to protect the empire, the emperor, and its people, especially you, my beloved wife! If I could, I do not want to be separated from you but I cannot stay here comfortably when I know there is something I need to do." He explained calmly.

"I understand but I am really worried. I just cannot help it."

"I know. Just remember that I love you more than anything and I will do my best to return soonest."


She did not respond but only hugged him tighter and wept silently and miserably.

She is not only sad and worried but she is more afraid that she is right! She wants to stop him! Her instinct is telling her to stop him but she could never stop him and he would never stop too!

Prince Anders set off to the battlefield. Beatrix is worried for Prince Anders and angry at the Emperor but she could not show what she truly felt in public. She needs to save her husband's face and not make it more difficult for him.

She sadly looked at him as he began to set off. This is the first time, they will be parted from each other as a husband and wife.

"Beatrix, do you blame me for sending my brother to the battlefield?" Emperor Andrew asked her while she is still staring at her husband's departing image.

"I dare not, Your Majesty. I know that my husband needs to do his responsibility as a prince." She said flatly, suppressing her urge to punch him in the face. "Forgive me, Your Majesty, I have to withdraw now for I still have so many things to do now that my husband is away..."

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