《Favored Empress Brings Chaos and Destruction (Book 1)》Page 16


Beatrix woke up. She scanned her surroundings and noticed that she is inside the palace. Later, the maids hurriedly prepared her for the important event.

"What event?" She curiously asked praying that she is not yet too late.

"The time has come for you to select who among the two princes would you like to spend the rest of your life." Her maid informed her.

"Really?! Is that today?!" She asked excitedly.

Just right on time! Great!

The maids nodded, feeling that their future young princess is weird today...

But all in all, this should be a happy event.

"Prepare me for the event. Just make it simple and fast!" She giggled excitedly.

The maids did speed up their work but never dared to make it simple. She looked so beautiful and regal today so fitting to be the future princess!

In front of so many people, she smiled so sweetly as she saw the two princes.

Well, at least, it appears that Andrew did not play tricks. I should be able to successfully choose Anders this time and save myself from certain doom!

Prince Andrew seems calmer and happier than usual while Prince Anders looks so down and defeated. She felt so worried...

He might not want me to pick him that is why he looked like a loser. I am sorry, Anders but you do not have a choice! You need to marry me and save me from your jinx imperial brother! I do not want to die again because of him!

She composed herself and started her simple speech.

"We grew up together so we do have a lot of happy memories. From the moment I saw you, I knew that you will be my special someone someday. Day by day, you always treat me right. You never asked for anything in return. You are always there for me so I guess the time has come for me to be there for you too..." She happily smiled as she looked at the two princes standing side by side but she focused her eyes on Prince Anders. "Prince Anders, will you let me be the person to marry you and grow old with you?" She happily expressed her intention to marry Prince Anders.


After everyone heard her last statement, they are very surprised! Or should I say shocked!

What?! Am I hearing right?! Why does she want to marry the second prince instead? Is she crazy?! Prince Andrew is more promising than Prince Anders... Why marry the weaker option???

She could see their reaction and she understood. Of course, it is normal to think that way but who is she? She does not want to die early and miserably again! Desperate times call for desperate measures!

The Emperor and Empress were also initially shocked but happily accepted her decision.

Her eyes saw the two princes. She did not know why her eyes focused first on Prince Andrew but she instantly turned her eyes away as she saw that there is something weird with the way he looked at her. It was so scary, cold, and dangerous! It is making her hairs stand on end!

She stared at Prince Anders instead, he is still shocked and speechless! She grew anxious and fearful that he did not want to marry her and just could not find the words to refuse her. Although fearful of the person beside him, she went closer to Prince Anders.

"Anders, please say something... Don't you want to marry me?" She asked and looked into the depths of his eyes.

"Of course, I would like to! I just did not expect that you will choose me. I am thankful! You know how I feel about you. I just could not find the right words to tell you. You do not know how happy I am!" He explained.

"I know and we have a lifetime for that." She smiled happily as she could see the sincerity and pure happiness in his eyes.

She looked at Prince Andrew and smiled happily.


"Will you please give us your blessing, Your Highness Prince Andrew?"

It took a little bit of time before he coldly respond.

"Of course, if that is what you want... I am happy for you..."

Is it only her? When he said 'happy' she could feel a very strong killing aura from him but his face is neutral so she is probably thinking incorrectly.

"Thank you, Your Highness Prince Andrew!"

"Of course..."

That was the last thing he said before he bade farewell to his Imperial Father and Imperial Mother. He excused himself from the room...

She saw him leaving...

She felt sad as she saw his lonely figure departing... Her attention went back to Prince Anders when he called her name.

"What is the matter? I called your attention several times but you are still looking at him... Are you having second thoughts now?"

"No, I am just worried about him..."

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