《Favored Empress Brings Chaos and Destruction (Book 1)》Page 5


After that, Prince Andrew withdrew from both of them. He suddenly became a different person. Later, Beatrix heard that he is always flirting with different noblewomen and then was grounded by the emperor and empress for visiting brothels. She controlled her sad and disappointed feeling, convincing herself that this is what she wanted. She wants to draw a line between her and Prince Andrew and then marry Prince Anders in this lifetime.

The time has come for her to announce who among the two princes she is going to marry. Everyone in the palace thinks that she will choose Prince Anders and this celebration is only a formality. However, something happened that turned the world upside down!

Emperor Claudius, Empress Alyna, Beatrix, and other important people scanned the banquet hall to look for Prince Anders so that Beatrix will be able to announce to everyone her decision. She had a bad premonition when the servants could not find him so everyone gathered to look for him in every courtyard.

The emperor was very mad, the empress fainted, and Beatrix was so shocked when they caught him in the act of copulating with another noblewoman! The worse is they are not the only ones who witnessed the immoral deed and it appears that even in front of many eyes they continued doing it as if they are possessed! One strange thing is Prince Anders is moaning, dirty talking while calling Beatrix's name and doing it with that woman while the woman is moaning and calling Prince Andrew's name! It was strange and suspicious! If dirty words could impregnate, their ears will give birth now. The two people only stopped what they are doing after they were splashed with extremely cold water. The woman screeched while Prince Anders was disoriented for a moment before the two realized the grave mistake that they did!


"Beatrix, let me explain..." Prince Anders pleaded with Beatrix.

Beatrix shook her head, cried, and run away. After the incident, Prince Anders was forced to marry Lady Anne because he took her purity and the lady's family is demanding justice! It was a blow to the imperial family's face so no matter how much Prince Anders refused it and explained that he and Lady Anne was framed, the emperor would not listen!

Prince Anders explained to Beatrix what happened to him at that time. Beatrix thought that it seems that he was framed by Prince Andrew after hearing his explanation. He asked for her forgiveness and also asked her if she still wants to marry him regardless of what happened, she agreed because she likes him and of course, she does not want to marry Prince Andrew and repeat the same mistake! Both of them tried to sway the emperor's decision but for some reason, the emperor still thought that Beatrix should marry Prince Andrew and Prince Anders should take responsibility.

Beatrix could feel the murderous intent when she is begging the emperor to let her marry Prince Anders. She initially thought that it was the emperor's wrath but that cold, dark, and dangerous aura came from beside her, from Prince Andrew's direction! In the end, Emperor Claudius declared that Prince Andrew and Beatrix should marry after one week because the wedding preparation was already prepared a long time ago while Prince Anders should take Lady Anne as his concubine after one month.

"Do you take the decree, First Son?" The emperor asked Prince Andrew.

"This son thanks Imperial Father for your great blessing! This son will gladly comply!" Prince Andrew replied enthusiastically to the annoyance of the two people present.

Both Prince Anders and Beatrix were shocked and pleaded more but this time the emperor was so annoyed and mad that he changed his decree! He decreed that Prince Andrew and Beatrix should marry tomorrow while Prince Anders should marry Lady Anne as an imperial wife after one week! This time, Beatrix and Prince Anders did not dare to refuse anymore, afraid that the emperor will punish them severely as they could see that the emperor is going to explode so soon!


"This son thanks Imperial Father for the wonderful present! This son will gladly send gifts to the bride's family and prepare for tomorrow's wedding ceremony." Prince Andrew said righteously in front of everyone.

Beatrix never felt this angry in her two lifetimes! She felt a strong urge to personally strangle someone to death but this person deliberately ignored her looks of daggers!

The wedding was prepared a long time ago. It was the type of wedding many women will dream of but contrary to the feeling of the annoyed bride who feels cheated, everything is pure nonsense and ridiculous! How did this happen?!! She vowed to never marry him again but what now?!! Her plan was crushed and went to the drain!!! The ceremony and celebration went smoothly. The bride and groom are now inside their wedding chamber...

"Do not get near me! I do not care where His Highness will sleep but not near me!!!" She said then laid down under the protection of a blanket.

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