《Favored Empress Brings Chaos and Destruction (Book 1)》Page 6


Beatrix looks like a cocoon now. Later, when she is asleep she relaxed her defenses and so the husband laid under the blanket, hugged his beautiful wife in his arms, and kiss her soft lips once...twice...thrice. He is tempted for more but cannot bear to force her and so he closed his eyes and sleep...

In the middle of the night, the husband woke up when something is crawling on his private! When he checked it... It was his wife's naughty hand! He observed her and realized she is sleeping deeply.

He thought that if he discovered that his wife is deliberately making him suffer like this, he will behave like a bandit and steal his wife's precious treasure. Anyway, as her husband that treasure is rightfully his!!!

He gulped as he imagined doing it with her. Again, he is tempted to behave like a scoundrel until he heard something...

"Andrew, stop fooling around with your concubines... This Empress is so mad at you..."

Huh? Does she think she is the Empress in her sleep? And Me, the Emperor is fooling around with the concubines?

He smiled naughtily then replied:

"Okay, my Empress Beatrix, my lovely only wife...if I behave, will you willingly give yourself to me?"

Beatrix smiled in her sleep then grabbed his collar and kissed him passionately! Her naughty hands surveyed his neck, shoulders, chest, stomach, and even his...precious treasure!

His eyes went wide when she caresses his...his... great treasure!

His desire escalated more!

Just as he wants to deepen the kiss and explore her body, she stopped and then stay still as if nothing happened!

He wants to cry but cannot when he figures out that she is truly asleep and not faking it! He realized that she is so cruel!


His whole being is on fire! His heartbeat is racing wildly and his huge treasure is throbbing and badly wants to have a release!

He is tempted to wake her up and force her to take responsibility but he cannot bear to wake her up seeing her beautiful and peaceful sleep. He went out secretly and went to his secret place since young. This is not the first time that her beauty tortured him like this. There are several incidents that even if he is beaten to death, he will never confess!

Every time is just a coincidence. He has one hobby and that is he never went to sleep until she is asleep.

One night while the imperial family is camping in the forest, he saw her leave in secret, he followed her because of worry but he did not know if he should feel blessed or cursed once he found out what she is up to.

When he arrived near the waterfall, he saw her removing her clothes! He wants to look away but he cannot do it so every curve of her body has been imprinted on his mind, heart, and soul!

He knew that what he is doing is forbidden but his eyes followed her small movements in the water.

He convinced himself that he is just guarding her and protecting her against more immoral individuals than himself!

Later, she dressed again so he hid carefully before he is discovered by her but those memories remained on him and tormented him several times!

The second time is when she secretly stole a jar of liquor. He is worried that she will be caught so he grabbed the jar and lifted it above his head.

Who would have thought that she will wrestle with him for it? She even climbed on his body and encircled her thighs and legs on his waist, unconsciously rubbing her ample bosom to his chest as she tried to get the jar above his head. This ambiguous position is affecting him so great that he lost his balance and tumbled backward!


She landed on top of him in a more ambiguous position than before. She whispered to his ears and sexily told him: "You cannot beat me, Andrew!" then get the jar and prepared to stand up but she cried "Ah! It hurts!"

"What hurts?" He asked.

"I hurt my butt and my hips... Andrew, I cannot move... It hurts!" She cried desperately and unconsciously making small movements that are tickling him and affecting his great treasure below...

"Shhhhh, quiet!" He hissed. "Do you want to get the attention of others?"

He was able to see her eyes widen when she realized her position.

"What should we do now?"

"Do not worry. Let me move slowly...." He said while gently lifting his body to a sitting position.

Ahhhhh slowly...it hurts..." She let out a cry of pain as he moves.

He covered her mouth and said: "Do you want others to hear and think that we are doing something great and invite them to come here?"

He told her because her cry of pain can also be interpreted as a cry of pleasure. She shook her head and bear with the pain.

Finally, he carried her back to her room secretly and place her down on her bed.

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