《The Golden Girl》18. Stand by me? (Part Two)


And in the middle of my chaos, there was you...



"Why didn't you bring your car once again?" Letting out a frustrated sigh, she opened the passenger door, letting him in.

"I didn't want to drive. And well, I found Carlos on the way, so just asked for a ride from him. Why are you so annoyed, anyway? I am not gonna do something mischievous out there, I mean I will try not to." He said with a pout, before locking up the door.

"Ugh, you are so annoying, I mean, I did not tell you to come, but you decided to tag along anyway. And yah, try to behave yourself, I do not want those kids to be influenced by you." She said, glaring at him as she started the ignition.

"Yes, mom." He rolled his eyes before pressing the radio.

One Direction's 'Little things' bursted out from the speakers and horror flash in his eyes.

No one can save him from the torture now.

He was just about to change the song when, "Don't you dare touch it."

"Nooooooo, please nooooooo, please please don't do this to me, please." He whined, practically begging her.

Faye loved One Direction and he, he couldn't bear them.

"You were the one who wanted to come. Now just suck it up or I am gonna throw you out of my car." She warned.

He completely sat still, not uttering a single word.

"Your hand fits in mine

Like it's made just for me

But bear this mind

It was meant to be

And I am joining up the dots

With the freckles on your cheeks

And it all makes sense to me"

And when she joined in, humming to the song herself, "How can you even like them?" River started whining.

"Cause they are perfect. Now shut up." She said, her eyes fixed on the road.

"I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes

When you smile you've never loved

Your stomach or your thighs

The dimples in your back

At the bottom of your spine

But I will love them endlessly"

"I won't let these little things slip

Out of my mouth

But if I do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to

I'm in love with you and all these little things..."

"Please, please stop this..." He cried, his hands forming fists.

"And all these little things..." Faye sang along, completely ignoring his constant cries.

"You can't go to bad, without a cup of tea

Maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep...

And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep


Though it makes no sense to me..."

"This is pure torture." River cried, once again.

"Stop complaining."

"And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth

Cause it's you, oh it's you, it's you they add up to

And I'm in love with you

And all these little things

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth

But if it's true, it's you, they add up to

I'm in love with you and all your little things..."

He grumbled under his breath as soon as it ended and before some other song could come up, he switched off the system.

"Now, wasn't that refreshing? Oh, by the way, we are gonna drop by the church. Have to talk to Father Joseph." She said, a grin occupying her features.

"Then we will have to take some flowers, as I will visit my mom too."


"Thank you so much Faye, you should let you father and mother know that, we all are really thankful for all the support and love for this church." He said as Faye held out the orange envelope for him to take.

"It's our pleasure Father. This church has always been dear to my grandpa and honestly, being able to do something for this place, is like doing something for him, I should be glad that I got something to give you and this place." She said, a warm smile complimenting her features.

"It's all your kindness Faye...." "Anyways, I heard that River is here with you..."

"Yah, yah, he is..."

The warm smile never left her face.

"How is he doing? Really?" Concern was laced in his voice.

"Better... A lot better..."

"That's good. Finally, he's moving with the flow... He's letting her go..."

"He's healing... that's all I need..."

At that, Father Joseph threw her a wide grin and led her out of the church.

"Don't you wanna meet him?" She asked as she passed the gate.

He simply shook his head and after bidding her farewell, he walked away from there.


She reached the cemetery after a two minute walk and instantly made her way towards the place where she knew River would be found.

His step mother's graveyard.

As soon as she reached the place, a small smile made its way towards her face.

She saw River sitting there, a bouquet of white lilies on his hands.

"Hey River." She called for him, hoping that she will not have to face something that she had not prepared herself for.

"What took you so long?" He stood up and turned around to face her. The smile that was complimenting his face made her stomach feel butterflies.


She instantly ran to him and jumped upon him, wrapping her arms around his shoulder.

"What's up with the affection?" River asked, chuckling.

"I am happy." She said, separating herself from him.

"Aha?" He raised his eyebrows looking at her.

"Yup." And she instantly turned around, walking towards the car.

She was happy cause he was not crying, she was happy cause when she looked at him, he did not look broken, she was happy cause he was smiling, she was happy cause he was finally letting things go.

"Wait for me." She heard his faint voice from behind and turning around, stick out her tongue playfully at him, before running away from there.


"Faye, I missed you..." A little blonde boy of about five ran to Faye as soon as she got out of the car.

"I missed you too, my love." She said with a warm smile, lunging up the little boy.

"How are you all doing?" She asked as he pecked her cheek, a grin occupying his little adorable face.

"Ryan left the orphanage..." Instantly, a pout engulfed his features.

Faye was just about to ask him something when River walked up to them, a small smile occupying his face.

"Who is he?" The little boy threw River the stink eye, wrapping protective arms around Faye.

"Oh, he's a friend." Faye said, oblivious to the glares that he was throwing River.

"He is your boyfriend, isn't he?" Heat erupted to her cheeks as soon as those words left the boy's lips and her eyes narrowed by a fraction.

"Easy there, young man. I am not here to steal your princess. We are just friends." River said with a laugh before ruffling the little kid's hair.

"Well, then, I am Lasso and yah, it's nice to meet you..." The little boy said, extending his hand for River to take.

River shook his head with a smile before taking his hand, "And I am River."

"Are you sure that you are not Faye's boyfriend?" Lasso looked at him with curiosity.

"Last time, I checked, no, we were nothing except friends." He said.

Before anyone of them could say something else, the orphanage door opened and a swarm of children ran towards Faye, a grin occupying on each and everyone's face.

"Faye is here..."

"We missed you so much."

"Her hair has grown long."

"She's looking so pretty."

"Who's that with him?"

"Is he her boyfriend?"

"Someone call Mother."

Faye kneeled down to look at all of them. There were kids of three or four, there were kids of fourteen or twelve and everyone had a toothy grin placed in their features.

"I have gifts for all of you." She said, excitedly and the scream that left from their mouths was enough for her to forget all of her worries.


"So, yah, they took Ryan with them. Finally, he got a home Faye... I am so happy for them." The nun that looked after the kids of the orphanage said to Faye as they made their way towards the hallway.

They were talking about one of the kids of the orphanage, who was apparently Lasso's brother and was just adopted by a family.

"That's great, Nancy. I just wished I could see him again..." Faye trailed before enveloping the nun into a hug.

"Me too, Faye. These kids are my everything and separating from even one of them is heartbreaking for me. But then, once again, he is now in better hands and will get everything that I was unable to give him."

"You are giving them everything that you are capable of, I don't think they need anything else..."

"Thanks..." "Anyways, who is that boy with you? I must say Faye, he is great with the kids."

"He... He is a friend..." She simply said, a warm smile erupting in her features out of nowhere.

"A friend... I see, well, you should bring him with you at times."

"I promise, I will. Anyways, it's getting late now... I think we should leave."

"Aha... Just do not forget to visit again." And after giving her one last hug, Faye made her way towards the hall, where River was playing with the kids.

The scene that she witnessed on reaching the hall, made her smile so big, that the corners of her lips started to hurt.

There sat River on the floor, all the kids fast asleep around him and Lasso on his lap.

"Hey, it's time to go." She whispered, carefully enough to not break anyone's sleep.

He silently nodded before grabbing Lasso and placing him in the couch.

They silently walked out of there and after bidding goodbyes to Nancy, walked up to their car.

The drive to River's house was drifted in silence, a comfortable silence. No one said a thing, both of them just sat there, with warm smile on their faces.

"Thanks, for taking me there." He whispered as soon as they reached his house.

"Yah, whatever." She said casually, she herself walking out of the car.

"No, really, I had a great time." And he pulled her into an unexpected hug, engulfing her and lying his head on her neck.

"Me too River, I had a great time with you too." She whispered, before wrapping her arms around him and closing her eyes.



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