《True Love and Romance》Chapter twelve


Juliet heated up a bowl of chicken soup since she was still feeling nauseous. She also made herself a cup of peppermint tea, she had been told that peppermint was perfect for nausea and cramps. She put on her robe and carefully sipped the warm tea, which she thought was fabulous. She took small bites of the soup, as she didn't want to upset her stomach by eating too fast.

As soon as she finished, Juliet put her dishes in the dink and decided to take a warm bubble bath. She ran the water and added her chamomile soap to the bath. She also lit a couple of candles, which immediately smelled like apple-cinnamon. Juliet loved that smellsmell so much. She turned off the water, undressed, and got into the bath. "Oh sweet Jesus." She said as she felt her body relax into the water. She had never felt this relaxed in a long time. Juliet bathed for about an hour and then drained the bath water and got dressed. She had felt so much better after the bath.

She put on her maroon cashmere sweater and a pair of skinny jeans and she put her hair up into a bun and put on a dash of makeup. She wanted to look dashing for Ian when he got off of work. It was now going on 4:00, which means Ian comes home in an hour. Juliet sat outside for a while. It was 50 degrees and it was slightly cloudy. She closed her eyes as a gentle breeze blew through her hair. She pictured her and Ian with their baby. She smiled at the thought of that. She already couldn't wait for the baby to get here. It started to snow when she opened her eyes. Juliet didn't mind the snow, she just hated the bitter cold.

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