《True Love and Romance》Chapter eleven


While Juliet just watching TV she started feeling nauseated. Suddenly she ran straight to the bathroom and vomited two or three times. She slowly got to her feet and slowly drank some water. She was wondering why is she felt so sick all of a sudden. Then she remembered the conversation she had with Ian earlier. She put on on a jacket and walked up to the pharmacy store to get a pregnancy test. Thoughts were running through her mind. She knew someday she wanted kids, but question is, did Ian? And are they even ready? Juliet paid for the pregnancy test and left the pharmacy store. On our way home she saw Ian outside of his workplace.

Shit. She wasn't sure how he would react when he saw her with the pregnancy test. She sighed and close your eyes. "Juliet!" Ian called out to her. "Oh, um, hey baby!" Juliet said. "What's up?" "On break a bit early." Ian said as he walked towards her. "What are you up to?" Juliet shrugged and replied, "I had to stop at the pharmacy store." "Oh? For what? Are you alright?" Ian asked.

Juliet silenced him with a kiss. "I'm fine. I mean, I did get a bit sick earlier, but I'm fine now." She assured him. Ian looked at her funny. "It's a pregnancy test isn't it?" He said. Juliet bit her lip as she looked at the ground, her face slightly red. "Yes." She said quietly. She tried not to let Ian see her tears of shame. She was stressed about all of this. She eventually wanted to have a baby with Ian, but she was afraid he didn't. "Why are you crying?" Ian asked her.

Juliet turned away from him. "Because... Let's face it. I have always wanted to eventually have a baby with you, but I don't know if you feel the same way." She started sobbing as she sunk to the ground. Ian looked at her sadly and sat down next to her. "Hey." He said as he put an arm around her. "I do want to have a baby with you." Juliet looked at him through her tears. "Seriously? You mean that?" She said. "I do." Ian said softly. Juliet smiled as he dried her eyes. "You want to come back to the cabin with me for a moment, so I can take the test?" She asked as he helped her up.


"Of course." Ian replied. They went to Juliet's cabin and Juliet went to the bathroom to take the pregnancy test. She came out a couple minutes later and her and Ian had to wait a while. Juliet took Ian's hand and gently squeezed it and looked back down at the pregnancy test. Her eyes grew big. It was... positive! "Oh Lord." Juliet gasped. "It's... It's positive!" Ian's eyes also grew big. "For real?" He said. Juliet nodded. "Yes." Ian immediately hugged her and held her tight. They couldn't believe it. They were going to have a baby. "I'm so happy. I'm... I'm almost speechless." Ian said as he paced back and forth. "Me too babe. Oh but the changed it will do to my body though." Juliet said thoughtfully.

"My stomach will eventually get huge as so will my breasts." "Oh you don't say." Ian chuckled. "I'm going to love that." Juliet laughed. "No but really though. This is a huge change." She said as she plopped on the couch. "It will all be worth it." Ian said as he kissed her stomach. Juliet smiled and hugged him as he had to go back to work. "I'll see you later this evening, okay?" Juliet nodded and Ian left. She smiled and placed a hand on her stomach. She is pregnant. Her and Ian are going to have a baby.

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