《True Love and Romance》Chapter thirteen


Juliet went back inside and made herself a cup of peppermint cocoa and had a turkey sandwich for lunch. With her being pregnant, she definitely knew she had to eat healthy. It was now going on 3:30 and Juliet decided to take a nap. She had 2 more hours until Ian came home. Juliet laid on the couch and closed her eyes. She didn't wake up until exactly 5:00, which was when Ian got off of work. "Shit!" Juliet said as she sprung from the couch. She looked out of the window. Ian wasn't home yet. Juliet smirked.

She wanted to surprise him when he got home. She stripped off all of her clothes and got into the bed and covered up. She heard Ian's car pull up. He shut off the engine, locked the door and walked into the cabin. "Babe." He said as he took off his jacket. "I'm home." "Come here." Juliet replied from the bedroom. Ian chuckled and walked into the bedroom. He froze where he stood when he saw Juliet. "Welcome home." Juliet said with a wink.

"I love what I see." Ian said as he removed his shirt. He walked over to Juliet and kissed her as he playfully grabbed her breasts. Juliet unzipped his pants and Ian removed them and got into the bed with her kissing her neck and teasing her a little and then they made sweet love. "Wow. That was intense." Juliet said as she cuddled up to Ian. He smiled as he held her tight. "Indeed it was." He agreed. They got dressed and Juliet suggested they have salads for supper that night. Ian agreed, since it would be good for the baby.

Juliet said she'd get supper ready, so she told Ian to just relax. He crashed on the couch as she prepared the salads. she cut up the lettuce and cabbage, then she diced up some tomatoes and sprinkled Parmesan cheese onto their salads, adding a dash of Italian dressing. "Supper's ready babe." Juliet announced. "Coming." Ian replied. He sat down at the dining room table and poured himself a glass of wine. "Wow that actually looks good." Ian said, referring to the salad.


"Thanks." Juliet said. She joined Ian at the table and dug into her salad. "So how tare you feeling?" Ian asked as he sipped his wine. "Eh. Not as nauseated as earlier, so not too bad." Juliet replied. Ian smiled as he ate his salad. "I can't wait to see the baby bump." He said softly. Juliet blushed. "Awe. Babe." She chuckled.

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